0.2 all alone

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As I stood up from the bathtub ledge in my tiny New York apartment, I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror.

My face stained with tears, mascara running down my face, and disheveled hair. If people had definitions mine would be a mess, a broken mess in fact.

Ever since my best friend, Riley Matthews decided she was done with me and my problems. Not to mention after I found my boyfriend, Josh with his tongue down another girls throat, I realized I was useless, unwanted, and all alone

As I unlocked the door, in the small and cluttered bathroom I grabbed some tissues on the way out. For the good lord knows it wouldn't be the last time I cried today.

As the hours past the knot in my stomach grew, my mascara got thinner, and I got much sadder. Knowing I hadn't left the apartment in three days, and no ones come to see if I was okay broke my already broken heart.

My eyes glanced around my room, to see the rain pouring down on the window. I didn't notice fore I had every sad song, on repeat. Turning my head back to my iPhone, that was currently on the page of sad quotes, that we're sure to draw more tears out of my eyes.

My mouth stuck together like glue, and my stomach growled over my music. Knowing I was upset and low on energy, I decided to make a ten o'clock snack. Opening to freezer with a spoon clutched in my left hand, I grabbed the chocolate ice cream. I placed it on the counter, and grabbed the jug of water. Putting a tall fogged up glass from the dish rack.

Just as I was about to pour the water, a knock was placed on the door. Taking a few sniffles, in an attempt to make my voice sound normal, I asked "Who is it?" The voice from the other side of the door was quite but audible. "It's Lucas." Said the voice.

Nearly dropping the water, in shock of who was at my front door. I walked closer to the door, not opening it but close enough he could hear me, without yelling. "Lucas please, just go away." I stuttered through an uneasy breath.

It was all silence, assuming he was gone, I slid my back down the book shelf nearest to the door. Pulling my knees in close and wrapping my arms around them, the water works began. Knowing him and Riley were quite good friends, she probably sent him here with more hurtful things to say. Surely I would not be able to take any more, without loosing all control.

I continued to cry, and cry. Nearly fifteen minutes had passed since, the tears found their way back to me. Taking in a deep breath, in hopes to calm myself down, I found my heart rate speed up instead.

As I head my front door unlock, and a manly figure walk into my apartment, I noticed it was Lucas. "Maya." His voice cooed into the the room, as his eyes searched for me.

Once his eyes laid on my small figure, his face shattered. He crouched down onto my level. Face to face, he pulled me into his chest, and wrapped his arms around me.

Breathing in his, comforting cologne, I continued to cry harder, and harder. He held me closer every time, my breath became unsteady.

"Maya shh, it's going to be okay." He quietly whispered into my hair. My breathing was unsteady once again. Fore I was vulnerable, and confused with what was happening.

"Maya, you listen to me. You are perfect in every way. Beautiful, smart, creative, and the detention of perfection. If Riley and Josh can't see that, then I hope they feel the pain over loosing you. Because Maya Hart, you are the most wonderful person I've ever met." He cooed, while stroking my back.

My heart aches hearing those words. It truly meant so much to me. Slowly I pulled my face out of his chest, noticing the tear stains I left on his, shirt.

Looking into his eyes, as he looked into mine. He brought his hand to my face, and wiped to the tears away. Feeling wanted for once, was amazing. And having it be from someone like Lucas was just the icing on the cake.

He continued to stare into each other's eyes, my vision got blurry but came back, into focus one I felt his lips upon mine. In shock I pulled away, not saying a word. Just looking at him.

He broke the silence by saying, "Why did I do that?, I'm so sorry, you're vulnerable and hurt." He said while running his hand through his hair. "I, I should go. Goodbye Maya." He muttered in a tone that was barley audible.

I couldn't let him leave, he was the only reason I had stopped crying in the past three days. As he turned on his heel to leave me alone, in my empty pit of sadness. I grabbed his hand, pulling him back to my level.

He said nothing, he just clutched my hand and looked into my eyes. Not meaning to, I leaned in, further and further, until our lips met once again.

After a few moments, we broke the kiss for air. Reaching out for both of his hands, I looked straight into his eyes and said "Lucas please don't go, you're the only person who managed to make me stop crying. And for once I feel wanted."

"And plus I liked the kiss, I never felt anything like that with Josh." I said still with our hands intertwined into each other's. Lucas just nodded his head, and picked me up bringing me towards my couch. He sat him self down, on to the couch placing my head in his lap.

Time was passing by fast, as I just laid in his lap with his arms carefully caressed around my body. His hands tangled through my hair, and we just kept our eyes locked on one another.

Never really noticing how soft, and beautiful his big brown eyes were, until they met mine.

"Maya, I just want to say since we met I've always thought you were beautiful, and one in a million. If Riley and Josh don't want you then forget about them, because I want you. I could live a happy life it it only had you in it. Because I think somewhere along the road I fell in love with you." He said with a soft toned voice, with so much meaning behind his words.

My eyes filled with tears, in lack of what to say. It was as if just by a touch he could mend everything broken about me.

"No, no please don't cry I'm sorry." He said with a shattered expression on his face. "Lucas I'm not crying because I'm hurt, I'm crying because no one has ever cared like you do. That means the absolute world to me." Our eyes connected once again.

Snuggling into his body, I once again smelt his cologne. Breathing it in, it filled my heart with happiness.

He held my tight, in his arms while placing small kisses on my temple.
Closing my eyes, I got drowsy. Soon to be asleep in his arms.

Lucas (Point of View)

Noticing she had fallen into a slumber in my arms, I slowly got up to get a blanket for her. She seemed cold, and I for one was going to keep her warm. Literally and metaphorically.

Once I made my way back to the couch, I lifted her up and laid down. Placing her head onto my heart. Draping the blanket over both of us, and wrapping my arms around her petite frame.

Leaning my lips onto hers, carefully giving her a kiss without awaking her. Whispering into her hair I muttered "I love you Maya." After that my eyes closed and I fell asleep, with her in my arms.

Heyyy! I hope you guys likes it! Vote and comment and I'll update soon! -Sarah xx💕

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