Chapter 2

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After my morning classes (and lunch), I had Phys Ed; not my favourite class ever, but still pretty good. Today, we played dodgeball - NOT my forte. Coach Barker (Parker really, but since she barks like a vicious bloodhound that's what we call her) divided us up into two groups of ten. And she put Mickey on the opposing team.

One more reason why she's on my bad side. But she put Zach on my team, which kinda made up for it. Antonio was also on my team. He was an exchange student from Spain, and since he was pretty good friends with Sean, he was okay in my books too. Alyssa and Dominique were on the other team, along with some other guys.

The game started out okay. Until Barker decided to leave the gym, and all hell broke loose. 

Now, you'd think that because we were in grade 12 we'd be more responsible and mature, right? Ha. Fat chance. 

Most of the boys went berserk, trying to knock everyone out (they failed anyway, but It was entertaining to watch them try). Antonio and I stayed as far from the melee as we could, just being amused by the irony of it all.

Until I saw Mickey with Dominique and Alyssa. And they were giggling. Giggling! 

Here's some context for you: Mickey. Does not. Giggle.

Does she laugh? Of course. Snort? Most definitely. Guffaw? All the freaking time. Cackle? Like a witch.

But she does not giggle. And this whole situation has become a cause for concern.

And that wasn't the only thing. For some strange reason, one of those girls must always appear in one of my classes, as if they carefully planned their class schedules alongside mine. And this was highly unusual. Something is definitely up.


"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled as I entered my house. As soon as I entered my room, my phone rang. It was Zach. "Hey, what's up?"

"Less than you think, actually. You're in my Spanish class, right?"

"Yeah..." I said slowly, sitting on my window seat.

"Did you write down our homework, 'cause I missed it".

"Yeah, hang on a sec", I searched through my backpack for my Spanish notes. When I found them, I read the assignment out to him.

"Thanks Rachel. I knew I could count on you", he said.

"No problem", I'm always happy to help".

"A'ight. Guess I'll see you around", he said, hanging up.

"Yeah, see ya". I sighed and, locking my phone, I stared at the screen longingly. If only he knew, maybe things would be different.


Two hours later, my mom called me down to help her make dinner.

"Tonight we're making spaghetti and meatballs, and the Wilson's are coming over, so we've got to be quick about it", she said as I entered the kitchen. The Wilson's were Sean's family, and our parents' friendship went back quite a long way.

"Then let's get to it, I replied as I tied on an apron and washed my hands.

We finished in forty-five minutes, and just in time too, because as soon as I placed the last dish on the table, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Mom said, rushing to get to the door. As I put the finishing touches on the table, the Wilson's came in.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Hi, Gabby. What's up, Sean?" I greeted each of them as they came into our living room. Sean winked and I gave him a hi-five. We've been doing this since 6th Grade, and it had become our handshake. Just then, his annoying little sister ran up to me and kicked my shin. For some reason, she hates me.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, glaring at her. "What'cha do that for?"

"Gabby! Please behave yourself", ordered Mrs. Wilson, and her 8-year-old brat scampered back to her side. "Sorry about Gabby; she's still a bit out of control". Mrs. Wilson smiled nervously.

"Tell me about it", I muttered under my breath, rubbing my shin.

"Alright then, lets eat; shall we?" my mom said, being the peace-maker as usual. She sat at the head of the table, Mr. Wilson on her left and me on her right. Gabby sat in between her parents, so Mrs. Wilson was at the other end of the table, with Sean in between her and me. Our six-seater dining table was full of the talk of politics (Mom and Mr. Wilson), getting Gabby to eat (Mrs. Wilson) and high school shit (Sean and me).

When dinner ended, and the Wilson's left, Mom and I did the washing up.

Once in my bedroom, I speed-dialed Mickey, but only got her voice mail. I sent her a text, telling her to meet me at our secret place before classes started tomorrow. We needed to talk.

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