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Savannah's P.O.V.
We were in class and Crystal was still having second thoughts on whether she should lie to her parents or not.
"This wouldn't be the first you'll lie, so why is it such a big deal now?" I asked.
"Because what if they find out that I lied just to hang out with a guy!"
"They won't find out, unless they snoop through your messages or pictures if you take any." I replied.
"You are the one who takes photos, so if you do, don't put them on Facebook or anything." She demanded.
I laughed, nodding my head. I thought about whether or not Esai was going to be there at the concert. He hasn't messaged me all day, so I shrugged it off. I was going to hang with Crystal, Jorge, and Joel either way.
We began doing our work for our creative writing class, and every once in a while, Crystal would bring up the concert.
"So you like him, a lot?" I asked.
"Yes..." She whispered.
"But you barely know him! What if he does drugs or something?" I asked. "I like him, he seems like a good guy, but you never know."
"And what about you!" She shouted. "It's obvious that you like Esai, yet you're leading on Joel."
"Shut up! You're yelling everything. Use nicknames." I stated.
"Fine. Shaggy is Joel and Thor is Esai."
"And your bae?" I asked.
"Ironman." She smiled.
"Omg." I laughed. "He doesn't even have muscles."
"Neither do any of yours!"
"Okay, calm down. Look, I'm not even sure if I like any of them."
"Give me the pros and cons for each guy."
"Okay, pros for Esai, I mean Thor, he is nice, cute, funny, and plays video games. You know me, I think nerds are cute. Plus, he has twin DNA, I've always wanted twin kids."
"This girl, you're already planning a family with him."
"No, I'm not. Just listen." I said. "Cons for him, he is completely clueless and is in college already, so I wouldn't be able to see him much."
"Now Shaggy." Crystal said.
"Pros, nice, cute, sweet, funny, has hazel eyes, and is very good at drawing. Plus, he also walks me to class. Cons... Well, I don't know yet."
"So Shaggy is first bae." Crystal replied.
I laughed, "Sure. Whatever you say. Now you."
"Ironman, he is funny, straight forward like me, is in a rock band, likes to skate, has colored eyes and long beautiful hair." She daydreamed.
"I thought you didn't like guys in rock bands and who skate?" I asked.
"Yeah, but with him it's all acceptable." She grinned.
I laughed, and we continued talking. We spoke about what we should wear, and if she should sleep at my house after the concert. Time passed, and soon it was our last class which we had together as well. We decided to ask for the work and head to the library instead of staying in class. We did as planned, and were heading to the library.
"I need to go to the restroom." I stated.
"Ugh. You always need to go. I'll meet you at the library, I don't want to go." Crystal replied.
"Fine." I said, and took a left turn as she continued walking.
I did my business, and decided to reapply my eyeliner and mascara. Once done, I walked out of the restroom and headed to the library. I got a message from Esai on twitter saying, "Turn around." I turned and saw him not too far from me.
"Hey!" I exclaimed with open arms.
I had never been the type to hug people, but since I had met Joel, I got used to it.
Esai walked into my arms, and we hugged for a while as he buried his head on my shoulder.
"What are you doing here?" I asked with a smile.
"I was visiting a pass teacher. Are you skipping class?" He asked.
"Nah, I was heading to the library."
"Cool, I'll walk with you. I'm heading there as well." He smiled, placing his left arm over my shoulder.
I wanted to ask what he was doing, but it would have made things awkward, and I sort of liked his arm being there. We reached the doors to the library and he opened the door for me. I immediately found Crystal sitting at the first table in sight, reading a magazine as usual. She didn't bother looking up, and I looked up to face Esai.
"I'm going to talk to the assistant librarians for a while, do you mind?" He asked.
"Not at all." I smiled.
I left him, and went up to Crystal.
"Why are you so happy?" She asked.
I exhaled deeply. "No reason."
"Did Thor message you?"
"Yeah, he did." I whispered. "And then we hugged and he put his arm over my shoulder."
"How did he do that through text?" Crystal questioned.
"What?" I asked confused. "Oh, not through message. He's here. Well, he's talking to the librarians."
"What, where?" She asked, wanting to see him.
"Talking to the librarians." I repeated.
"And he wants to talk to you?"
"I don't know, he just said he would walk me here because he was heading this way."
We both looked at him again, and he turned. We quickly looked away and I laughed, turning back again. He was still staring, with a smile this time. I smiled back, and then we both looked away. I sat down with Crystal and helped her do the work, which was quite simple so we finished within twenty minutes.
"Doesn't Jorge, I mean Ironman, have library assistant at this time?" I asked.
"Yeah... But I haven't seen him." She replied.
"I'll go ask where he's at." I stood up and as I was about to walk away, she pulled me by the arm.
"What are you, crazy?" She half whispered.
"A little, yeah."
"You are not going to ask!"
"Why not?"
"Because then he'll know I like him."
After a few seconds, I sat back down. "Fine. I won't ask."
"Ask what?" A voice questioned.
Crystal and I looked up to find none other than Jorge himself.
"Hey, we were just talking about you." I greeted, and then cussed in my head for saying the most idiotic thing.
"Oh, okay." He replied.
I rolled my eyes, clueless like Esai. Speaking of, I looked up and saw him walking our way.
"Jorge?" Esai asked.
"Hey, man! Didn't see you walk in." Jorge replied.
"Can't believe you have this as a class. I suppose Rikko and I were a huge impact on you. You're taking most of the classes we did."
"Whatever." He laughed. "Where is Rikko?"
"He had to go back to Houston."
Jorge nodded in understandment and both guys then turned to face us.
Esai cleared his throat, "I'm Esai, I don't believe we've met." He engender an arm towards Crystal. She shook his hand and introduced herself.
A little while passed, and Esai had to go because he had a college class at three. He left by waving goodbye to Jorge and Crystal, and hugging me bye.
"Do you need to leave to?" Crystal asked Jorge.
"You trying to rush me out?" He joked.
She laughed, a little embarrassed, "No, but I mean, they don't have anything for you to do?"
"They usually don't because everybody in the first, second, and third and periods do everything." He replied.
It got quiet, and I cleared my throat. "I need to do something on the computer so why don't both you stay here, and I'll go over there."
I walked away quickly so Crystal wouldn't pull me back. I wanted to give them some time alone to get to know each other. Logging into the computer, I went on Pinterest and browsed through make up ideas and DIY's. The day was finally over, and the announcements were on. I logged off the computer and went back to Crystal where surprisingly I found her alone.
"Hey, where did he go?" I asked.
"He went to grab his backpack and buy me a water. I was thirsty." She chuckled.
"Wow, you already have him in control. He's going to be doing whatever you say."
"Good, I won't have to hold my heavy backpack anymore."
We laughed and then the bell rang that signaled it was the end of the day.
"Do you want to wait for him in here?" I asked.
She was looking at her phone before she answered. "No, he texted that he would wait for me at the front of the library.
I nodded and we walked out and met him. He was hanging out with Scott, Frank, Joel, and some other guy. We went up to Jorge and he was smiling at Crystal.
"Here's your water." He said.
"Thanks." She smiled.
"This is Joe, and every other guy you've already met. Joe, this is Crystal and her friend Savannah." Jorge introduced.
I waved hi, and we stayed for a little while longer util the assistant principal was demanding us to go inside the library, or head to the bus area or pick up area. We walked towards the pick up area, and Joel walked by my side.
He softly pushed me with his shoulder, smiling and greeting, "Hey."
I let out a chuckle, "Hey."
"How was your day?" He asked.
I thought about Esai visiting and I couldn't stop smiling. "It was good, what about your day."
"One of the best."
"Why do you say that?"
"I got to eat lunch with a pretty girl." He stated, looking at me and waiting for a reaction.
My eyes widened a little, and I looked away, speechless.

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