0.8 beaten down

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There it was, standing at it's locker. I couldn't let it see me, so I turned on my heels as fast as I could and made my way to the girls washroom. Although that was a stupid decision, for it was early and it was just me in the washroom. No one around to save me from it, but as it looked the coast was clear and for once I could have some peace. Standing tall and proud in the mirror as I flatted my skirt and tucked in my silk blouse, and gave my self one last look in the mirror. "I can do this" I said taking one last deep breath. Suddenly a stall door slammed and it walked out, until it was inches away from my face. It's cool breath in my ear whispered "oh honey don't kid yourself, you can't do anything." and with that I was shoved to the ground. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I went to say something to it's oh so cruel remark but it was gone. Maya just breathe, in through the nose out through the pmouth I murmured in an attempt to calm myself down. "Oh and one more thing." I opened my eyes as it hovered above me. "That outfit really is very ugly, so let's put it out of it's misery." And with that it crouched down to my level. With a swift tug the light pink blouse was now ripped up the sleeve. "Goodbye Maya" it said blowing a kiss on it's way out, for the second time this morning.

The bell had rung, signalling that first period had started. But with the way I looked right now I couldn't very well make it. As I peered out of the bathroom into the hallway, I saw it was now empty. Quickly pacing myself to my locker where my gym clothes were. After changing into my sweaty, ugly gym clothes I grabbed my books and made my way to history. Opening the door all eyes were on me. "Miss Hart would you like to explain to the class why you're late?" Mr. Mathews has asked. But of course I couldn't, so I flipped through every excuse in the book until this one blurted from my mouth. "Sorry sir, I over slept." As the class continued per usual, I felt a hand gently give my shoulder a squeeze. I turned my head to see my boyfriend, Lucas. "You okay?" He mouthed with a worried expression on his face. I fake smiled and mouthed back "Never better."

After the school day had finished, I turned down the offer to go hang out with the four of my friends at Topanga's new cafe. I was headed home to hide away from the world.

3rd Person

The four friends sat in their usual spots at the cafe, but it wasn't the same without there blonde best friend. Riley just sat in silence, as Lucas missed his girlfriend beside him. Farkle well as he always was, the one who had figured things out. "Lucas? Can I talk to Riley and Zay alone for a minute?" He asked. "Yeah of course I'll go order a coffee." And with that it was just the three of them now.

"What is it Farkle?" Riley asked with her curiosity showing. "I think someone has been bullying Maya." He said. "That's impossible, Maya would surely tell us if someone was." Riley said, but with tone that you could tell she didn't totally believe the words she was saying. Zay piped up, "I can see where Farkle has a point, but we have to be careful with filling in Lucas." Zay finished "Well hate to break it to you, but I think you're wrong. This morning I was at school early, and I heard some voices coming from the girls washroom. One was yelling at Maya and the other was whimpering." Farkle said to Riley. "Zay, Farkle, I have to go. You should tell Lucas."

By the time Lucas has finished ordering his coffee and had returned from his seat, Riley was on her way out the door. "Hey guys where's Riley going?" He asked "Sit down there's something you should know." Farkle replied.


All of the sudden my window opened and Riley climes through it, quickly I attempted to hide my tears but it was no use. "Maya talk to me please." She said with a great amount of worry in her voice. I didn't say anything I just watched her as she opened the curtains allowing light to enter my bedroom, she also walked around picking up my crumpled tissues. In someways Riley was like a mom to me, of course nothing compared to my real mom or Topanga but it was good having Riley to look out for me in that way as well.

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