Chapter 9.

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When I came back to the ballroom where the charity event was held, I saw that Dean and Mary were still dancing and tried to find Mr. Fox again, since he was the only one I knew. And I had definitely talked enough with Mr. Wayne for one night.

But before I could find Mr. Fox, a relatively young man approached me and asked me if I wanted to dance with him. Since I had nothing better to do, I accepted his offer and we made our way over to the dance floor.

The music hadn't really changed all evening, so there was still slow instrumental music playing. Right now a wonderful song with a violin and a piano.

I got to know that the man I danced with was an entrepreneur from another city that had some business deals with Wayne Enterprises. But the dance with the man didn't really last long, because another man which I had decided to avoid for the rest of the evening cut in and asked if he could take over.

So now, I was stuck with Bruce Wayne once again. Which I didn't really mind, but I was not a woman for one night and as good looking as he was that wouldn't change. I mean he had that reputation, so that was what he was after, right?

"Can't get enough of me, Mr. Wayne?" I asked with mixed emotions which I tried to hide for now.

"I have my reasons. One of them is to get you to stop calling me Mr. Wayne." He told me and once again his charm worked on me. But I tried to shake it off.

"I could call you Pete if you prefer that..." I joked, referring to our talk with Alfred.

"I'd like it much more if you'd call me Bruce." He told me, still smiling.

"Will you tell me another reason if I do?" I questioned him, once again joining his flirt.

"Unlikely." He replied, but I could hear that he was mocking me.

"Then I'll have to disappoint you, Mr. Wayne."

"Okay, okay. Another reason is me trying to find out if there is any chance you'd let me drive you back to your flat." He told me bluntly with an offer I somehow didn't want to deny and I laughed.

"Drive me to my flat?" I asked with raised brows, not sure what he was implying.

"Drive you back to your flat, yes." He grinned, well aware of what I was thinking.

When I remained silent for a little too long, he chuckled and spoke up again.

"I can assure you it is not what you're thinking."

"Oh, and what do you think I am thinking of?" I tried to brush it off, but he smiled knowingly.

"I'd say you're questioning my intentions. So let me tell you, I'm only trying to be a gentleman."

"You can read people quite well, Mr Wayne..."

"Bruce." He corrected me and I shook my head with a smile.

"Honestly, Bruce, I don't think I'll stay much longer and I don't think you leaving your party before any of your guests do is a good idea. Not that your party is boring, I just lack the social skills." I replied and he looked at me with furrowed brows.

"It's all a matter of practice." He told me and I sighed.

"I think I've practiced enough for one day."

"In that case, you should be a master in that field by now." He stated, trying to convince me to stay a while longer.

"You can't become a master of a skill with just one day of practise." I replied and he nodded, giving in.

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