Chapter 5: The Death

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"Run, Dash!" An echoing voice said repeatingly, "Faster!"

I was running for my life; I wasn't running normally. I was running on all four. I had fur, and I could see that I had a snout. 'Am I a wolf?' I thought.

I couldn't check to see what I looked like, I just kept running for my life, but from what? I was too scared to stop, It was pitch back, so I couldn't see where I was heading. After a while I stopped to catch my breath. Tounge hanging out of my mouth like a dog, my heart was pounding out of my chest, and I had my head down and my eyes shut. 'What am I running from?' The thought went through my mind.

The voice stopped telling me to run, it was silent except for my loud breathes of exhaution. I suddenly hear a flapping of leather like wings. My head shot up to look, but nothing was there. All of a sudden my feet felt numb; I look down to see they were stuck in ice. I try to wiggle out of the ice, and I hear the voice in my ear. "You shouldn't have stopped running." It said sadly.

I hear the flapping closer this to me; my fear instict was to jerk my fear free from the ice or I was dead. When I seen It was no use to try, I look up and see the black dragon figure with the red eyes coming down from the sky. As it fell towards me, tears welped in my eyes, 'I'm dead!' My thoughts yelled in my head. It opened its mouth as it came at me. I turned my face at the ground and yelled in fear.

I shoot from the tree behind me still yelling. When I stop yelling, I start to breathe heavily. My heart was pounding, I was shaking, tears were running down my face, and stared at the ground. After calming down a little bit, I look up to see everyone is still asleep and it was still dark. I covered my face with my hands, and wipe away the tears out of my eyes. I sigh, 'It was only a dream. Calm down.' I thought to myself.

I lean back against the tree and close my eyes, and sigh again in releif. "Dash?" A voice asked behind me, which made me jump.

I look back to see Charm. "Oh," I sighed in releif to know it was only her. I ask, "Why are you up? Aren't you guys supposed to be asleep still?"

She looked at everyone else, "No. We are supposed to be geting up now. But I will let them sleep in this time." She said with a smile, "We normally get up before the sun shows."

'That's odd. I never met someone who gets up so early. Escpecially this early.' I thought to myself.

"Yes it is weird. I didn't get it at first, but after awhile being with Muddy I kind of adjust to the wake up time." She said with out looking at me.

"Did you... just read my mind?" I asked confused, and weirded out a bit.

"Yes. I tend to do that, because it's so easy for a unicorn to read minds. Even the young ones can catch some spots of people's mind thought process." She said like it was an everyday thing with her, "I could teach you if you would like, but I would have to give you the capabilities of a unicorn. Like I did to Muddy."

"I guess that would be pretty cool." I said looking at Muddy and his two sons, "Adout Muddy and his sons. What is their story?"

Charm was silent for a while, but spoke, "He never really told me much. He seems to be hurt everytime I would bring it up, and his boys won't speak about the situation they are in. I left it alone after we were attacked by Fire."

I looked at her in concern, then looked at the ground in confusion. I look back up at her and ask, "Who is Fire? If you don't mind me asking."

"Fire is a cruel man. He will kill for fun, and gives no one any mercy. He can form into a dragon, and he bends fire. In his human and in his dragon. Fire is a good fighter, but has a demon... a red demon. He almost took me down until my energy exploded. He retreated, because it scared him... When I explode from how much energy I conceal, it becomes dangerous. I can call my whole army that I was asigned to when I was young. They come from the clouds and can use many elements that can destroy a dragon like Fire." She stopped talking. She started to look around, and looked serious.

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