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(Salutations to all out there and thanks for continuing to read on. No hate for Makoto...)

Soothing warmth entered Makoto's body with great comfort. The last time he slept was not considered sleeping. He had stood up all night at an alleyway, trying to provide shelter for his siblings.

It had never crossed the swimmer's mind that something like that would ever happen. But comfort did not seep all the way through. Makoto's parents were killed and left dead.

He still was flinching from the thought. Yes, he knew he should be strong. But his heart was still weak. Makoto felt the sweat under his arms heating up.

Their funeral...

He was not even sure if it happened or not. He didn't even know where his parents' bodies were. Makoto sniffed a little. His eyes began to feel watery. It really was a huge deal. A change he never expected to happen now.
He wanted his parents to die peacefully.

I didn't even repay them... Was my love enough?

Makoto curled his hand around the blanket. My parents are dead. This was not a made up thing going on in his mind. It is real. Yet Makoto could not fully take it on. He hadn't seen his parents since he left for college. His throat now felt dry.

Makoto wanted to get up, but he was sill recovering from the dizziness. He wanted to touch a source of water. Licking his lips, his tongue sensed the place where he had bitten his lip.

It hurt when pressure was on it. His lips also felt chapped up. Makoto groaned a little. He wanted to get going and not just lay down. He was feeling useless.

F/N was out buying ingredients to cook for him. She offered him she'd make anything. His respond was something that would fill him up. He wasn't picky about food. Just something to eat would be appreciated. A while passed when she went out. She really had a worried expression on her face.

But Makoto had noticed another thing. He saw her face also had a shy expression.

Was she blushing at me?

Makoto's eyes drifted up at the ceiling. He crossed his arms behind his head. For some reason, he was not feeling comfortable anymore. To begin with, he was not in the first place.

Loud footsteps approaching his room made his body jolt a little. The half closed door was opened wider by Ran and Ren. Their eyes lit up when they saw their brother.

"Onii-chan," Ran gasped.

Ren followed his sister toward where Makoto was laying down. He forced himself to get into a sitting position. "Ran, Ren," he rasped softly.

Ran lifted herself on top of the bed. Ren struggled to get on. Makoto helped him up. Ran sat next to her brother on Makoto's lap. "Onii-chan, F/N treated us well," Ren told him.

Ran nodded in agreement. Makoto rested his back upright against the pillow. He gave them a smile. "She is," he also agreed. "Thanks to F/N, we have some shelter."

He rubbed both hands on his brother's and sister's heads, messing with their hair a little. Ran grinned.

"A new home?" she curiously said. Makoto nearly froze. His real home was probably still under investigation. Was he going to lose the place he grew up in? Makoto swallowed hard although his throat was still dry.

"Maybe," he murmured, still ruffling his sister's hair playfully. His siblings finally looked like their normal selves. Happy and energetic. This is the way Makoto enjoyed seeing them as.

He remembered whenever he got home from high school, they would always greet him brightly. This made Makoto do his signature closed eye smile. It has been a while since he did it. He always did do it every day.

Think positive.

Yes, he should resume doing that. Makoto took his hands off his sibling's head. "How are you both feeling?" he checked. "Good," Ren answered. They actually were with the look of them. "Onii-chan, I love you," Ren told him. Ran looked at him. "I love onii-chan more," she countered.

Makoto laughed a little at this. His dizziness at last faded away. His back no longer needed support from the pillows. Sitting up straight, he brought his arms around both his siblings.

"Hey, I love you both okay?" he chuckled.

Ran and Ren both murmured in agreement. It really has been a while since Makoto spent time like this with them. He wanted it to last. His thought seemed to have echoed outside his mind when he suddenly heard another noise of footsteps.

Ran and Ren broke away from Makoto's embrace when they also heard the sound. This brought a little sadness toward him. He only brightened up a bit when he realized it was F/N.

She stood outside the door as her eyes made contact with Makoto's. "Oh, I feel much better now," Makoto smiled at her. F/N returned the smile. "That's good," she said.

There was an awkward pause between them. F/N shifted her eyes to the floor and walked in. "I brought some ingredients," she murmured. "Are you or your siblings hungry? Really, it's no big deal. I'll try to cook."

Makoto shook his head. "No, let me help." He felt the need to do something. He was in F/N's house and he wanted to be useful.

She also provided him with shelter. A debt must be returned now. Without her, Makoto didn't know where he'd end up. Ran and Ren slid off the bed, followed by Makoto. F/N perked up.

"The bathroom is across the room," she told him. "I'll go get started. Would Ran and Ren like to come?" she added.

They both looked up at their brother. Makoto mouthed a "go ahead" to them. Following F/N, Makoto headed toward the bathroom. "I'll be down the hall," F/N informed him. Makoto went in and decided to wash his face. Not only college was the reason. But it's been sometime since Makoto remembered to shave. He noticed his facial hairs were beginning to appear.

Running a finger across his chin, he felt some sharp ends. Sighing, he decided to worry about it later. Makoto slowly went to the kitchen. His footsteps somehow felt heavy. There, he saw F/N reading a recipe, looking slightly frustrated.

Eggs, flour, and sugar were around the table. It reminded him of Haru's kitchen, butch more cleaner. Ran and Ren glanced up at her with quizzed looks. Makoto looked across her shoulders to the paper she was reading. He read "chocolate cake" for the title of the recipe.

"Hey, how did you know chocolate was my favorite? Did Haru tell you?" he asked, amused. F/N spun around in surprise and looked up at him. "W-well chocolate is a favorite for everyone," she replied a little nervously. "Your brother and sister told me you liked it a lot. You also did have a chance to try Haru's cake."

Makoto laughed lightly. "Does that include you too?" F/N's cheeks took on a color of pale pink as she nodded. Makoto blinked when he saw this again. He frowned. "F/N, you don't have to act shy with me."

This then caused that color of pink to turn into a red. F/N quickly turned around and went back reading the recipe. Makoto sighed quietly.

He took a step forward and bent down to take a better look at the words, but he still couldn't quite read them. My glasses... Not realizing it, his face was now close, next to F/N's.

It was Makoto's turn to take on that shade of red. He nervously backed away. "Sorry!"

But Makoto's eyes didn't look away from F/N.

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