The Funtastic Four

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This amazing team of brave furries consists of the following friends;

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This amazing team of brave furries consists of the following friends;

Hoetoe is a white rabbit owned by Alice. She loves her rabbit so much she actually made clothes for it. His favorite seems to be a blue jacket, it is the one item he hasn't eaten yet.

One morning she puts on his jacket and for fun clips her fathers watch fob to it.

When her father inadvertently lets the rabbit out while trying to get his watch back, Hoetoe manages to get through the fence and out. Dr Moreau cries out, "Oh, no. Give me back my watch! Now I'll be late! Late, for a very important date."

In the woods, after Hoetoe has crossed the bridge and enters Willow Weir, he starts to change. He gets a little bigger, a little fluffier and a little more intelligent. Just a little of each...

Alice sees Hoetoe fall down a burrow at the foot of an oak tree. She decides to follow... And so begins their first trip to Wonderland.

Now Hoetoe can't leave the Weir unless he is willing to revert to being a simple rabbit again and lose all memories of his life in the Weir.

A side effect of the Weir's effect on the animal life is that they live longer than their wild counterparts.

Fave complaint: "Dear, dear, how late it is getting..." "My ears & whiskers!"

Hoetoe is dating Peter Pipp's sister Maisy "Mopsy".

Alice struggles to keep her rabbit away from her father's knives.

Peter Pipp was born and raised in Willow Weir. Like all the Pipps that had come before him, he knows nothing of the world beyond the Weir and the Wild Woods.

Peter is a young, simple brown rabbit that likes to create trouble whenever he can. His constant forays into Farmer McGregor's carrot patch have significantly prematurely aged his mother, Beatrix, and his father, Norman. He wears just a simple blue coat. Peter is friends with Hoetoe Darwin and Benjamin Buckle (his cousin). Peter Pipp lives with his mother and father and his sisters Philippa "Flopsy" (who will later marry Benjamin), Maisy "Mopsy", and Clara "Cottontail". Peter's sister Maisy is dating Hoetoe, the White Rabbit. Something Peter is exactly ecstatic about.

Peter's new best friend is a young dinosaur named Jack. Peter was the first thing he saw when he burst from his shell so they have formed quite the attachment. Jack's sister Rosie isn't so fond of Willow Weir and prefers the comfort and heat of Pellucidar's jungles. However, she does come back from time to time to see her furry friends. Rosie is particularly fond of Benjamin and Maisy.

Of those who hold any sway over the young rabbit, only his father and the Rev Squirrel Nutkin. Mostly because both of them had met the legendary hero Reggie Red Fox. A member of the famed Burrows Brigade, defenders of the portals in Willow Weir. Beatrix doesn't want Peter to follow Norman into joining the Brigade. Rev Nutkin has tried scaring Peter off with some of the more gruesome stories but they only tend to excite Peter even more. 

Benjamin Buckle is Peter's cousin.

His family are one of the poorest in the neighborhood. Like the Pipps have found out, having your father being part of the Burrows Brigade, isn't exactly the most profitable avenue of employment, but without them, Willow Weir would be a far different place.

Young Benjamin just wears a simple brown coat. He's a bit of a swat and thanks to Philip Boiger, whose father Russell (a weasel) collects books for the badger Victor Stoker, he knows a lot including how to read English.

Ben has recently been dating Peter's sister Philippa "Flopsy" Pipp. They haven't told Peter because of the way he has reacted to Hoetoe's dating Maisy, although there are signs he is getting used to that now and is almost accepting of it. Ben's father is Benjamin Senior, an ex-prizefighter, ex-Burrows Brigade member, now a police officer and part-time bouncer. Ben's father hasn't been the greatest dad in the world and blames it on his parents generation. "The Buckles' have always been fighters!" he would say. Benjamin Senior used to drink heavily but now seems to have that under control.

Ben's a big fan of onions with his carrots and his father had him smoking lavender tobacco when he was very young.

Jack is a young dinosaur from Pellucidar whose mother was killed before he hatched by a local human farmer from Willow Weir called Geoffrey McGregor. His egg hatched in the arms of Peter Pipp, thinking at first the rabbit was his mother, the two have become brothers, rarely leaving each others side. Jack considers Damon to be his father, just as many of the creatures from Pellucidar do. However, soon Jack will be far bigger than Peter and who knows if his instincts will kick in one day and he will eat the small rabbit.

Until then, Jack is part of Peter's family and along with Hoetoe, Benjamin, Peter, and Maisy, they have adventures as the Teenage Mutant Hero Rabbits. Yes, Jack really believes he is a rabbit.

Jack has a sister called Rosie, she was born at the same time in Benjamin's arms. She prefers to stay in Pellucidar where the weather is constant and hot.

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Art by Sami Basri and Jessica Kholinne

Hoetoe, Peter Pipp, Benjamin Buckle, Jack, and Weirding Willows ©2009-2015 Dave Elliott

Hoetoe, Peter Pipp, Benjamin Buckle, Jack, and Weirding Willows ©2009-2015 Dave Elliott

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