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The Weirding Willows

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The Weirding Willows

Alice is a rather slender and tall young woman, very similar to her father in that respect, but the looks are definitely her mothers. In Wonderland, Tweedle Dees and Tweedle Dums tend to echo the Red Queen's name for her, "snake hips". She is 5' 10". Long blond hair and if you upset her, she is capable of a cold stare that can freeze water. She manages to disconnect emotionally from most things and has to be bluntly reminded about other people's feelings.

Much of this is purely to protect herself. After her mother disappeared, Alice's father buried himself in his work and only paid her attention when he would stumble out needing to feed himself and sleep. If she missed these moments she would have to feed herself and therefore had no role models growing up. Once she discovered Wonderland, she started spending more and more time there in the company of the KATAR PYLAR the 'Caterpillar' (he's a Martian), CHESHIRE the Cat and MARSHALL the Mad Hatter.

Alice is in denial about her parents. She paints a picture of happiness but her father has a much darker side since her mother disappeared when she was only 6. Neither she nor her father can remember her clearly. Every time they try the memories just slip away. Even her name eludes them. Her father, Doctor Philippe Moreau, took her disappearance and the loss of his memories of her very badly. He threw himself into his work and it slowly took on a darker side. What Phillipe doesn't know is that he also carries a piece of the Fairy Dark mirror, the reflector that introduced hurtful deeds to man, in his heart. A present from his wife's mortal enemy, Cheshire the cat.

Alice will soon have to break out of the world she has hidden in and face reality. That reality is that her father is no longer who she thought he was. She will eventually find out about the mirror shard that her father was infected with. A glass mirror that someone else is trying to reassemble, her own mother in fact, SOPHIA RYBERG. The SNOW QUEEN.

Alice's adventures until now have been mild to what she will face from now on. She will also have to learn to trust others, something she previously could not do and starts to take advice from Victor Stoker, a badger from Willow Weir, and Katar Pylar.

When out in Willow Weir and Wonderland, Alice wears a utility belt like Batman's. It has all her different potions and foods in it that affect her in different ways. Alice dresses in clothes she has altered herself that usually started out as her father's clothes. They never go shopping so the opportunity to find girl's clothes for her was very rare. Some of the few school friends she had donated clothes until her father scared them all away. She mostly wears altered white men's shirts with gray or brown trousers. Her 'utility belt' usually wraps around the shirt like a belt. She also has an old black jacket that has been tailored to fit her that was also once her father's. It is like an old opera style jacket with the split tails at the back.

Alice has a few other accessories such as backpack and aviator goggles whose lenses have been made out of the crystals Victor Stoker's family found beneath his house. These red crystals will prove to have many properties, the main one is being able to evolve animals to think and act like humans, but Alice finds another very useful use for it...

As a child, Alice always liked to pretend a lot. It was usually her way of defusing an argument or disagreement as her innate stubbornness made it very difficult for her to associate with others.

Alice talks aloud to Dinah and often starts sentences with "I wonder if..." If she is in the Wild Woods or Willow Weir, Alice is usually in the company of Hoetoe, the White Rabbit. Hoetoe isn't the original White Rabbit she followed to Wonderland but her own pet. The original White Rabbit... No, I won't say just yet, I think I should save that for another time.

 No, I won't say just yet, I think I should save that for another time

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"Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll (real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) was first published on November 26, 1865. It's sequel, "Through The Looking Glass" was published in 1971.

The Weirding Willows is a continuation not only of those stories but many others.

Artwork by Sami Basri and Jessica Kholinne

The Weirding Willows © Dave Elliott 2010-2015

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