Chapter 29.

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After telling James Gordon the most important details about the technologies Batman used and the GCPD was already aware of, he rubbed his forehead with a frown.

"This doesn't sound good. No wonder the Joker seemed to be getting stronger recently." He sighed and I bit my lip, staring at the table.

Maybe I should have asked the police for help earlier, but back then I didn't feel like they could do anything to help me.

"I didn't mean that this is your fault, of course." He added after seeing my reaction.

"Maybe it isn't my fault entirely, but I know that at least a part of it is. But I don't want your pity. I'm here to change things."

"Then let's get things going, shall we?" Gordon looked at me and got out his chair, expecting me to do the same.

"You want me to come along?" I questioned with wide eyes, my hands instinctively clutching to the fabric of the chair beneath me.

"Of course. You wanted to fix things, right?" He asked while escorting me towards the door.

"Yeah, but..."

"No need to be afraid, I'm sure he'll be glad to know. If we're lucky enough to meet him anyway. There's never a guarantee."

After these words left his mouth, we reached an elevator and Gordon pressed the button of the highest possible floor.

"We'll have to walk some more stairs, I hope that's fine with you." He told me, once again a small smile playing along his lips.

"That's fine." I replied and stared at the little screen watching the numbers go up as the elevator ascended.

When the elevator doors opened again, darkness greeted us along with intense gusts of wind. We walked across the helicopter landing place to a small extension on higher ground with a round flood light facing the city's sky.

Right now, it was still turned off, but I knew what we would be doing in a few seconds.

Although everyone in Gotham knew that the bat symbol in the sky wasn't barely a technical malfunction, I was surprised to see an actual metal bat adorning the flood light.

"Let's see if he'll pay us a visit." Gordon announced and without hesitation turned on the flood light. Staring straight at it, I had to close my eyes, since they had already adjusted to the darkness surrounding us and the brightness hurt.

As we waited, it became clearer that Batman wouldn't grace us with his presence tonight.

After a solid hour of waiting in the freezing cold on the rooftop, Gordon finally decided that we waited long enough.

"Don't worry, he doesn't show up 90% of the time." He assured me while turning of the flood light again.

As we made our way back over to the elevator, a frown appeared on his forehead.

"I already told you before, but I'm sure the Joker knows that you've been here. What you've been doing hasn't been entirely legal, but it is also our duty to keep you safe. We can't risk losing you now, so I'd prefer it if you stayed here at the GCPD for the time being, I believe that you are the safest here." He informed me while we got onto the elevator.

Swallowing the lump in my throat that appeared while talking about this topic, I nodded hesitantly.

"I guess. That's fine with me as long as I get enough food." I shrugged and he chuckled quietly.

"I expected you to have more conditions, but I think we can manage getting you food, yes."

"I want to feel as free as possible of course. I know I can't trust some people in the GCPD either, so..."

"You can trust the people in the Major Crimes unit. I chose them myself and I trust them 100%." He told me with an earnest look on his face and I nodded once again, not so sure about that myself.

"That's a hard thing to do, but I guess I don't have any other choice."

"We'll see if we can change your situation once we've talked to Batman. Until then, please be patient."

"I will. Thank you."

It didn't take us long to arrive on the floor we had left behind about an hour ago and Gordon led me back to the room I had first met him in.

"Wait here until I sort things out." He told me and I took a seat, following his instructions.

I knew that it would take a while, so I grabbed the book I had in my bag and tried to kill some time by reading, a hobby that let you find some enjoyment when the internet is a place you want to avoid at all costs if you didn't want to be tracked down by people probably trying to kill you.

I didn't know how long it had been when James Gordon appeared in the room again, but I was happy to be led to a small office that they filled with a mattress.

"Please keep the room locked at all times. We will have a key to the room as well, so we can get you if you're needed for anything that might come up, but you're free to use the common room and the small kitchen here anytime." He informed me after he showed me the areas where I would be able to walk around in without needing a security card which wasn't given to me for obvious reasons.

I thanked him and he handed me the key to the room before he turned to leave.

"We're working day and night on Harvey's case, so I don't think it will take long until we get in touch with Batman again, don't worry." He reassured me and I smiled at him.

"Thank you for looking out for me, but it's okay. I'll wait as long as it takes."

"Okay, then I'll let you rest." He concluded and shut the door behind him, leaving me alone.

When I heard the door being locked, I walked over to the mattress and sank down on my new bed, dropping my bag next to me. Out of habit my head turned to look out the window again, this time being greeted by the faintest hint of the coming sunrise. How long had I already been here?

Resting my back against the soft material made me realize just how anxious I had been. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm my body down while being in this unnerving situation.

After a few minutes of laying there in silence I drifted off to sleep.


I just wanted to say a quick thank you for 1k likes!! It means the world!

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