0.9 guns & gangs

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WARNING: So there's gonna be some swearing if you're not comfortable please don't read it!

Enjoy! (;


It was Friday night and the air had a bit of a chill to it, but I didn't mind I was in need of an escape from my drizzly dank apartment. Not just that all the stress that had been piled up on my shoulders to graduate in a few months was taking a huge toll on me.

I crossed the street and walked into a Starbucks as any typical white girl would do. I approached the cash and ordered a grande Carmel brûlée latte. Those were my guilty pleasure. As I stood along side the few other strangers who were waiting for their orders mine was called, "Grade Caramel Brûlée Latte for Maya!" Moving up a little closer so I could take my drink, I thanked the barista and made my exist.

While I was walking it began to rain, of course I expected it. That's what a spring in New York is like, a lot of rain. The rain was light and I didn't mind, it was refreshing and relaxing. Pulling out my phone, I checked the time 10:26pm. As much as I was enjoying this walk I knew my mother would begin to worry. So I started to head home.

Taking the short cut, that I had found back home when I was just in 8th grade. I started thinking about how much has changed since then. Riley, she was still my best friend of course, friendships like ours lasted for ever. Farkle, well he'd ditched the turtle necks and traded them in for some black clothes, he said it suited him more. As for Farkle and Riley, they were high school sweet hearts both madly in love. But I couldn't forget about Lucas, Lucas had changed a lot. He became the school's bad boy, even joined a gang. We kept small contact but at heart he was still that country boy I knew and loved.

For my own sake, and Riley's I always kept my feelings for Lucas hidden away. I was in not mood to get hurt, but really who ever is? Plus, who would of thought Riley and Lucas wouldn't end up together. Certainly not me, but maybe those two thought and felt differently.

As much as my friends changed, I think I stayed the same in a lot of ways. But I became more independent. And more aware of what I had and what I didn't. Now although it sounds in a way, of oh poor Maya. That isn't the case at all, it was more the case of just figuring out how to achieve some things in the world and others come (or they don't).

Once I realized, I was about a block away from my apartment building I began to pick up the pace. It was funny, because people always felt safer in their neighbourhoods but I on the other hand, well I sat on the edge of my seat. It wasn't that where I lived wasn't safe, because it was. My mother and I could live in much worse conditions. But when the night sky swallowed the sun it was like a whole new part of the world was brought into perspective.

Different types of people gathered and different conversations were heard from the apartment windows of curious minds, like my own.

As I walked some conversation I heard grew louder, and angrier. I slowed down, careful not to approach too fast.

"You faggôt, you had one job and you fück it up! You're such a piece of shit!" Someone screamed, and you could feel the anger that seethed of the voices words the closer you got.

Just after the words you could hear what sounded like groaning, and someone begging them to stop. My mind quickly realized what was happening, whomever was groaning was getting beat.

Leaning against the brick wall, so no one would see my I stood and listened, peering my wandering eyes to the scene only 10 feet away from me.

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