Chapter 3

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Next morning, she was nowhere to be found. 


I would have been late for class too, if not for Antonio. I actually got stuck in the janitor's closet (our not-so-secret-anymore meeting place) while waiting for Mickey, and luckily for me, he was passing by when that happened. He was able to open the door, just as the bell rang.

And to be honest, it was as if she'd been avoiding me. She didn't even join us for lunch.

During 3th period Physics, Mickey slid into the seat beside me a couple of minutes after the bell. Luckily for her, she didn't get caught. 

"Where were you?" I hissed in her ear. "I almost got detention this morning because of you!"

She stared straight ahead. "What?"

"Didn't you get my text?" I asked, more loudly this time.

She turned to my me, a perplexed look on her face, "What t-"

"Ahem. Girls, if you want to speak so badly,  would you mind discussing with the entire class?" Mr. Harold said, glaring at us through his metal-rimmed glasses.

"Sorry", I mumbled, slouching. Then Mickey, after a quick glance at our teacher, grabbed my notebook and scribbled on the last page:

Mickey: what text?

Me: the one I sent you last night, after I tried calling you

Mickey: I didn't get any calls or texts last night. You can check my cell if you don't believe me

Me: I do, but what exactly were you doing last night?

When she read the last line, she bit her lip and glanced nervously at her watch, then at me. She tapped her pen on the table, but just as she was about to write her reply, the bell rang for next period, in which I had Drafting  and she had Drama.

"Long story, tell you later. Byee!" she rushed out the door like there was a pack of wolves on her heels, and I can swear that I saw a look of pure relief on her face as she left.


After school,  Cathy (another one of Alyssa's cronies) walked up to me, and said ever so sweetly, "Hey, Rachel. You busy this weekend?"

"No. Why?" I asked skeptically.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my party next weekend. Me and the girls were talking and we agreed that it wouldn't be the same without you being there".

I blinked twice, before laughing slightly. "That's hilarious, Cathy. Now tell me another joke".

"I'm being serious, Rachel".

My smile faded and I met her stare. She looked very serious. But I wasn't sold.

I cleared my throat. "So, let me get this straight: you've been after my throat since grade 10, and despite what happened last year, you still threatened me verbally on the first day of school; and now, you want me to come to your party?"

She blinked, looking at me all innocent-like. "Yeah, pretty much".

I opened my mouth to answer her, but was cut off by Zach's yelling. "Yo, Cathy! Your party on Saturday? Count me in!" He grinned, skateboarding past us.

"Alright, see you there!" she relied over her shoulder, then turned back to face me, waiting for my answer. I knew it already.

"Okay, I'll come", I said. "But on one condititon".

"Name it and it's done".

Seriously? Was I really needed this badly?

"Mickey and Sean have to come too".

She raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? That's all? I thought you'd want more than that, but anyways", she rambled on, "That's a done deal: everyone's invited. I just wanted to make sure you knew, because obviously you don't attend a lot of parties. Ciao!" She spun around, and sashayed away to wherever she was going. 

Well, that wasn't very nice.

I headed to the gym, where Mickey was at volleyball practice. Entering, I saw that they would soon be done. I sat on the bleachers and pulled out my phone to pass the time. After a while, Tinera walked up to me.

"Hey, Rachel." I paused my game and looked up at her with a smile.

"Hey, girl! How's it going?"

Tinera joined our school last year. At first, I thought she'd be taken in by the Alphabitches, but it turns out that she wasn't one of those girls. Mickey, she and I had become pretty tight last year since we all had English together, and Tinera was just about the sweetest person I've ever met.

We talked for a bit, before she announced that her dad had come to pick her up.

"Well, I gotta go now. See you tomorrow!" She turned and headed out.


After another 7 failed attempts at Flappy Bird, Mickey showed up.

"Hey, sorry I took so long, I -".

I grabbed her arm, dragging her all the way to the late bus and shoved her into a seat, without bothering to hear what she was trying to say.

"Rae! What's your deal?" she snapped, glaring at me.

"We need to talk".

"About what?"

"About what you were up to yesterday. And what you were laughing about with Alyssa and Dominque".

At that, Mickey's eyebrows shot up, her mouth forming a perfect 'O' shape as her cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink.

"Well... They was just, uh, inviting me, to Cathy's party... On Saturday. Yeah, that's it".

I raised an eyebrow. "You really think I'm gonna buy that?"

"But it's true!" she insisted, turning red.

"Seriously? Mickey, I've known you since 5th grade. I know your lies when I hear 'em. And right now, I hear one!"

She just turned to stare out the window. When the bus got to my street, I got off without saying goodbye.

Mickey could be so stubborn at times, but at the moment, that was the least of my concerns. I was starting to trust her less. Our friendship was on the line here.

This whole sitch was worse than I thought.

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