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October 21, 2015

Sometimes I tell myself that no one is going to care that I'll be alone and nothing no one will want me Taylor haven't come to visit us at all I miss him a lot but I don't think he misses us am I that easy to forget?  Every night I just focus on my scars and how many I have and I think of my cutting myself like music I play my skin like violin armed with a shiny metal bow. I move it back and forth tone deaf as death. This music has now beauty to show. Passion is bled with no words said. For this song is just instrumental. And when I fall down with no soundkkk. I won't make it to my recital.

This place is hell as I've mentioned cause I'm all alone in this stupid room and you know what  I feel the worst when I'm alone because that's when the monsters in my head say hello and they have said hello many times I'm afraid that one day they'll tell me to be gone and in an instant I'll be gone I think of how I've come this far I'm surprised I didn't end it long ago I'm starting to wish I did the only thing is I hope I'm still alive when I get out so I can see Taylor

I often question why I exist if I just mean nothing but then again I believe I was a mistake I'm just ready to die already.

I hear a knock which means the guys are here I run and open my door once I do that I'm greeted with 'hey man', 'yo' we do our man handshake I see everyone except Lexi I put aside and we all sit on the couch and catch up "hey cam what's it been like here in the big apple" Aaron asks me 'it's been great I got a job that pays really well" and the rest of the consists of us talking

I show everyone to their room right when Taylor is about to walk into his I stop him 'hey Taylor' "ya what's up" I hesitate a little before asking I just blurt it out 'umm where's Lexi at why didn't she come with you?' He looks down and let's out a loud sigh he looks up at me with sorrow in his eyes "cam I told you she got worse like really bad I didn't know what to do so the only thing I had left was to put her in an asylum" I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth

'You what! How long is she gonna be in there? How long has she been in there?' I say a little loud "cam be quiet she's been in there I think two months and she is staying there for a year I told you cam but you didn't budge now I'm going to bed' he walks in the room and closes the door I walk back to my room I get on my computer and search up asylums in L.A I see one and I decide to call it

It rings about three times before someone picks up "hello Kaye's asylum how can I help you?" 'Yes do the people staying there take phone calls?' "Yes they do is there anyone you want to talk to?" 'Yes! Is there a Lexi caniff there?' "Let me check please hold" I wait patiently for her to come back and finally she does "yes there is a Lexi caniff would you like to speak with her?" 'Yes please' "alright let me get her please hold".

I sit on my bed staring blankly at the shot wall In front of me I just got done crying and I don't know what else to do so I just stare I zone out wishing I was in a different world snap back to reality when some lady comes into my room "miss caniff you have someone on the phone that wants to talk" when she says that I get a little excited 'I do?'

"Yes please follow me" I bet up and walk to the room where the phones are at she smiles at me and leaves I hesitate to pick it up like what if they have the wrong person etc. I just pick it up,and bring it to my ear I speak with a shaky voice 'h-h-hello?'

I wait for her to come to the phone hoping its her I just can't believe Tay did that to her it's my fault if only I had went back she wouldn't be there I continue to wait when I hear the other line pick up I wait to see if it's her and i hear her shaky voice say ''h-h-hello?'' I felt happy when I heard her voice but sad cause it was shaky 'Lexi?'.

Short chapter I know but comment what you think and vote I'll see hall next time by my loves

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