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(Mak0k0 - no hate nor pain. .-.)

College. It was the place that held his future. But not going there in a while made him feel farther away from it. The drive to college was rather a distance away from F/N's house. Her mother did the driving.

Ran and Ren were still asleep. It was still early and dark out. Throughout the trip, Makoto had no feelings of anxiety. He felt tired of those mixed emotions interrupting within him. Letting go was the best way to stride forward. He was seated in the back with F/N sideways from him to other window.

That sudden chill in the morning made his legs quiver a little. Goosebumps dotted his arms, but he didn't chatter his teeth. I keep forgetting a jacket, he thought, mentally slapping himself.F/N's mother offered him new clothes that belonged to her father. They felt as if they hadn't been worn in quite sometime now; a thin, pale white collared shirt and dark gray pants. Casual.

Makoto didn't bring any questions up relating to the matter. He turned his head toward F/N's direction. She held her textbooks onto her lap, looking out the window. Makoto took in her appearance.

Starting something deeper with her interested him. A real relationship. Yet he was focused on what lay ahead. There was silence among them. It wasn't awkward or anything since it was early in the morning still. Even if they were to talk, he knew he'd say something stupid. Shifting in his seat, he simply waited to arrive there.
(-Time skip-)

"Thank you very much," Makoto told F/N's mother. He looked down in an awkward bow. "Please, don't mention it," she said. F/N stood near the car door and closed it. "I'll be home eventually," she said, walking away. Makoto watched her go to the left direction of the campus.

Before he could follow her, he hear he name being called. Turning around, it was her mother. He quickly approached the car, unsure of what she wanted. Leaning a bit down near the window, he murmured, "Uh, yes?" "You should go chase after F/N," she told him, sounding mischievous. Makoto widened his eyes in astonishment. What?

This was her mother he was hearing this from. "I-I don't know," he stammered. Her mother smiled. "Don't worry I'm allowing you and Makoto she really likes you a lot. She told me countless times."

That familiar  heat flooded his face. He hadn't planned out to make his move on F/N yet. That was something he wanted to take his time on. He never did it before. But right now her mother insisted on doing it now. Help. Makoto shifted uneasily.

"Wait can I-?"

"Oh! She's already leaving you," he was interrupted. "Don't lose her! Just act yourself and see you later."

Makoto closed his mouth as the car drove back slowly. Wow. He took a deep breath and turned to see F/N already farther from him. "F/N!" he called. She stopped and looked back, surprised. "I thought you were behind me," she said. "Come on."

Makoto jogged up to her quickly and tugged at the back of his hair. Stop being nervous, he tried telling himself. But it was something he always felt. "Uh, what time is it?" he asked, glancing around. "My hands are kinda full at the moment," F/N said.

Makoto looked down and grew red. He didn't even to notice the four textbooks she held in her hands. Also, he didn't bother to offer help to hold them. How stupid can I get? He felt his pocket and his phone was there. I could've checked it myself. How awkward could he get?

He knew he would say something stupid eventually. The time had already came for that. "S-sorry!" Makoto said. "I'll help you carry them." F/N gave him two if the four thick books. He looked at the cover of the one on top. First Year College Prep; Mathematics. Since he was in the same math class with her, he recognized it.

He wondered how much material he had missed out on those days of being absent. Makoto shivered a little at the thought of it. Never again, please.

"You alright?" F/N's voice made him jolt up a little. That surely woke him up. "Yeah, I'm just thinking about what I should say to the councilor," he lied. This constant worrying had to stop. "Alright, but we're still early," she told him. "You have plenty of time to get your thoughts in order."

She did tried to reassure him. This made Makoto feel a bit better. He looked around and the campus was empty. Normally there would be crowds walking or students hurrying to their next class.

Makoto pointed his finger towards a small building near his right. "How about we go to the library," he suggested. "I'm sure it's open. I-I can help you with a few studies before you have to take your exam." F/N looked up at him and nodded. "Okay."
Throughout the time they spent surrounded by books, Makoto managed to lean more toward her. F/N's mother's advice played in his mind. He did try to get closer to her.

A bit of heat stayed fixated on his cheeks though. Makoto gave her a few more problems to practice on and explained it a bit further. It was almost ironic. Our chemistry together, he thought, realizing it. This acted as a distraction for him.

But it soon ended when the time came for her to go. F/N gathered her books and stood up from her chair. Makoto did feel disappointed. He knew he wasn't making a move on her yet. "Thank you Makoto," F/N said. "Really, you've been a huge help. I think I might actually ace this exam." Makoto nodded his head and gave her a short grin. "My pleasure."

She smiled and moved her face closer to his. A light kiss was planted onto his left cheek. His lips craved for that contact instead. They still were a little sore from the biting he did to them. But it still shot electricity through him. Makoto blinked and watched her go.

He didn't want it to end like this. Heaving a sigh, his fingertips touched the area where the kiss was placed. He stood like that for a few moments. Makoto quickly shook his head and got up. He knew he had to get things situated. Focus dammit.

Makoto went straight for it. He spoke to the councilor and took his time explaining his absences. Bringing up his parent's deaths was now part of his life. There wasn't even a feeling of sorrow toward that. It was history now, something never to be forgotten.

Makoto fixed his collar and stood up straight. The councilor documented this explanation within his file and gave him the excuse of missing out of his classes. Relief surged within him as this task lifted away from his mind.

Now he had to plan on attending his parent's funeral. Inviting F/N to come with him was a must. Makoto checked  the time on his phone. It read 10:50 A.M. F/N would finish her exam whenever she could and leave class for the rest of the day.

Then after she had to work her shift at Haru's. Makoto didn't really make a meeting time with her. I'll just meet her in the classroom.

Right now, he was outside. There a cool, faint breeze blowing. A few fallen leaves rustled near trees. Makoto headed to the direction of the building his math class was located at.

Maybe now he could continue things with her. Makoto looked up at the sky. It did feel like a good day, despite the times he said stupid things.

Oh well.

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