Chapter 1

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Rachel's POV

Prom night was perfect. The hall was gorgeously decorated, the outfits were amazing and the couples were totally meant for each other. I gazed into the eyes of my date for the night: tall, handsome and mysterious Zach (who had been my crush since 9th Grade), and he smiled his irresistibly sexy smile. then, he bent his head ever so slightly, as if he was about to...


I sat up sharply, still in a daze. I looked around my bedroom, confused, until I realized it was all a dream. Disappointed, I got out of bed, showered and got dressed for the first day of senior year.

It was 7:45 am, and by the time I was ready, the bus was at my place, so I just grabbed my lunch (courtesy of my darling mother) and a granola bar and headed outside. Entering the bus, I made my way towards my usual seat, the one by the window on the third-to-last row, where my best friend Mickey would join me at the next stop.

Soon enough, we rolled around her street, and she entered as her usual overly dramatic self, while I watched her as my usual quiet observer self.

Mickey and I are nothing alike, but you know as they say, "opposites attract".

"What's up, Rae? It's been ages", she exclaimed as she sat next to me. "Summer in Barbados was boring without you!"

I smiled, knowing that whether I'd been with her or not, she'd still have a blast. She always said that to make me feel better, but it come on. It's Barbados. Who wouldn't have fun there?

"Oh, everything's cool, summer was alright, but not the same 'cause you-know-who was out of the country".

"Well you can't expect him to stay at home all summer with that much money. I mean, his family's loaded!"

"Do you mind lowering the volume? People may be able to tell who you're talking about", I said, glancing around nervously.

"Alright, alright, don't sweat it. I'll be quieter. Sheesh", Mickey rolled her eyes at me. With her as a best friend, it's really hard to keep a crush a secret. But I still love her to bits all the same.

At school, I headed to my locker to get out my books for 1st and 2nd period. As I opened it, a note fell out, which had my name on it. I picked it up, read it, and groaned. It was from Alyssa and her bunch of clones, a.k.a. the girls who've been out to get me since the 10th grade. For a pretty stupid reason if you ask me. Although they're yet to succeed, they were pretty close last year. Anyways, the letter reads:


Don't think that just because we nearly got suspended last year means we'll quit trying. In fact, you're really in for it this time. Have a nice life.. or not. Ha ha.

-A,B,C & D"

Oh well. Hopefully I'll survive this round.

On my way to my Geography class, I bumped into Sean. We'd been buds since 7th Grade, and we were close.

"Hey, long time no see", he said, grinning. "How's life been?"

"It's alright, what about yours?" I replied.

"Same as yours". Just then, the bell rang. "You better get a move on if you don't wanna be late for 1st period", he said. And, leaning towards me, he added, "And also watch your back. They're out to get you".

Tell me something I don't know.

I nodded my understanding and hurried to class.

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