Chapter 13.

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When Bruce confirmed my suspicion of him asking me out on a date, I was left speechless for a moment. Despite his usual self-confident manner, Bruce didn't seem to know what to say either.

"I appreciate the offer, but you know you're still my boss and I doubt that going on a date with you would end well for me, so..."

"So you're interested?" Bruce chimed in and I tried to think coherently and give him good reasons why this was just impossible.

"Stop interrupting me." I told him off, but of course he wouldn't listen.

"I know you have you concerns, but just give it a try, I promise nothing bad will happen and if you feel like dying out of boredom at the end of the day, you won't have to do this ever again."

Before I could stop myself, my subconscious answered for me.


Internally I slapped my face.

"Great. Then I'll go check on the car and give you some time to get ready." He smiled and all I could do was nod, already regretting on agreeing to do this.

I followed Bruce to my front door where I waited until he had disappeared down the stairs. Then I shut the door and leaned against it with a loud groan.

Why was I so weak in front of him? Why did I give in to everything he said? I knew what kind of reputation he had and I would NOT fall for his charms. I was not that kind of person.

Still I pushed myself off the wall to finish my breakfast and get dressed. Which proved itself to be quite problematic as well, since we had not decided on what exactly we would be doing on this date.

Going out for lunch was kind of pointless, so that definitely wouldn't be it, but what else could it be? It had been a while since my last date, but then again I had never been on a date with a billionaire before. What if I decided to go casual and he went all out with fancy places that I didn't fit at all?

I shook just from imagining the discomfort it would provide me. Calm down Jane, don't overthink this. I thought about texting him to discuss it, but then I realized that I didn't even have his phone number. Not even the one at work. No differences in status at all, no.

Before I was going insane I just threw something comfortable, but also slightly elegant on. As for my hair, I went with sleek ponytail.

While I was packing my bag, the bell rang again and I hurried to open it for Bruce. After about a minute the elevator door opened and he casually walked out of it, still looking the exact same as just about one and a half hours ago.

Sometimes I envied men for this, although I had to admit that Bruce always seemed to care for his appearance. I mean, I had not met him in person many times, but all of the pictures I saw of him were always in suits with neatly styled hair. Which was also the look he was sporting today.

"Welcome back." I greeted him, trying to be funny, but failing miserably.

"Hey, are you ready yet?"

"Not yet, but I only have to pack my bag, then I'm done." I explained and he nodded, while entering my flat.

"Just give me a second." I told him, closed the door and rushed back into my bedroom where my bag was.

I just shoved everything inside at this point and then hurried back into the living room to Bruce.

"So, I didn't know what we would be doing and if my outfit is not appropriate I would appreciate if you could tell me now." I looked down at my black skinny jeans and the flowing blouse I was wearing.

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