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I open my eyes but squint from the brightness of the room but once my eyes adjust I'm confused as to where I am but then I see.... Taylor with his head in his hands and the guys are here they all look.... Sad I look behind me and I see my own body lying on a bed and a monitor next to me I'm hooked up to it and I realize that I'm in a hospital my mouth drops and my breath quickens I fall to the floor saying 'this isn't happening' over and over I hear the door open and see a doctor come in

Taylor quickly gets up and rushes to him "doctor...please" his voice cracks and he is unable to finish his sentence "mr Caniff I'm sorry I'm not completely sure she'll be ok she lost a good amount of blood for her to go...well let's just say she lost enough to where she could die" a little bit of me is happy at least I won't live anymore but the rest is sad I don't know why Taylor has a look of mad on his face and storms out of the room the guys call him but he just ignores them

I walk over to my body and see that my scars are visible I cringe at them the thought of them seeing them is terrifying I run my fingers over them and I feel the stitching they had to put on me cause of how deep I cut I turn around and look at the guys and they all have their heads down I walk out of the room and look for Tay I see him leaning against his car outside I walk out and the cool windy breeze hits me I walk over to him and see that Nash is with him as well

I stand next to Tay "Nash tell me, how are you suppose to be fine when your little sister is inside dying? How am I suppose to feel? How is it ok for me to loose the only person I care about and be completely fine with it? How? Please tell me how cause right now I'm freaking out and---" he stops talking cause his voice cracks again I look over at him and see that his eyes are glossy and tears are begging to fall "and I have no idea what to do just the thought of her dying is making me crazy"

Nash begins talking "*sighs* Tay I'm really sorry but I don't know what to say I'm sure it's really hard I'm sure it is but if she were to..... Go it'll be for a good reason cause everything happens for a reason but I'm not saying it is good if she does go" "Nash just please tell me she is going to live" it stays quiet and Taylor nods his head I lay my head on tays shoulder 'it's going to be ok Tay'

I walk back into my room and see that all the guys are gone I stand next to my body and just look at it then I hear heavy breathing and someone barge into my room I look over and see that cam came..... He looks broken he walks over to my body and stares at it I start to feel weird cause he's just staring at it he sits down in the chair and looks at my arms I cringe of the sight he lets out a big sigh and picks my arm up and kisses all of them.... All of my scars and he begins to speak

"Lexi I'm so sorry I'm sorry I left I'm sorry I ignored you Im Sorry for everything please I just asking you to stay alive I'm begging  you I know this isn't technically face to face but I love you Lexi Caniff I loved you from the moment I first saw you walk down your stairs" I stop listing to him cause I'm mad at him I walk out of my room and just stare blankly at nothing I let out a loud scream and just fall to the floor 'I HATE YOU!!!!! I HATE EVERYTHING!!!' By now I crying on the hospital floor

I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder "excuse me are you alright?" I hear someone say I look up at them and she looks like an older women maybe in her mid 30s 'ya I just.....' I don't finish cause I don't really know "your a very pretty girl why are you here?" 'I-I cut myself to deep' I say ashamed "that's where!" She says and startles me 'excuse me?' I ask her "you your the girl that was talking to my little baby girl in the asylum" when she says that I look at her hair and see that it's red just like she said 'oh Aphrodite ya she's really sweet' I say a little nervous "don't worry I cut to well... Used to and she would always

Ask me about them and so I told her--" I cut her off ' that were angles ya she told me' I say with a little laugh "yes that's her, well your young and you don't belong here so I would love for you to go back home and live your life" 'it's just....hard' "ya it is but don't be like me and end your life early.. Don't do it you can do it I promise you" and then she disappears I walk into my room and see that cam is gone I close my eyes really tight and my life flashes before my eyes and then I........ I wake up in my bed.

Update y'all this story is already coming to and end but!!! There's is going to be a sequel to it don't worry comment what you think
Comment till next time loves😘😈😈

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