Chapter 4.

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After that realization hit me, the two men noticed us as well, stopped their conversation and turned towards us.

And although Bruce Wayne was only an immensly rich guy that showed up in the  newspaper too often not to notice, I behaved like someone who just met a celebrity and got incredibly nervous. I mean, he owns this place! Plus, there was no way you could ignore how much more handsome he looked in real life. Pictures couldn't even compare.

His dark brown hair was neatly combed back and fixated with a little gel, he wore a perfectly fitted grey suit with a red tie that was probably a custom product and he himself had an aura I never experienced in the presence of another human being.

When we approached him and Mr. Fox, I could feel his eyes on me, looking me up and down. But somehow I didn't get that typical 'checking the girl out' vibe from his action. It felt like he was scanning me, analyzing me. This left me  feeling even more self-conscious.

But then he smiled and I felt like I didn't have to worry about the way I acted around him anymore.

Once we were close enough he raised his hand and looked me in the eyes.

"You must be Jane Benton. I'm Bruce Wayne." He introduced himself as if I wouldn't know the man who owns my workplace.

"Yes, that's me. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wayne." I answered honestly and he shook my hand with a firm grasp.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Benton, it's great to have you as a part of our team." He said full of charisma.

"I am happy to be a part of the team, too." I answered him and he replied with another smile.

Mr. Wayne seemed to be thinking for a few seconds before he looked over to Mr. Fox.

"Mr. Fox just informed me of the results of the research the whole team has comitted to over the last few weeks and since all of you are still new to the job, I think it would be a good idea to introduce you to some of our shareholders. I though it would be convenient if all of you would attend the charity event held by the Wayne Foundation this friday. Only if it suits you of course." Mr. Wayne explained his thoughts to all of us and we glanced at each other, trying to figure out what the others were going to say.

I was the first one to speak up.

"I don't have any plans for friday yet, so I'd love to attend the event." I stated and the others seemed to feel relieved, after all friday was just two days from now.

To be honest huge crowds weren't one of my favourite things in this world, but I knew everyone I know would kill me if I missed out on this opportunity. Additionally, I didn't want to affront my boss during our first meeting. And now Mary and Dean agreed to come as well.

"I'll look forward to see you all on friday, then." Bruce stated and left the room.

We were all still a little flustered. Apparently Dean and Mary had never attended such an event as well.

Mr. Fox told us a little about how these parties played out. He said it was basically just a lot of rich people drinking champagne and talking, trying to find out if the other person is worth their time and money. He added if we ever wanted to have a nice chat we should rather talk to Mr. Wayne's butler Alfred.

"But I have faith in my co-workers that they'll be able to make an enjoyable night out of this situation." Mr. Fox told us with an amused smile.

After this conversation we all went back to work, trying to make something out of the fibers we had just created, but today we all got off work on time as a reward for the breakthrough we achieved today, so we didn't really get another result.

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