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Jorge's P.O.V.

Mom arrived early today after school which was good because I didn't want to see anyone. Especially didn't want to talk.
We arrived home and the first thing I did when I entered my room was throw myself onto the bed.
"Jorge." My mom knocked at the door I had left open.
I asked what with my face against the pillow.
"Jorge." She repeated louder.
"Yes?" I sat up, very annoyed.
"You have someone at the door waiting for you." She answered.
"If it's Cindy, send her away."
"Its not her."
"Who is- never mind. Whomever it is, send them away. I'm tired." I demanded.
I laid my face back onto the pillow, and suddenly felt my legs being dragged and *thump* I landed on the floor.
"What the hell, mom?" I asked, getting up and turning around.
"Go answer the person at the door." She stated, pointing towards the front of the house.
I fixed my hair, straighten my T-shirt, and began walking. Once I reached the front door I turned to mom.
"Happy?" I asked.
"Ecstatic." She grinned, and walked away.
I exhaled, and then opened the door.
"Hey." She greeted.
My eyebrows furrowed, and I was tempted to just close the door on her.
"Can we talk?" She asked.
"What about?" I asked.
"About you... And others."
"I don't have time for this." I replied, closing the door.
She stopped it with her hand.

Never noticed how strong she was.

"Make it quick, please." I mumbled.
"Got it."
We took a seat on the couch, far away from one another.
"How have you been doing?" She asked.
"Fine and dandy."
"Jorge... No offense, but you have a particular odor..." She half whispered.
I looked away, "So you came here to talk about how I smell?"
"No. Look, I'll get straight to it. Crystal told me the whole truth about the break up." Savannah began.
My eyes widened, but I didn't look at her. "What of it?"
"Well, the thing is, she told me not to tell you."
"So you came to let me know that you know, but you won't be telling me?" I questioned.
"I will be telling you, only I don't want you to react harshly because then Crystal will know I told you." She answered.
After a few seconds, I nodded my head slowly. She explained how it was Cindy's fault and how she threatened Crystal. So to save the emotional hurt and embarrassment, Crystal broke it off.
"Jorge." Savannah lowered her voice. "Crystal may act like the embarrassing stories don't hurt her, but they do. She isn't all that strong as she wants to be."
I nodded my head.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah." I replied.
"How do you feel about her?"
"I've always like her. Since our first conversation, she sparked my interest. I had never looked for anyone after Cindy and I ended, but Crystal showed up. I like how she's funny, honest, and very intelligent."
Savannah had a small grin on her face. "That's nice. She still thinks good of you as well."
There was a moment of silence until I asked, "Would she answer my text if I message her?"
"I'd like to say yes, but I'm not quite sure. Right now she's busy working anyway."
I nodded.
"Can you answer me something?" She questioned.
"I'm guessing you know the answer to this question, so... how did Joel get the bruises?"
I cleared my throat, "I really don't think I can tell you. This is something you'd have to ask him yourself."
She nodded her head, whispered okay, and then I walked her out the door.
I sniffed my armpits and flinched at the smell.

Man, do I stink.

I walked to my room, grabbed clean clothes, and took a long shower, all while thinking about what to say to Cindy.
When I got out, I stood at my need and reached for my phone when I got a knock at my door.
I glanced up and it was Gracie.
"Food is ready. Oh my gosh..." She murmured.
She ran out the door shouting, "Jorge took a shower! He finally doesn't stink anymore!"
I laughed at her reaction, and smiled to myself.

It feels good not to be so sad anymore...

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