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Joel's Point of View
I texted Savannah asking where she was, and she replied that she was heading outside. I was already out of the school, surrounded amongst Kevin and Gabriel.
"What did she say?" Gabriel asked.
"She's on her way outside." I responded.
"You think she's going to talk to you?" Kevin asked, messing with his skateboard.
"Yes." I replied.
"And if she doesn't?" They asked at the same time and then laughed.
"If she doesn't, then I will attempt to talk to her."
"You really like this one, don't you?" Gabriel grinned.
"Yeah." I nodded. "I do."
"Here she comes." Kevin noted.
I turned to my right and saw Savannah walking our way. I was smiling, waiting to hug her, until she suddenly took a turn.
"Are you going to get her?" Kevin questioned.
"Yes." I whispered.
"So what are you waiting for?" Granule pushed me. "Go!"
I walked fast to catch up to her, which didn't take long because she was short and I had long legs. I reached her and grabbed her hand, turning her around. When we made contact, she looked a bit crossed with me.
"What." She said.
"I'm sorry."
"For?" She asked, crossing her arms.
"I don't know, I just know I did something wrong and that I should apologize." I snickered.
"Unbelievable." She walked away.
I marched by her side, but she was ignoring me so I stopped her by pinning her against the wall.
"I said I was sorry. What more do you want?" I asked.
Her nostrils flared, which they usually did when she was about to shout in anger. "At least try to understand why in angry at you. Next time just listen to me when I said I didn't want to tell you because it simply wasn't any of your business." She bellowed.
"It is my business because you're mine now." I replied.
"You don't own me." She scoffed.
"Oh, come on. You know I didn't mean it like that." I derided.
"What do you want from me?" She whispered, tears filling we eyes. "He and I got along quickly, and I felt comfortable enough to tell him some of my secrets. He was like a best friend."
I rolled my eyes. "He was your crush, don't sugarcoat it."
"Yes, he was my crush." She replied.
"So then be with him!" I interrupted.
"You don't get it, do you?" A tear fell from both eyes. "Everybody I get close to, I lose. I've lost several family members this year. Do you know what it's like to go to a funeral back to back? I was close to them! And I was close to Esai, and he just left me like I was some sort of stray dog on the road." She wiped both of her eyes and I began to feel like an asshole for getting angry and not being understandable. I did know she had lost dear ones because she had many sleepless nights, and I was there to comfort her until she went to sleep. "I didn't tell you because it would cause fights like these, and I didn't want to lose you as well." She cried.
I grabbed her tightly, wrapping her in a hug. She was going to continue talking but I told her to be quiet and whispered that I truly was sorry. After a short while, she pulled off of my chest and wiped her face.
"Sorry." She whispered.
"For what?" I asked.
"I got your shirt full of tears." She smiled weakly.
"I'm sure it won't stain."
She laughed, "and I'm sorry for yelling."
I stared into her eyes, thinking about all that she had gone through. Both of my thumbs wiped the tears she had left and we just stared at one another. My eyes moved to her lips, and my thumb ran across her lower lip. I moved my hand out of the way as I lowered my head, slightly opening my mouth. Our lips met, and my thoughts raced as time seemed to go by slow. Nothing else mattered. My right arm pushed her closer to me, and slowly my tongue brushed in between her lips. Her savor was sweet, candy-like. I pushed my body against hers, deepening the kiss. After a couple of more minutes, I pulled off and she exhaled, her eyes smiling from her cheeks.
"Feeling better?" I asked.
She looked down and then back at me, nodding her head. I motioned for her to come and sit with our group of friend. Interlocking our hands, we walked to where everyone was. Jorge and Crystal were talking and smiling, Frank, Sal, and Letty were talking, Scott with a girl, and the others talking to Savannah and Crystal's friends: Yulissa, Gabby, and Julia. We took a seat on the same bench as Jorge and Crystal.
"Hey." Savannah greeted.
"Hey." Jorge smiled.
"Do you mind if we switch spots so I can talk to Crystal?" Savannah requested.
"No, it's okay." Jorge stood up and after Savannah scooted towards Crystal, he sat down.
The girls began talking, and then I checked the one on my phone, 4:15 p.m.
"So what happened during lunch, you seemed a little angry at first?" I asked Jorge.
"During lunch I was talking Crystal," he was whispering. "And then one of the people she was eating with was Cindy."
My eyes widened, "Do you think she knows you two dated?"
"Probably not." He replied. "But it doesn't matter. Crystal and I were talking, and we agreed to start dating."
"So she's your girl?" I smiled.
He laughed, "We're not putting any labels on it."
"Hey Crystal!" I called and she turned around. "Congrats!" I winked, while pointing at Jorge who had his face buried in his hands.
"I'm sorry." Jorge apologized to Crystal.
She was grinning, "It's okay, and thanks Joel."
Savannah laughed as well and I assumed she found out at the same time I did.
"We should double date or something." I joked.
Jorge chuckled, "There's actually going to be a lock in at Peter Piper in Friday, but that same day Caleb is having a game night at his house. So I don't know which to go to."
"Babe," I called Savannah. "Peter Piper lock in or game night at Caleb's?"
"When?" She asked.
"Peter Piper." She replied.
"Lock in it is." I smirked.
Savannah made a face an then continued talking to Crystal.
"So we go to Caleb's after school?" I asked Jorge.
"Well, it doesn't start until six." He answered.
"We can cruise around." I suggested.
"In whose car?"
"I'll ask Savannah."
Jorge nodded and the we began talking amongst all of our friends. I noticed everybody and saw that some of the girls were eyeing the guys. For example, it seemed that Kevin and Yulissa were getting along pretty well. Letty was talking to both Frank and Sal, so I wasn't quite sure what was going in there. And Julia was talking to Ben and Gabriel, and Gabby was talking to Scott. As time went by and the subjects constantly changed, people were leaving and soon it was just Kevin, Yulissa, Jorge, Crystal and I.
"So you two have known each other since you were kids?" Crystal asked Yulissa and Kevin, Yulissa nodded her head. "Why did you two stop talking then?"
Yulissa looked at Kevin, who replied, "I guess it was because she started going to high school and I was still in middle school, so we were unable to walk home together after school."
"Do you like her?" Crystal asked, being straight up.
We all turned to Kevin, wondering what he would say. He opened his mouth to answer, but a car honked and we all turned to see who it was.
"That's mine. Bye everybody!" Kevin waved, grabbed his skateboard and got into his truck.
Just then, two more vehicles appeared, and Yulissa and Crystal left.
"Do you think he likes her?" Jorge asked.
"I don't know, he doesn't really talk about girls." I replied.
"They kept eyeing each other."
"Yeah, I noticed that as well."
Friday 7:39 a.m.
I arrived to school, holding a 12 pack of cokes and a bag of chips for a party in two o my classes. I met up with the guys at the bench and mostly all had some sort of food for parties in their classes.
"Hey Joel." Ben greeted.
"Hey." I replied.
"Are you going to Jorge's house Saturday to celebrate?" He asked.
"What do you mean? What's happening at his house?"
"Caleb got grounded so game night is moved to Jorge's on Saturday." He informed. "And something about his big break."
"Oh. Yeah, I'll be there."
Just then Jorge walked up to us.
"Hey," I began. "What's going on Saturday?"
"I forgot to tell you, Savannah's parents gave us a lot of money for performing, and these people paid to interview us." He exclaimed. "I think we're in the road to fame."
I smirked, "Really? How could you forget to tell me big news like that?"
"The people have been calling us, and they want to do photo shoots Saturday. We're being kept busy."
"Impressive." I replied.
"It's exciting." He squealed.
I laughed and Jorge finished telling me how the band is working on new songs for upcoming concerts. That Chris had even suggested changing the name of their band, and that Jorge has to keep letting his hair grow.
"What does Crystal think of all this?" I asked.
"She thinks its awesome for me, she knew I always wanted this." He smiled. "Funny, fame was the first thing we spoke about when I met her at my party."

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