A Perfectly Imperfect School

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The next morning, I get up right at seven o'clock. Thankfully, I don't have to worry about anyone hogging the bathroom. I take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I don't wear makeup for a simple fact, I don't like the feeling of having myself prettier. Not saying that makeup's a bad thing, it just doesn't make me me, while other people love to wear it.

I gently brush my hair, put in some grease, and tie it up into a messy half-bun. I go in my duffle to find something to wear. The first thing I see, seems like a perfect outfit to impress for my first day at a new school. Some boyfriend jeans, Converse, and a t-shirt. I grab my backpack, and head downstairs to grab something to eat.

My mom's fixing breakfast when I get downstairs: eggs, toast, and bacon. I pull out the book I'm reading at the moment, The Heir, and continue flying through it. A hand pulls the back out of my hand, making me lose my place.
"Boy, I outta..." I pause when I see Trent laughing. There's a girl with him, who also has my book.
"Do you mind explaining who they are?" My mom asks, "They've been here almost all morning.
I gesture to Trent, "That's Trent. He came over yesterday, and brought some pizza for us. I have no idea who the girl is." I narrow my eyes at her.
"Oh, I'm Trina, his sister. I'm a junior like your brother." Trina shakes my hand.
"Cool, now can I have my book back?"
She hands it over, "Spoiler, something happens to America!"
"At least you didn't tell me what that something is. Why are you guys here?"
"Just wanted to see if you and CJ wanted a ride. The bus is always crowded, and old," Trent starts to lean on the counter in front of me.
"Um," I glance at my mom, "I guess that's okay. But, you won't have to tomorrow. My car should be here, by time school's over today."
Trent smiles, "Sounds good."
My mom pokes me on the shoulder, and I bite my lower lip, "Do you guys want breakfast? My mom's cooking is to die for."
Trina nods, "Sounds good to me."
At the school, Trent walks me and CJ to the office, to get our schedules. Trina follows behind, whispering with CJ. The secretary looks up as soon as we arrive, and smiles. "You two must be Caleb and Destinee Banks."
"Yes, ma'am," CJ and I nod our heads in greeting.
"Welcome! We're so glad to have you here at BMH!" She stands up, picking up, I assume, our schedules, and hands them to us. "I see you've met Trent and Trina. They're great company."
"Yeah," I say, "I'm glad for the help."
"Oh good. Well, you guys should be off. First bell rings in a few minutes. If you need any help, just come see me. Have a great day!" She ushers us out of the room, and close the door.

Trent takes a look at my schedule, and smiles. "We have all of the same classes. At least you have someone to help you."
"Yeah," I look around, "Everybody's in class, already?"
"Yeah, except students for sports. They have meetings every morning."
"Oh cool."

"Yeah," He walks towards the end of the hallway, me following him a few steps behind.
It doesn't take long to get to homeroom. A person blocks the entrance when I try to walk in. "Name?"
"Leave her alone, Jace," Trent laughs from behind me. "Destinee, meet Jace."
"Is he always a jerk?" I smirk at Jace, and he frowns. "Shut up, missy."
Trent pushes Jace into the class, and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Welcome to Calculus!"
I glance at him, and the rest of the classroom. It seems pretty nice, great for learning. I can tell that there's been many renovations, but it hasn't been one in a while. Trent gestures for me to sit beside him, and I do. A girl comes in and sits in front of us. She smiles at Trent, then looks at me. "Who are you?"
"Destinee Banks, and you?"
"Jackie, but everybody calls me Jax. You friends with T.J over here?" She points in Trent's direction, which makes him smirk.
"Yeah, we're neighbors. I just moved here."
"Oh, I know," She looks at him with a smirk. "You, me, Friday. At my house. And don't bring  your sister."
Trent rolls his eyes at her, and nudges me. "This one has been trying to get me alone with her since Kindergarten, believe it or not."
"Oh, I believe it," I laugh. "Jax, if you want to be with the guy you like, you need to stop trying so hard. Believe me."
Jax rolls her eyes at me. "Destinee, just because  Trent likes your personality, doesn't mean I will. And I advise, if you don't want me to hate you, you better shut up, before your life becomes Hades!" With that, she stomps off. Trent rolls his eyes once more, and puts his feet on the chair of the desk in front of her. "I kissed her once, can't she live with that, and leave me alone. But no! She has to get more than that!"
I look at him with curious eyes, and he smiles at me. "Sorry about that. I get frustrated with that girl."
"It's okay. I had this guy back in Dallas exactly like that."
Trent laughs. "You're lucky, Des."
I automatically blush. "Did you just call me Des?"
"Yes, anything wrong?"
"No," My face gets redder by each second that goes by. "Just only my brother and mother call me that."
"And now me," He says, blushing while he does.
At lunch that day, Trent purchased my lunch. I told him he didn't have to, but he insisted. I smiled at the gesture, and found us a place to seat. This school is completely perfectly imperfect. The kids were different in many ways. Different races, different sexualities, different hobbies. It was perfect. At my old school, so many people were the same, basically. It probably was the reason why I didn't have many friends there.
Trent snaps me out of my thoughts. "What you thinking about, Des?"
For the second time today, the way he said my name, made me feel some kind of way. "Just thinking about the school."
"Do you like it so far?"
"Yeah. I love it actually," I take a bite of my pizza.
"Already?" He looks at me with interest.
"I love the set up of it. You never see so many different people in one place."
"It is pretty unique, I guess. But when you've been going to school with most of these kids since you were five, it gets kind of boring."
I laugh. "I bet."
He nods, and eats some of his food. "Where's your dad?"
I look at him automatically, wondering what he said. "What?"
"Your dad? Is he in your life?"
"He died two years ago," I push my food away, suddenly not hungry.
Trent looks at me with sympathy. "I'm sorry."
"I hate when people say that." I laugh without humor.
"What, sorry?"
"Yeah, because we already know that my dad's gone. Nothing can change that. Nor should anyone say they're in a better place. I know he's in Heaven. He loved God more than anything. But that's no excuse for people to be sorry, because it's not your freakin fault."
He automatically looks like he touched a sensitive part of my soul. "Pardon me, then. Excuse my statement. I never thought about it that way."
"It's okay," I lean forward. "Where's your dad?"
"Dropped us for a flight attendant. I don't give a care about him, since he dropped us out of his life. I don't worry about it much though. Mom's done a great job raisin' us. I love her a lot."
"As you should," I smile at him. "Thanks for making me feel welcomed here."
He grins. "No prob."
Okay, so that's chapter 2 of Cursed. I smell a romance in Trent and Destinee's world. Would you guys like to see more of them?!??
Well vote, comment, and share, and you will!!!

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