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I kicked Taylor out of my room I literally just shut him out I start thinking about cam, I mean does he even care about me I'm sure he does then it hits me maybe I could fly to New York and we could talk it always made me feel better when I talked to him I get up slowly cause my arms still hurt I look out of my balcony window and noticed that it's already dark I decide to check the time it's 12:50 almost 1:00 in the morning I decide to go to sleep and

Tell Taylor in the morning.

How am I going to tell lex that cam doesn't want to help her anymore well it's not liked he helped anyway she pushed him away I look at my phone and see it's already 12 midnight I decide to go to bed.

I wake up I move quickly only to have a sharp pain go through my arm I look at it and see all the dry blood running lines and it's sore as hell I slowly get up and open my balcony doors only to have a cool fall breeze hit my face for a second I feel at peace and calm but I snap out of that remembering the idea I had I go to taylors room only to hear him talking to someone I stand still and quiet so I can hear

"Well how much will it cost? And that's just for a year? Well she's pretty bad she recently got a lot worse than what she used to be, I need some time to think about it and I'll call you back. Thank you. Goodbye" I hear him hang up was he talking about me I walk inside as if I didn't hear anything he just said 'hey Taylor I need to talk to you about something'.

Well how much will it cost? And that's just for a year? Well she's pretty bad she recently got a lot worse than what she used to be, I need some time to think about it and I'll call you back. Thank you. Goodbye I hang up the phone I'm deciding on weather or not to send Lexi to an asylum, that's all I have left I don't know how to help her anymore

As soon as I hang up Lexi walks in and says "hey Taylor I need to talk to you about something" 'ya what's up?' "I was thinking I could go out to New York and see cam I know he tried to help me and I pushed him away but now that I think about it talking to him made me feel better and I could surprise him and we can catch up an-" I cut her off cause I knew where this

Was gonna lead to 'lex I need to talk to you about him the other night I texted him seeing if he would come back and try to help you but he said he didn't want to help you' there's a moment of silence when I begin to talk 'lex I know you must be hurt bu-' she cut me off she looked as if she seen a ghost she walks over to my bed and sits down slowly "he said that.... He doesn't want to help me" she looks at me with sadness in her eyes and their starting to water up

"I-I-I know I pushed him away but he can't just not help me and not care....." She starts to breath heavy and gets up pacing around my room "Tay" she says with her voice cracking "what did I do wrong Im sorry.. I'm sorry I pushed him away, Im Sorry I pushed you away I'm so sorry it's my fault... Oh my god he hates me, he hates me he's never going to talk to me Taylor I'm sorry I screwed up" she says taking crazy deep breaths she falls to the floor with her hands on the side of her head she starts crying out loud

I start to think she's held this cry in for so long she just can't keep it silent she starts yelling but stumbling her words cause she's crying and not breathing right "TAYLOR IM SORRY ITS ALL MY F-FAULT HE HATES ME I SCREWD UP" I sit on the floor with her and hug her tight telling her it's going to be ok 'no Lexi he doesn't hate you he never will'

*1 week later*

After that night she got worse and when I say worse i mean cutting her arms, thighs, and her stomach she stopped eating and she throws things around 2 days ago she pointed a knife at me I was so scared I've looked into her eyes and I'll tell you one thing I don't see my little sister anymore you know what I see, I see a suicidal girl begging to be happy and begging to be released from her life it hurts me to see her like that I decided Im Going to put her the asylum it's the only option

I walk into her room and see she's sitting in her bed cutting her arm I move closer to her and see she cut the word screw of one arm and on the other she cut the word up 'Lexi? I'm deciding to send you to an asylum' she looks up at me with hate in her eyes "you can't send me to an asylum it's not fair" she says raising her voice a little 'Lexi it's the only other option I don't have a choice you've gotten worse' she screams and storms out of the room.

*3 days later*

As I'm driving to the asylum Lexi just sits in the passenger seat looking out the window 'lex I know this isn't what you want but I'm doing this for you I don't know what else to do I just want to help yo-' "Taylor please just don't say this is to help me it's not and your putting me in here for a whole fucking year" 'hey watch your language' "no Taylor just please be quiet" the rest of the car ride is silent

We finally get here and she looks pissed we get out of the car and we walk up to the door and a medium brunette stands at the door with a clipboard she greets us with a 'hi I'm Marcy and you are..' "We're here for Lexi" 'ok well Lexi I'll take your bags and you can say your goodbyes' with that she leaves with Lexi's bags "ok Lexi well I want you to remember that I did this to help you and I love you" I pull her into a hug 'I love you too Taylor' we pull apart and she goes into the building and disappears the last time I see my sister.

I follow the lady into the building she leads me in this hall she stops at a door on the right she begins to say 'ok Lexi this will be your room, room 118 she opens the door and there's a white bed in it and that's it I walk in and the door shuts behind me I drop my bags on the floor I look around and the room is all white with puffy walls I sit down on my bed I let out a loud sigh...this is going to be a long year

I updated today cause I was in a good mood and why not I have good things for this book coming please vote and comment what you think

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