1.1 feelings found in texas

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Requested by; _gtfobea

It all started two months ago, I was sitting in my bed slacking on my homework and taking some selfies, as per usual. When my mom and her new husband Shawn, whom I actually really liked walked into my room.

"Maya, Honey. We need to talk." My moms cheery and slightly southern voice said with Shawn nodding behind her.

"What is it mom?" I asked putting down my phone.

I mean of course I put down my phone, yes I was totally obsessed with the dog filter and listening to some alternative music from time to time, but I had enough respect to pay attention when my mom talked to me. Until she started talking, that's when I really wished I wasn't paying attention.

"We're sending you to Texas this summer to stay with your Aunt May and Uncle Vince. You're going to work in their convenience store while you're there, and learn to be more responsible, Maya Penelope."

I just sat there in awe, the words kept ringing over and over again in my ears 'We're sending you to Texas this summer', I just couldn't believe it. This summer was supposed to be great, maybe even spectacular. Although now it seemed to be doomed for dismay. Which was ironic because apparently my Aunts name was May.

Finally I spoke,

"No, no, no, no! I refuse! This is not happening! This cannot be happening!" With my wide eyes I begged, "Shawn tell me she's just kidding."

They both looked at each other and chuckled before reaching for my hand,

"Sorry kiddo, it's not up for discussion. You leave next Friday after your exams." said Shawn

They both kissed me on my cheek and left my room, leaving me to stew in my anger and utmost disappointment. Two thoughts popped into my head, the first run away but it was poorly thought out. The second, put my headphones in and listen to music that related to my hate for the world. I laid there in a heap steaming with anger, and that anger passed through the next two weeks until I was reluctantly placed on a plane.

Finally I arrived and I couldn't deny the scenery was gorgeous, and I wasn't just talking about the boys. I met my aunt and uncle, my aunt May was a small brunette woman with a few years on my mom. She wore a pair of dark blue jeans tucked into her riding boots with a grey t-shirt, although she wore no high end fashion she was beautiful and quite sweet. My uncle Vince was also a brunette but of a lighter shade, he wore virtually the same thing but with a plaid shirt over top and obviously meant for men. He was a nice guy, who you could tell stood his ground. Both of their kids were grown so in the words of my mom they knew exactly how to "whip me into shape".

After I settled in the guest room of their large southern style home, I washed up and went down stairs, noticing that it was about 3:00 in the afternoon. I had only been there for about a day but I slept once I arrived. I looked around the kitchen and living room not seeing anybody until my eyes landed on the people sitting out on the porch.

"Hey sweetheart, did you catch up on your sleep?" May asked sweetly while taking a sip of her water,

"Yeah I did." I said smiling feeling a little shy.

"Vince, why don't you take Maya down to the store before it closes at 6 and you can show her where she'll be working for the summer, then I'll have a chance to start dinner?" She said smiling at her great idea.

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