8 Blocks of Ice

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A/N: The photo on the right side is Ash. First glance and I knew he fit Ash's image. Night-black hair. Although i'm not certain that his eyes were blue.Let's just pretend it was blue mkay?


Man, that little brat sure has some nerve. After I comforted him, he still kicked me out from his car. He’s cold all alright. Freezing cold. I entered my classes only after recess while Prince Ice skidded away from school. I still have a lot of question to ask him but for now, I have to concentrate on my boxing training then head home. That's my plan.

“Coach, let me pair with Kellin,” Ryan requested, and smirked at me.

‘that douchebag’ I grunted. I ignored him. Let him be my pair so I don’t have to hold back. Considering his level, coach said I was equal in strength, higher level in agility but lost to him in term of endurance.


After I warmed up , I hopped into the ring, ready to face him.

“I saw you with that cold guy in the parking lot this morning,” he sneered and launched a strike. I blocked and tried to analyz his movements but his words entered and distract my concentration.

“Whatever,” I growled.

“I never thought you have a thing for a guy,” he grinned.

“Say what you want,” I landed a hard blow on his face swiftly.

“You don’t mind me spreading it?” he provoked.

“Do whatever you want,” I replied. Honestly, I don’t care. At least that will give me a reason to get closer to the Prince Ice.

Wait, what? Did I just think it’s okay to like a guy? For real?

It's not that I like. It's for Terri. Just one date and I'll win.

“Hey, whada ya doin’? sta’ focus!” Coach barked.


We continued but I can’t get my head straight and get badly beaten by that douchbag. Coach shook his head watching my pathetic performance.

After an hour, it finally ended. I quickly went to the changing room and took a quick shower. When I went to change my clothes, I saw Ryan standing close by his locker.

Ignore him.

I get changed but felt uncomfortable when he kept staring.

“what?”I snapped, as I tugged myself through my shirt.

He smile wickedly.

“You have a nice bum”

I tossed a cooling spray at him.

“get lost asshole,” his words really make me wanted to vomit.

“If, in case you broke up with him, you can always find me. I'll have a taste of your ass” He said and left the room. I think the lightning just hit me because I was completely in shock. My brain cells just died. That was a sexual harrasment!! Even I myself never said something like that to any girl I flirted!


I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Yuck, that was disgusting.


3 days have passed since I found out Ash is a cutter. Ugh, how could he done such thing? What was it that he dared to slice his own flesh. I got goose bumps all over my body when I imagined the blood that would flow from the cuts.

And since then, he totally avoided me. Whenever he saw me, he will turn around and walked the opposite direction as if I’m a virus. That really offended me; in many ways.

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