Chapter 6

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Mickey's POV

Oh shit.

What the hell did I just do? The only person I had ever called my best friend was not moving. And was all my fault.

I mean, yeah, she betrayed me and all, but still.


No response.

I bent down and poked her arm. Still nothing. I even tried shaking her awake, but to no avail.

I slowly backed away before running back into the house, looking for one person.


He turned on hearing his name, his smile disappearing as he saw my distressed look. "Mickey, what's wrong?"

"I-I-I  don't know. I mean, I was with Rachel, we were outside, a-and we were arguing, and I got mad a-and I shoved her and she fell and she's not getting up!" I stammered frantically. You can't blame me, I was a mess.

"Mickey, calm down. Now please rephrase all that because I've no idea what the hell you just said".

Sean apparently didn't get any of it.

"Rachel's knocked out cold. On the ground, outside".

With that, his perplexed expression turned to a fearful one.

"Oh, crap. Look, I'm gonna get Antonio or Fred, and maybe Tinera. As for you, stay here. And please don't do anything else stupid".

"Hey, I-". Sean shot me a look that shut me right up. I crossed my arms. "Fine, whatever".

He shook his head, then headed to, well I really didn't care. I found a place to sit. Thoughts of the night's events flooded my mind.

Did Dominique really tell me the truth? Or did I just make a fool of myself?

Overwhelmed by my thoughts, I groaned and put my head in my hands.

"Hey. Is something wrong?"

I looked up to see Brianna looking down at me with concern. "God, you look terrible".

I looked down, confused. "No, not your clothes, silly, your face. Your makeup is pretty wrecked".

I touched my cheek, which was wet. I hadn't realised that I was crying. "Oh, wow..."

"Come on", Brianna offered me her hand. "Let's get you cleaned up".

She led me through the crowd to one of the washrooms and a rather large one at that. My eyes widened as I marvelled at the sight.

Brianna saw my expression and smirked. "Impressed?"

"More than a little! I mean, it's so big and it's just a washroom. What'll the master bedroom be like?"

"Never mind that", Brianna giggled. "Anywho. I didn't drag you all the way here for nothing, did I? Let's get you made up again".

I laughed and washed my face. Then, Brianna helped to redo my makeup.

"Hey, your full name's Michaela, right?" she asked while fiddling with my hair.

"Yeah, why?"

She pulled a face. "So why does everyone call you 'Mickey'? It's not like you're some overgrown mouse. I think 'Kella' would be a much better nickname, especially for someone as pretty as you".

"'Kella'... " I tested the name out. "You know what? It's actually a great nickname! When I meet people I'd just be like, 'Hi, I'm Kella', and they'd be like, 'Oh eM Gee, girl, your name is so pretty', like, you know what I'm sayin'?"

Brianna grinned. "Man, you are so funny". She gave me one last inspection. "Well, you look decent again. Let's bust this joint".

We went back to the main room, which was now empty because apparently, the party was over. Then I remembered Rachel. I whipped my head in the direction if the door. I could just make out Tinera's petite figure from where I stood.

I moved to go out when Brianna grabbed my arm. "Listen, Kella; you've had a tough night. Why don't you go home and rest? I'm sure whatever's going on is under control. And, speaking of rest, the girls and I are having a sleepover at my place on Thursday. Wanna come?"

I grinned. "I won't miss it".

"Awesome. I'll see you then. We'll have loads to talk about, so you might wanna come rather early too".

"Sure thing". She smiled and turned to go.

"Oh, and Brianna?"

She whirled around, "Yes?"

"Thanks again. For everything"

She smirked again. "Oh no, Kella. Don't thank me; the pleasure was all mine".

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