Chapter 1.

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"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed after bumping into a woman that searched for her ticket. I ran past her, holding my ticket in my left hand.

It was my first day of work at my new workplace and I could not, I repeat, I could not be late on my first day! I was lucky enough to even have this job and I would do anything to keep it that way. Now that I got a job in the Research and Development department at Wayne Enterprises, I would not waste the job that was probably the best job of my entire life.

Thinking that I rushed through the station and into the train right before the doors closed. Panting I leaned against the now closed door and tried to calm down a little. Why of all days did the alarm decide today was the day it would not ring until my ears fell off?

Although I had been short on time I still managed to look acceptable. I had thought about my outfit all night, because I wasn't able to sleep and I always showered in the evening, so the only thing that required some time was my hair and make-up. And I actually managed to get both done in time.

When that thought crossed my mind, my stomach began growling. Yes, my breakfast didn't make it. I would be without food all day. Of course I had a lunch break, but Wayne Enterprises did not own a cafeteria and the restaurants in that part of the town were out of my league.

Sighing, I exited the train at my stop: Wayne Tower.

I couldn't believe I made it in time when I stood in front of the famous and incredibly huge building. After hesitating for a few seconds I made my way into the building and to the reception desk where I needed to pick up the ID card that would proove that I was an employee at this place.

"Good morning." I greeted the woman and she greeted me with a smile.

"Good morning, what can I help you with?" She asked and I got my passport out.

"I am Jane Benton, a new employee here and I wanted to pick up my ID card." I explained and she took a look at my passport.

"Oh, yes! Mr. Fox told me that today is your first day. Just a short moment, please." She told me and went over to the phone.

She talked to someone for a short period of time and then went over to some shelves and searched for something. I took the opportunity to inspect the interior of Wayne Tower. I had been here before, when I applied for the job, but I didn't look at the beautiful design of this building back then.
I was so endulged in admiring the building with it's high ceilings and glass walls that I didn't notice a very familiar person approaching me.

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