1.2 letters for you

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September 8th, 2018 letter #7

Dear Lucas,

how incredibly cliché is it to fall in love with your best friend? Regardless of that, I guess it happens pretty often or often enough that Riley fell for you, you fell for Riley, and well here I am writing this letter to you. Nevertheless, your feelings for her are old news and she's found someone new, but as the universe would have it my luck is still at a loss. You look at me like one of the guys, someone to drink beer with and tell your dirty jokes too, but goddammit I'm so in love with you. I promised myself I wouldn't give in to these feelings, but it was last Thursday and you were wearing a blue shirt that really brought out the blue specks in your green eyes, and you said something to me so stupid about an English assignment but then you laughed and it was like I couldn't breathe, as if my whole world was set aflame, and I wanted to hear that laugh and just keep hearing it.



Sitting in the back of the library at John Adams high school was Maya, putting her pen back into her pencil case and folding up her dirty little secret, the letters to Lucas. As Farkle walks up behind her,

"Hey Maya", he sang in his usual joyous voice.

And, there fumbled Maya with her belongings trying to hide the letter as he stood behind her,

"Jesus Christ Farkle, you scared the shit out of me!", Maya said kind of frustrated

"All I did was say hi? What's going on Maya?"

Before he could get a response Maya had already walked halfway to the doors of the library with her bag slung across her shoulder, leaving Farkle standing there confused as he watched her walk away. As he watched her walk out, he noticed the folded up piece of paper laying just under the table she was sitting at, he reached down to grab it and call after her. Before he could even speak she was already out of the library.

He knew it was Maya's, he knew whatever was written on it didn't concern him whether it was calculus homework or a page of her diary it didn't concern him. Although that didn't stop him, he unfolded the paper and began to read. The contents of the letter leaving him floored, but just merely reading the letter was not where he crossed the line, it was instead what he was about to do with it next.

Standing with her arms stretched out on the bathroom counter, looking at the reflection of her face staring back at her in the mirror. She felt bad for snapping at Farkle, truly she knew he didn't mean any harm, it was only that her letters were her most prized possession. If they got out, well she didn't even want to think about that would mean for her and Lucas. The most probable outcome was that her imaginary romance and very real friendship with him would be jeopardized. Pulling herself out of her pre-apocalyptic thoughts and back into reality, because in reality, she was safe from any of those scenarios as long as she had her letter. Maya opened her bag and reached for her notebook which contained her letter, or which a short fifteen minutes ago had contained her letter. She flipped through the other pages of her notebook looking for it, yet she couldn't find it. So she continued to rifle through her bag, looking at every scrap piece of paper she could get a hold of. The old crumpled receipt from chipotle, her C plus history assignment, but none of them were what she was looking for. Where. The. Fuck. Was. Her. Letter.

Through the school halls quickly walked a slightly out of breath Farkle until he reached the boy's locker room, he barged in with a sense of urgency. There at the lockers stood Lucas and two other guys from the baseball team, they were fresh out of the shower all clothed except for Lucas. He was yet to put on a shirt, and Farkle couldn't help but notice his six-pack, while he didn't swing that way he couldn't help but appreciate a good looking body when he saw one. For just a moment and one moment only he understood Maya's attraction, at least he did physically. Remembering what he had come to do he grabbed Lucas' attention,

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