Chapter 16.

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The first thing I did after the conversation with Mr. Fox was to go to the nearest store and buy a phone which proved itself to be more of a struggle than expected with the press following me around, but I knew I couldn't let this affect my work, so I tried my best to ignore the questions and the invasion of privacy until I got back into the Wayne Tower.

There I spent the entire morning dissecting the phone and trying to figure out which components could be exchanged to achieve the sonar function. When lunch finally came around my head was already pounding.

"Where have you been all the time?" Mary asked me after knocking on the door to my office.

"Here." I simply stated, leaning back in my chair. "Fox gave me some weird special project that needs to be finished in a week."

"Destroying the newest smartphones on the market?" She interrogated after checking the components lying on my desk.

"If only it was that easy." I chuckled and she joined in.

"Do you want Dean and me to get some food for you, so we can eat here?" She changed the topic and my face lit up.

"That would be amazing!"

Mary grinned and left the office to get Dean and some food. I used the time to work on the project some more and only interrupted it when they returned.

The days went on like this. I was super busy and rarely got to see any of my co-workers or Bruce. Since Wayne Enterprises was currently in negotiations with LSI Holdings, I knew that he must be rather busy himself, although there had been rumors of him sleeping during a meeting which let people into believing I had been the reason for his state.

But today was Saturday and he was taking me out for dinner. I was opposed to the idea at first, thinking the press wouldn't leave us alone, but somehow he managed to get us into the restaurant unnoticed.

After asking me a bunch of times if I needed any sort of support dealing with the press we got into more serious topics.

"I'm throwing a fundraiser soon." He told me and I nodded while eating some more of my pasta.

"Who are you fundraising?" I questioned and he sipped on his water.

"Harvey Dent."

I stopped my movements and looked at him in surprise.

"Harvey Dent? Why? He just got elected."

"And he's a good man that's why I'm trying to give him the funds for future elections." He explained and I raised my eyebrows.

"Since when do you care about politics?" I asked, since I've never heard anything about Bruce getting involved in the city's politics, he never mentioned it before either. "Is it because he nearly got shot in the hearing this week?"

"No, but I think he's doing an excellent job and should be rewarded for it. I actually met him with Rachel this week and he seems to be a nice guy." Bruce explained and I nodded.

"I guess. Honestly it's been ages since someone did as much as him." I admitted. "So when will the fundraiser be?"

"I'm not sure yet. It will take some time to prepare it properly, but keep in mind that I'd like for you to come."

Upon hearing that I put down my cutlery and looked at him with a serious expression.

"Bruce, I told you that these kind of events aren't my thing..."

"And I thought we agreed that you need more practice, so you can become a master of social events?" He teased me and I sighed in defeat.

"That was before I knew you'd make me go to one every week." I argued and a cheeky smile appeared on his face.

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