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*Jorge's P.O.V.*
As time passed, my eyes were feeling heavy and she had her feet relaxed on my thighs. I didn't want to get up and move to a bigger couch because of pure laziness, and she for the same reason. I looked at her, and she had her head resting on the armrest of the couch. She seemed to be asleep, and I checked the time. It was two o'clock in the morning. I snatched the Doritos bag that was on her stomach, and moved her legs as I stood up. I placed the chips on the table quietly to not make any noise. Walking to the kitchen, my hands moved, turning off all lights. I observed through the window to see if anything important was left outside. Crystal moved, startling me, however I decided to wake her.
I placed my hand on her shoulder, softly shaking her. "Crystal." I whispered.
"What?" She murmured.
"Are you going to stay the night?" I examined. She opened her eyes slightly, but then shut them.
"Your car is parked far away, I'm afraid something will happen to it." I stated.
She didn't say anything, so I searched for her keys on the kitchen table, but they weren't there. I gently moved her again, asking where her keys were so I could move her car into the lot and close the gate. She reached into her pocket, and handed me her phone.
"That is not your keys." I chuckled.
She rested on her left side and handed me the keys. I whispered that I wouldn't take long, and then exited the house. I checked both sides of the street, and pressed a button on the keys. The car lights went on and I walked to the left of the street. Unlocking it, I got in and turned on the car. On the dashboard, there were two snapshots. I observed the first one, and it was a silly picture with her family. She appeared to be the oldest, and have a younger brother and sister. I eyed the additional photo, and it seemed to be with friends. One friend of which was very recognisable, but I couldn't quite memorise her. I drove forward, taking a right, and parked her car neighbouring mine. I turned it off and paced towards my gate to close it. After I was done, I directed back inside, and contemplated whether to move Crystal to my bed or not. I walked to my room, and cleaned it up a bit by tossing my clothes into the hamper and moving the game control off the ground and onto the shelves. Walking back into the living room, I grabbed her arm and toddled her to my room. She tumbled twice, but I managed. I shielded her with my blanket and grabbed a spare one for myself to sleep in the living room.
I stirred to the sound of music. It wasn't too loud, but it wasn't from my preferred playlist. My feet dragged my body into my bedroom, and I saw my bed made. I thought for a second, and departed back into the kitchen. From what I recalled, the kitchen was messy at night, but now it was spotless. I thought to check the outside of the house, but had doubt that she would clean it. Checking through the window, I looked around and cackled. She didn't clean, which is good because I would be a little embarrassed if she did, but I disliked cleaning after a party. The sound of the running water stopped, and I attempted to act normal. I fixed the couch pillows, and yawned, thinking, "oh no. My breath must reek." I fast-walked into the kitchen and ran the water. I splashed it on my face and mutely freaked out. It was freezing cold. Drying my face, I then opened the fridge in search of a drink, but suddenly the bathroom door opened. My posture wasn't what one would call normal.
She laughed, "caught you dancing?"
I stood straight and cleared my throat, "good morning."
"Actually, afternoon."
My eyes widened and I viewed the time on the stove. "Shit."
"I know, my mom assumed I was dead since I answered her only an hour ago." She admitted.
My mom was going to be home in a few hours, so I had to hustle on cleaning the outside.
"Listen, I have to clean. I would make breakfast, but I can't cook." I confessed.
"Need help?" She asked.
I paused. "Uh, yeah. No. I mean, no. You just showered, and it's cold outside. You might get sick, and you already cleaned the inside of the house."
"Fine." She replied. "I have to get to work in a while, anyway."
I nodded and then looked at her again. "Is that my shirt?" I pointed.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I hope you don't mind, my shirt had a few stains of punch and weirdly there was a lollipop." She laughed.
I laughed as well and retorted. "We'll, it's my favorite shirt, so just take care of it."
She nodded, saying no problem and then asked, "where are my keys?"
I froze, trying to remember where I had left them. I patted my pockets, and let out a sigh of relief. I tossed them and she caught it.
"Bye." She swayed.
"Bye." I replied, walking into the kitchen to grab a few trash bags. I sauntered back into the kitchen, and she hasn't left.
"So that's it?" She questioned.
I was confused, and she could tell.
"You didn't want me to leave last night, and now I am just another girl you had sleepover at your house." She responded.
"Sorry, my mother is going to arrive soon and my top worries right now is having the place back to normal. You are an amazing girl, but I won't be able to another party if she comes home to see what is outside at the moment." I declared.
Her cheeks were a light pink, and she stated, "so then ask for my number."
"Your number?" I asked.
"Yeah. Ask for it, and maybe next time you have a party I will be able to visit."
"Okay." I stuttered. "What's your number?"
"You're approaching me all wrong." She laughed.
I exhaled, thinking for a bit and approached with an idea.
"Wait here." I demanded.
I exited the house, paused for a second, and then opened my front door. She was sitting by the kitchen table and I walked towards her, taking a seat across and gawked.
"Can I assist you something?" She asked, just like last night.
"Actually you can." I smiled. "Lend me your phone, it's missing my number."
We broke out snickering.
"You are so lame." She teased, handing over her phone.
"Text me." I winked.
We said bye, and I walked her to her car. I opened the gate, and she drove off. I decided to leave the gate open, and went inside. I grabbed my radio and the trash bags. My music played loud, and I worked fast in cleaning up the lot. It was mostly cups and a piece of clothing or two. I checked the time, and I completed within an hour and a half because I also had to rearrange somethings. Back inside, I took out the trash and and a quick shower. When I entered my bedroom to change, there was a shirt on my bed. It was Crystal's and I supposed she had forgotten it. I was going to message her, but remembered that I have her my number and not the other way around. The sound of a car pulled up, and I quickly changed into grey sweats and a white long sleeve shirt.
"Jorge!" a voice shouted, and another laughed.
I shook my head, smiling, knowing exactly whom the voices belonged to.
"Hey, man!" I exclaimed as I walked into the living room, and hugged Rikko and Esai.
"Why couldn't you come to the party?" I asked them.
"College, dawg." Rikko answered.
"Right. How is that going?"
"Same old, same old. "Esai replied. "It's basically high school for another four years or so. How was the party, though?"
"Same old." I laughed.
"Did Cindy come?" Rikko asked.
I stared at him blankly, just looked at the ground.
"C'mon, man." Esai whispered. "Why did you ask that?"
"I can hear you." I stated.
"You can't get pissed off every time I mention her." Rikko reacted.
"Why do you even mention her?"
"Because you need to get over her."
"And mentioning her name every time we text or meet up is supposed to help me get over her?"
"One day, you will eventually say, who is that, or, why the fuck would I invite her? It's simple, you just need to get over her."
"Rikko has a point." Esai began. "You just need to move on. Start looking for a different girl. The first heartbreak is always the worst."
"How would you know? Both of you always break a girl's heart before she does to you." I specified.
"Hey, whoa. Calm down." Esai replied.
"Don't tell me to calm down." I retorted.
We started bickering until the front door opened. I assumed we hadn't heard the knocking because usually someone would knock first.
"Sorry to interrupt." Crystal whispered. "I forgot my shirt here, and I need back because actually it's my friend's shirt."
I didn't speak while Rikko and Esai stared at her. I cleared my throat. "Yeah, you left it on my bed." I whispered. I knew the guys were going to think something happened, though nothing actually did. "Let me get it for you."
I walked to my room and could hear talking as I grabbed her shirt. I looked at my dashboard, and stared at the photo of Cindy and I. I grabbed it, and thought of our first kiss, date, and fight. I went the extra mile for that girl just to please her when things didn't go right, and in the end, it just wasn't enough. I blinked a couple of times, going back to reality and trying to accept the fact that we weren't anything anymore. I tossed it into the trash and headed back into the living room, hearing the guys and Crystal talk.
"Crystal, this Esai and Rikko. Guys, this is Crystal."
"So you met our little Jorge at last night's party?" Rikko asked.
"Here's your shirt." I handed Crystal her blouse, and scratched my head.
"Thanks, I should be leaving now." She said.
"Oh, you work at Chili's?" Rikko asked, eyeing her shirt.
"Yeah, for almost a year now." She answered. "You guys can visit anytime."
Crystal looked at me, and leaned in. I leaned in as well, and we hugged. She gave me a peck on the cheek, and whispered bye. I opened the door for her and after she left, the guys jumped at me.
"Can you back it up a bit?" I breathed.
"What did you do with her last night?" Esai questioned.
"Nothing, man. We just hung out."
"Bullshit. She left her shirt on your bed. Something had to have happened." Rikko exclaimed.
"Nothing happened. Her shirt was dirty, so she borrowed one of mine. End of story."
They both backed up, and then Esai asked, "so nothing happened?"
I shook my head.
"Not even making out?"
They sat back down, and I did as well.
"Well..." Rikko started. "She seems nice."
"Yeah, she does. Starting to move on, that's good." Esai commented.
"Look, I'm not even sure anything can happen between us." I confessed.
"Why not, it's obvious that she likes you." Rikko noted.
"No, she doesn't."
"She gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek!" Esai bellowed.
"She probably being friendly. Look man, either way, Bad X News is already starting to skyrocket."
"You have not gotten a gig since the summer. It is now October, Jorge. Stop making excuses." Rikko said.
I stayed quiet and then asked, "Can we talk about something else?"

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