Chapter 10.

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We got up from our chairs and went over to thank Bruce for the invitation and he asked Alfred to call for our drivers. Then he accompanied us on our way to the front door.

The first two cars in the row of cars looking to get their owners back to their homes were Mary's and Dean's and after I hugged both of them briefly the hurried to get into the cars.
I waved shortly and the turned to look at Bruce. He said goodbye to a couple getting into another car and then looked at me as well, a smile on his lips.

"Shall we?" He asked me and turned around to head back inside. "I guess the party ended up being better than you expected?"

I rolled my eyes, but nodded anyway.

"Well, I didn't expect that you were planning on turning this charity ball into a real party..." I admitted and he chuckled.

"Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He told me as we got into the elevator again. Bruce pressed the button for one of the underground floors and we remained silent during the short ride down.
Then the doors opened again and we entered an underground parking lot filled with numerous expensive cars.

"So, which one do you want? The Bentley or the Lamborghini?"

"If you ask me like that...the Lamborghini? Since I already had the pleasure of riding in the Bentley once." I answered, remembering when Alfred had taken me and Mary shopping. I always thought that Bentleys were beautiful cars with a lot of class, but a Lamborghini had its charms as well.

"Oh right that's the car Alfred picked you up with, right?" He asked me and I nodded while we continued walking towards a row of black cars.

"Then the Lamborghini it is." He said and stopped in front of one of the cars, unlocked it and I watched in awe as the doors rose above the car by themselves.

And since Bruce couldn't hold the door open for me like this he resorted to holding my hand while I sat down in the car and closing the door afterwards. Then he walked around the car and sat down in the driver's seat.

After that he asked me to tell him my address and typed it into a navigation system. Then he started the engine and we left the building behind.

The streets were as empty as you'd expect them to be at four in the morning and we managed to leave midtown rather quickly. During the ride we talked about my education, how I got interested in science and why I applied at Wayne Enterprises. I admitted that working with Mr. Fox had been a huge point of interest for me and of course the job conditions and the pay.

"Mary told me that you also worked in our department when it was called Applied Sciences. Is that true?" I asked and he frowned for a second.

"That's true, yes." He replied shortly and I decided to dig deeper.

"But wasn't it your company at that time? Why were you 'only' working in that department?" I questioned him, not willing to degrade my own department, but he could have been the CEO or something.

"You know...back then Mr. Earle who isn't with our company anymore lead it for years and I trusted him, so I didn't want to get in his way when I just returned to Gotham, so I started working in a department that interested me." He explained and I nodded.

"I don't want to be intrusive, but what do you mean when you returned to Gotham? Rachel also mentioned it earlier." Now his face got even more serious and I worried if I shouldn't have asked.

He remained quiet for a moment and just as he was about to say something we heard screeching wires and right after the car was pushed to the side and we thrown around in the car, even with our seatbelts secured.

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