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*Crystal's Point of View*
I was dressed and waiting for Jorge to pick me up at Savannah's house. I was pulling down the blue jean shorts because I rarely went into public wearing shorts so I felt a bit uncomfortable. Savannah said I looked good and that the shorts were a decent length. I stopped fidgeting with the shorts because my phone vibrated. It was a message from Jorge saying that they were about to enter the neighborhood. I grabbed my small bag that contained money, lipstick, and my phone charger since we were going to an after party once the concert was done.
"They're here." Savannah announced, looking through the window. She walked up to me as said, "See you there."
"Later." I replied, walking out of the door.
I walked outside to find the band van that Jorge had mentioned once during lunch. Chris was in the driver's seat, with the blonde youth (from the party) in the passengers seat. The side doors opened and out walked Jorge. I smiled as he held the door and told me to sit in the middle seats. I did as told and soon we were on the way.
"Crystal, this is Chris. He's the singer, and this is his girlfriend Sharon." Jorge introduced. Sharon smiled at me, and I smiled back. "Behind us is our drummer Jessie and his girlfriend Mandy."
I looked back, but they were too busy looking at something on the phone. Chris turned up the music on the radio, but it wasn't too loud. I wasn't sure what to talk about with Jorge, until he brought something up.
"Have you ever been to a concert before?" He asked.
I shook my head, "I was almost going to last year, but a few hours before the concert my dad and I had a fight. So, in the end, they didn't let me go."
"That sucks." He replied.
"Yeah, what about you?"
"You mean besides going to my own concerts?" He joked.
I laughed, "Yes, besides your own."
"No, actually. In the past, my mom strongly disagreed with the music I listen to, so she wouldn't let me go anywhere."
"I suppose we both have controlling parents." I commented.
The car ride went on for a while and soon we were showing each other our favorite types of music. Jorge had only liked a few of my country songs, and it was the same for his music and me. I had known a lot of the old songs he showed me, but they didn't really interest me.
"Okay, what about this song?" He asked.
The song began and I immediately recognized it.
"Pink Floyd, right?" I asked for confirmation.
He nodded and we stayed quiet, listening to the song.
"We're here." Chris stated.
He pulled into the back parking lot for workers, and reversed the van so they could remove the band equipment. We all got off, and Jessie opened the back doors.
"Band name?" A voice asked.
I turned around and smiled, "Hey, Mark! Haven't seen you in a while now."
"Hey, Crystal. You're in a band?" He asked.
"No." I laughed.
"We're Bad X News." Jorge answered, standing close to me.
I cleared my throat, "Mark, this is Jorge and he's the guitarist in the band. Jorge, this is my cousin Mark. Savannah's family had helped him out when he needed a job. He's one of the security/body guards here."
Jorge smiled, "Nice to meet you. Can we take our equipment inside already?"
"Go ahead, there's a guy there who can direct you to where you need to be." Mark replied.
Jorge went in with his guitar and a few of Jessie's gear. The rest followed in.
"How are you liking this job?" I asked.
"Great. It's not as easy as I predicted, but it's good. Pay is good." He grinned. "How do you know these people? They don't seem like your type."
"My type?" I laughed. "And what exactly is my type?"
"You hang out with the popular gang. They are more like... Popular nerds." Mark joked.
"Shut up." I cackled.
"Is the guitarist your boyfriend or something? He seemed a bit tense before he found out we were related."
"No..." I answered. "We met last weekend and he's a great guy, but it seems a little early to like him more than a friend."
"That's what I used to think, but look at me and Krista. We're still together and it's been two years already."
Jorge walked back outside and invited me to look around. Jessie stayed outside with Mandy, and Mark followed behind me as we went inside. We walked around, and the place was actually bigger than it looked. They even had a few small dressing rooms for the performers. There was a little more than half an hour until the concert, and the other bands began arriving. I stayed at a table, and each band spoke to one another and had some laughs. Jorge looked around and found where I was. Not too far, but not that close.
He walked up to me and took a seat, "Why are you over here and not meeting the other bands?"
"I'm not a part of the band, so I'm unimportant to them."
"Well, Sharon and Mandy aren't a part of the band either, but they're having a kick out of it." Jorge snickered.
I scrunched up my nose, "I'd rather not. I don't think I would feel to comfortable."
He exhaled. "Then I'll stay seated with you."
I smiled, "You don't have to."
"Oh, but I do." He grinned.
"Yeah, and why is that?" I asked.
"Let's just say there is a guy from one of the bands who keeps staring at you, and I don't want him trying anything funny."
"Why not?"
"He's Chris's age, too old for you."
"That's only about a two year difference."
"Do you want him to flirt with you?"
I squinted my eyes and then replied, "No. I'm already talking to someone."
"You are?" Jorge immediately asked.
"And who is this guy you speak of?" He asked.
I laughed, "He has long hair, about the same length as yours. I met him at your party, actually."
"Does he play an instrument?" Jorge raised his eyebrows.
"The guitar." I nodded.
"His name?"
"Why?" I smiled.
"I might know him." He answered.
"You." I replied.
"That's a weird name, who names their kid you?"
We laughed until Chris interrupted that they had to talk to each other about how things were going to go down. Sharon and Mandy walked my way and sat at the table where I remained seated. Mandy had her earphones on so the one that began talking was Sharon. She apparently loved to document everything, so she took pictures of the guys talking, and then one of us three girls together. I had gotten a little bored, so I decided to text Savannah.

Me: What time will you be arriving?
S: Well, I'm still getting ready because of a minor setback. I have yet to pick up Joel, so I might miss the intro, might not. Depends on traffic. Why?
Me: Just asking.
S: Okay.

I put my phone down and checked the time; 7:37p.m. The first band that was going to play and introduce Bad X News were practicing a song. I tried to listen to the lyrics, but understood only so much. They were a "screamo" band, and it wasn't really my taste. I was beginning to question why I agreed to come, but remembered once Jorge was walking my way again. Mandy saw Jessie and walked with him to the bar.
"Sharon," Jorge began, looking at the blonde. "Chris is in one of the dressing rooms. Says he wants you to go with him." He pointed her which way to go and she nodded. When she left, Jorge sat next to me and stared with a smile.
"Why are you staring at me?" I asked.
He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm trying to figure you out."
"There's not much to figure out."
"But there is."
"You hardly speak, so I have to guess what's on your mind." He replied, resting his hands on the table near mine.
"You don't have to guess, just ask."
He nodded. "Okay. So what's on your mind?"
"Nothing much."
"Nothing, really?" He laughed.
I grinned. "Should I be thinking of something specific?"
"Well, no. It's up to you, but isn't there something you have been thinking of?"
I stared at him, observing. His eyes were a green and brown; I couldn't stop staring. My eyes moved to the small grin on face and then to his hair. It was so long and looked really soft.
"You take really good care if your hair." I laughed.
He turned a little pink, "Yeah. My mom says if I want my hair long, then I might as well keep it nice and clean."
"You mention your mom a lot, is your dad not in the picture?" I wondered.
"He is, he just works a lot. When he gets home, he's usually tired or on the phone making business calls."
"What's his job?"
"He owns a computer company, they fix computers." He answered.
"You say it like its a bad thing."
He took a couple of seconds before replying, "My father wants me to continue in the family business."
"Computers don't interest you?"
"They're not very interesting. I'd rather follow in my mom's footsteps." He confessed.
"And what does she do?"
"Teaches at an elementary school."
"So you like kids?" I asked.
"Yeah, they're fun people. You don't like kids?" He asked.
"No." I answered. "They're like wild animals. Going to the restroom a lot and always hungry."
He laughed, "Wow. You striked me as the type of girl to love kids.
"You must have mistaken me for Savannah. I only like kids when they're not hyper or crying."
"So you don't want kids in the future?" He questioned.
"Well, people change their minds. But as far as I'm concerned, I don't."
"People should reproduce, so hopefully you do change your mind." He replied.
"Why should we reproduce?"
"Because without reproduction, who will you pass on your knowledge to? We won't live forever."
I nodded in agreement.

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