Prologue/Chapter 1- The beginning

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Claire POV
"I didn't know my day would end like this.."

Life has been a series of events..
It's been crazy lately, but I'm happy about everything that has happened. It's been two years since all of those events. I never knew Cliff would ever have feelings for me again, but now we're living life just like I dreamed. Trent and Ellie had their first baby. It was a terrible sight to see.... Ew.. But it was a little boy that they named Pete. Elli said I'm a new aunt and that was my new nephew. As for my sister and Gray... Well I guess it didn't really work out.. They got in a divorce 1 month after their marriage... So yea..after that, me and Cliff became closer to one another and now we're married! Ever since then things have been happening so suddenly. After Jill and Gray broke up, Jill moved in with my cousin Jack until she was able to pull herself together. I told her to leave my house because It would be kind of awkward to have her staying here with me and Cliff. Gray has been acting weird around me lately.. But I guess I can't blame him.. Heh.. But that is the least of my worries. I've been so busy tending the farm and playing with the children outside. Life has changed for me and I'm so happy about it!

I go to the Goddess pond with Cliff every morning and we sit and talk there all the time. Ever since Cliff moved in with me, I've experienced.. So... Many... Things... Heh.. Wow. We went places I never heard of, seen things that I didn't know existed, he's even helped make my farm more manageable. Everything has changed.. And I'm so thankful..

Chapter 1
Middle of Spring
Today is another new day on the farm. I never seem to get stuck in a routine anymore. I always have something new to do now with my life. I put on my my blue overalls with my red plaid shirt like I usually do and get up to see Cliff walking around making breakfast.
"Morning!" I said
"Oh hey.. I didn't know you were up yet.." He said flushed and looked away.
"Oh hah, what's for breakfast?"
"Well.. From all of your chickens, I made some omelets with the eggs"
"Sounds yummy!"
With that said, I quickly ate my food, pet Max on the head, then left out to buy a couple of things. Today was Spring 21st, the cooking festival. I headed out quickly to pick up some ingredients.
When I got there, Karen was running the store this morning.
"Good morning Karen, what are you doing here?" I asked while walking in.
"Ugh.. My dad went to get ready for the cooking contest, so I got stuck with running the store." Karen said with a attitude.
"But don't you have to get ready for the contest too?"
"I always burn whatever I make anyway.."
"Oh.. Well I just need a little of everything since I don't what the theme is."
While saying that,I quickly grabbed some things, payed for them, then left the store.
On my way out I slipped on a rain puddle. I was then able to think about the time from being on the ground for a couple minutes. Almost 12:00pm! I ran back home and was able to put the items away before the festival in the Town Square.
"Hey guys... Sorry I'm late" I said out of breath
"Hey Claire!" Said Popuri and Ann
"It's about time you showed up." Karen said showing little to no patience for my how late I was.
"Where have you been Claire?" Cliff said next to Gray and Rick.
"I was a little late from getting supplies."
"The festival is about to begin, today's theme Is a delicious dessert. Any competitors please come to the stage" Mayor Thomas announced.
I wanted to compete so I stood by the stage with a couple other villagers in town. My friends and husband were clapping behind me.
"Everyone go home and prepare your dishes and meet back before 2:00pm." Announced the mayor.
I went home while some people walked around and other stood near by the festival.
"Hey, I'll go prepare my dessert wish me luck!" I said to Cliff
"Good luck honey!"
I walked back home on my own and used the ingredients I bought to make some pudding! I used some eggs and milk. I started to add my last ingredients but... Oh gosh no...

Back at the Festival
POV Cliff
"Yea I'm excited too hah, Claire is going to make something great!" I said to Rick.
"Hey what's this?" Rick said picking up something on the ground.
"Chocolate? I think Claire had this in her pocket before when she was here" I said
"Do you think she needs it?"
"Better safe then sorry." I said taking the chocolate from Rick.
That Claire... Always so forgetful..
I started running back to the house to give this to Claire

Back at home
POV Claire
Darn it! I probably dropped it somewhere... I should go back, I still have time! With the eggs and milk in a pan, I rushed out the door with them in my hand. I looked down on the ground and moved quickly trying to watch my step then- OOF!
"Ouch...what was that..." I said rubbing my head."
I realized I was being to careful and saw the pudding I made on the floor with Cliff knocked out on the sidewalk
"Cliff..Cliff....sweetie can you hear me? Hello....?" I said over and over again trying not to scream"
Not knowing what to.. I bursted into tears and screamed for help.
"ANYONE....Please help..." I sobbed
I ran over to festival and yelled out toward everyone.
"Pleas someone help me!"
Trent and Ellie rushed over and handed their baby to me. I cried none stop making the baby cry, but I was crying more then the baby.
The festival carried on while some of my friends came with me to the Clinic.
Cliff was on a bed with a bruise on his head. He was connected to wires which controlled his heart rate.
"What happened?" Asked Trent
"I don't know.. I was missing a ingredient for my dessert so I was running back to festival.. I guess I bumped into Cliff on my way there" I said sniffling while wiping my nose on tissues that Popuri handed me.
"Well from the looks of it.. It seemed that Cliff had your missing ingredient." Trent said handing me a chocolate bar.
I nodded and looked at Trent
"The pan you had must have knocked Cliff out while you were running" Trent said
That only made me feel worse..
"So... It's my fault..?" I said looking down."
The room grew silent and no one responded. Trent walked over to Cliff.
"Claire it was a accident. Cliff is in a coma.. We have no telling on when he will wake up though." Trent said with a sad look
"Maybe we should go..." Ann said motioning toward the the group.
They left out of the room, and I stood watching Cliff wondering what have I done. It was all my fault... I can't lose Cliff. I'm not ready to lose someone else important to me..
Trent, Ellie, and baby Pete the stepped out of the room, leaving me to look at what I've done.... Alone...
That night... I cried over and over again wondering what I was going to do.

Harvest Moon : Ever after?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant