Chapter 8

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Apparently, it was my mom calling. She had an early train to catch and knew better than to wake me up before leaving, mainly because she'd left around 6 AM. She was just calling to check in on me and to let me know that she wouldn't be back until around really late, and that if I needed anything, she'd left some money in the kitchen.

Needless to say, my whole day looked like it would be awesome. Just lazing around all day, not a care in tho world.
Best of all, no peer drama.

I was so wrong.

I spent most of the day in bed with ice-cream and Netflix. Usually, I'd invite the girls over, but since Mickey and I weren't on speaking terms, and Tinera had plans, I had to deal with being alone. Which wasn't too bad after all.

At around two o'clock, the doorbell rang. Surprisingly, it was Zach standing on my doorstep. I really wanted to slam the door in his face, but instead I decided to hear him out.

"Listen, Rachel, I've been thinking", he began, stepping around me to enter the house. I shut the door and went in with him. "What happened last night, what Mickey and I shared; I wasn't supposed to be with her, I was supposed to be with you".

I should have locked him out while I had the chance.

"Really Zach? You think I'm just gonna come running after you?" I shook my head. "Well dream on, lover boy, I'm not that shallow". I was really pissed, even though this was the moment I'd been dreaming of since 7th Grade, but then again, he was a jerk, and he needed to know that.

"No, Rache, I'm serious," he stared at me pleadingly with those gorgeous brown eyes of his. 

God, why did he have to be so damn hot?

"Still not falling for ya. This isn't Teen Beach Movie, y'know", I teased. Even though all I really wanted was him. And I had the feeling that he knew this too.

"Look, I'm sorry about last night, okay?" he pleaded, kneeling in front of me, and throwing me completely off guard. "Please, just give me a chance". 

I should have said no, I knew I should've. But I just couldn't.

Damn you, hormones.

"Okay. Supposing you're actually serious, just what exactly are you gonna do if I say I'm not giving you a chance?" I challenged him. At that, he got up.

"You really want to know?" he asked, smirking a little.

I rolled my eyes. "Uh, yeah I do."

That's when he leaned forward and kissed me, one hand cupping the back of my neck and the other snaking around to the small of my back as he pushed me closer to him. By then, I was already beaten. My arms went around him as I back.

Now, I know what you're thinking; she's so gullible, I wouldn't have fallen that  easily.
Well, don't be so quick to judge, I'm pretty sure you would've done the same thing.
So there.


We broke apart, my cheeks heating up at the realization of what just happened. Zach, on the other hand, looked like he'd just hit payday.

 "Whoa. You're good for a beginner," he grinned at me, making me flush darker than before. "So, uh...  Are you free tomorrow?"

"Are you asking me out? Like, on an actual date?" 

"Yeah, pretty much. So... what time do I pick you up? Six, seven, eight, nine...?"

"How about at four?"

"What? Why so early?" he pouted. "Don't you like the idea of a late night prowl?"

I laughed a little. "Yeah, I do. The thing is, my dad's coming home tomorrow, so I'll have to be here when he arrives and-"

"No prob. I totally get it," he turned to leave. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow then, babe." He winked at me before he walked out and closed the door behind him.

I was speechless. I mean, yeah, my dream had come true. Sort of. But it was definitely in the worst way possible. The only thing I was actually looking forward to now, was Dad's return. I just really hope he has a safe flight.


I was still awake by the time my mom got home.

"Hey, hon. Why are you up so late?" she asked, coming into my bedroom.

"I wanted to stay up for you", I said sitting up. "Aaand I've something to ask you".

"Sure, sweetie. Go ahead", she sat on my bed beside me.

"What do you do if you're caught in a situation you really don't want to be in?" I tilted my head to look up at her.

She rubbed the back of her neck and sighed. "I don't know; I guess, whatever you can to get out of it, I suppose", she suggested. "Or you could find a way to endure it, or to make it work for you?"

I nodded slowly, looking down for a bit before facing her again. "Okay, then. Thanks, Mom". I stretched before lying down again. "Goodnight".

"Sleep tight, my darling", she said softly, before kissing my forehead, shutting off the lights and closing the door behind her.


A/N: Hey there, my little munchkins,

So after re-publishing the parts I took down, I'm going to go back to not posting in forever.
I'm sorry. But typing is just so hard and then there's schoolwork and I'm just a lazy person in general, okay?

But anyways.

I really enjoyed this chapter, I actually don't know why, but if you liked it too, let me know why, in the comments (I really do love receiving comments, hint hint). Also vote. And share. Please?

Tbh, I don't know how good this book is, so if you think it's crappy, or it needs some work, let me know. You can write it in the comments, or post a message on my page. I look forward to hearing from you all. Seriously. I do

So, TTFN. Until next chapter. 

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