Chapter 9

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Lea's POV
I couldn't move I was lying on the ground outside my house. My body ached with pain and I had nothing apart from my clothes and bag. With only school supplies in. I lay there for another hour or two. When I heard a motorcycle. What are they going to do rape me. I'm in such an unstable condition that it would be easy. My hair all messed up and covered in blood. My face various shades of red, purple and blue. And my bones broken. Along with starving.

Alec's POV
I was driving home from the stadium. I had gone to watch a basketball game with Nate when I heard a cry. I followed the noise when I saw it was coming from none other the Nerd. I didn't know what to do should I leave or help her. I turned off my motorcycle and walked over to her there was a dim streetlight so I could make out how she looked. Nerd looked bad really bad. Bruises everywhere and blood and not to mention ripped clothes. I could tell immediately she was hurt. So I picked little nerd up and plopped her on my bike. I climbed on behind her and put my arms around her to reach the bars. God as I looked at her in front of me and felt a bit bad. This girl has been beaten up and hurt yet still keeps going. Once we were at my house I opened the door and carried her bridal style to my room. Then I went down to my mum who got a major in medicine to check her. After my mum had checked her I went to make her chicken noodle soup. As I walked back up to the room I heard her moving meaning she was awake.
"Wha-wh-what a-mm I-I d-doing h-here." She stuttered I sighed and walked up to her.

Lea's POV
"Wha-wh-what a-mm I-I d-doing h-here." I stuttered. As I woke up from a deep sleep. I looked around and saw it wasn't my room and I was on a bed. I looked over to the door and saw Alec. I screamed and tried to move but my body was aching to much. He slowly walked over to me and placed a bowl of chicken noodle soup beside me. Yummy my favourite.
"I will start from the beginning cupcake!" Said Alec as he sat down on the bed and looked at me. Once again with the nickname.
"Fine I will give 5 minutes of my life for you to explain!" I sneered. For a moment Alec looked hurt.
"Well okay. So I was riding home on my bike when I heard a cry. So I followed where the noise came from and saw you, cupcake on the lawn in your front garden with blood in your hair and bruises. Possibly a broken bone as well! So being the kind person I am I brought you here..." Alec finished as he handed me my steamy soup.
"Okay but I've got to get ho-" I stopped remembering my dad kicked me out.
"He did WHAT!!" Shouted Alec. Did I say that out loud.
"YES YOU DID!!" He shouted I flinched in fear thinking that he was going to hurt me.
"Why do you care Jones!" I whimpered as I finished my soup.
"Because no one hurts my cupcake. Ummm I mean no one kicks a girl out.." He said blushing slightly. Realising what he said. I smirked at him and replied with a simple,
"Your cupcake must be very yummy then, if no one is allowed it..." My mind can be amazing when it comes to perverted jokes. Alec smirked and walked to the other side of his bed and sat down. He grabbed my hand which was tiny compared to his and started to caress it with his thumb. This boy was confusing it was like: bully, love, bully, love and so on. But I decided not to question this moment so I just snuggled into the covers and fell asleep my hand still in his.
I woke up the next morning and tried to move to check the clock. However I was being held in place by a object. I turned around to see a rather cute looking Alec... Wait did I say cute I meant ugly. His arm draped over my waist so that I couldn't move.
"Hmmm!" Grunted Alec as he stirred in his sleep.
"Jones! Jones! JONES!" I shouted in his ear.
"Wait, what the..." Alec said as he quickly sat up banging his head on the headboard. Alec looked down at me and smiled. Not smirked smiled a proper smile. He turned to look at his clock and saw a piece of blue paper with writing on.
'Hi Hunny, I had to go out early to fill some legal documents in. Pancake mix is downstairs on the table and so Is my credit card with 2000 pounds on. After breakfast go to the mall and buy Lea everything she needs - from clothes to electronics to makeup to tampons. ;)
Love Mum'
I laughed as I read it with him and said.
"We are even now Jones!"
"Even!" He agreed.
"Let's goo have pancakes with lemon and sugar!!!!" I screamed as I ran downstairs pulling him after me. Then I suddenly remembered something what was I wearing? I looked down to see a large t-shirt that went down to my knees. I looked up and smiled at Alec. We continued to the kitchen and I pulled out a griddle and a whisk. I poured the pancake batter on to the hot griddle while Alec made some hot chocolate and set up the table.
"Done. 5 each!" I said placing a plate of pancakes down on the table! Me and Alec sat down and I tucked in. I only stopped when I heard Alec roaring with laughter.
"Wsats fo funny?" I asked with a mouth full of pancake.
"You just eating so fast and not like other girls who would eat half and then say they are full!" He laughed as he continued to eat. I smiled and then thought,
"Hey Jones what am I wearing today?" I asked.
"You can wear some of my sisters clothing she is at university!" He said as he picked up our dishes and put them in the dish washer. Then Alec pulled me upstairs and into a room where he went to a door which turned out to be a walk in closet with a bathroom at the end.
"We are leaving in half an hour! 9:00 no later everything you need is in here and the bathroom." Alec said pushing me in to the room and closing the door behind me. I walked through to the bathroom and had a quick shower. When I was done I got out a tooth bush and brushed my teeth. Then I went into the closet picked out white pants and a bra. Then some denim shorts, a black tank top, some knee high socks, combat boots and a flannel with 'do I look like I give a fuck" on the back. Then I picked out a green coat and went to put my  hair up in a messy bun. Damn this girl has a good taste in clothing. At 8:55 I walked out the closet to the front door where Alec was stood. He wore a black leather jacket, a white v-neck that cling to him and some tight black jeans along with some combat boots. I stood and took in his look. He wasn't bad looking.
"When your done checking me out cupcake we need to get going!" He smirked as he looked at me up and down.
"Right lets go!" I said as we walked out to where a white Range Rover was parked.
"I thought you had a motor bike?" I asked as we walked up to his car.
"This one is my favourite, she's the best car!" Alec said as he opened the passenger door. I walked in and he did up my seat belt.
"Well look Jones is being a gentleman!" I laughed and surprisingly he laughed with me...

AN sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. Stupid school.
'Stay in school kids' ;)

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