Chapter 13: The Sign

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We ended up walking for two days after our incident with Fire. We kept moving and did little sleep along the way. I ended up carrying Dewdrop on my back in my horse form as we traveled. Tired, hungry, aggravated, and sore from all the walking we were doing, we ended up stopping by a river bank to cool off and rest for awhile. I sat in the shade watching the others drink and eat what they needed; Muddy and his sons were off hunting for their food, Charm and the others were eating their fill as well. I didn't want anything to eat for it was too hot of a day for me to eat or drink anything. I sat in the shade to rest, and cool off. I sighed and closed my eyes; before I knew I fell asleep.

I hit a wall of ice, which knocked the wind out of me. I fought to get up, and looked at the enemy who threw me. Their eyes were blue, and they were like a shadow. I tried to grab my sword which seemed to be missing. "Looking for this?" The blue eyed shadow said with an evil grin.

It held my sword in one hand, and hand blue flames in the other hand. I glared at the shadow as it formed into a cat shape. 'What?' I questioned as it jumped at me. I dodged its attack, and tried to hit it. My punch I threw at it seemed to go right through its body. In shock, I watched my hand do nothing to this shadow. Before I could do anything else, the shadow it me with a powerful attack, and threw against the ice wall again. This time blood came up, I cough as I try to regain balance. I feel a cold presence beside me, which made me freeze. I glanced up the see the shadow again. It hit my in the rib cage four to five times, and while I was trying to recover it grabbed me by the throat and lifted me off my feet.

"Time to die." The voice said in my ear.

My body temperature seemed to drop to ice cold, when the shadow said those words. My body shook, and I felt nothing but fear coursing through my body. She didn't have my sword in her hand, but had the blue flames in her hand. She grasped my throat as tightly as she could, cutting off my wind pipe. I held her arm with shaking hands; trying to fight her away, I look to see the flames turn into claws. She slowly pressed the claws into my side. I had major pain coursing through my entire side. I gritted my teeth, trying not to yell in pain. She watched me as she continued pressing the claws into my side. The pain increased, which made me start to yell in pain. I looked in the corner in my eye to see her grin as I yelled in pain.

I continue to yell as I shoot to my feet. I feel back onto my knees, because of the fact my entire body felt weak. I sat there shaking, panting, and had pure fear course through my entire body. The pain still existed from where the shadow was pressing her claws into my rib. With shaking hands, I touch my side. I feel no marks on my side; I close my eyes, and sigh. I take a few deep breaths before I here Snowfall's voice. "Dash, are you okay?" She said in worry.

I open my eyes and look at her. Still shaky and weak, I look to see the others looking at me in worry. I sigh, and finally could speak with a dry mouth. "I-I'm fine. I just had a bad dream." I said forcing myself to get up.

My mind seemed to blank out, and made me lose balance. I almost fall to my side, but Muddy and his sons were there to catch me. I shake my head, and put my cold hand on my forehead. "Take an easy, Dash." Tramp said as they set me back down against the tree. "What was the dream about? The reason I ask is because you were breathing heavily, and was talking into your sleep; then you ended up yelling in pain before you shot up out of the dream."

I ball up, and catch my breath slowly. "I- I really," I started to say slowly, "I really don't want to talk about it. I just want to sit here and relax for a minute. Sorry to worry you guys. I didn't mean to; I guess I talk in my sleep, funny. Are you guys ready to leave?"

"Well," Charm said, "We all are rested up, and ready to leave. It's just that the sun is about to set along the horizon. It's dangerous to move about at night. I suggest that we stay here for the night, and get the appropriate sleep we all need. And leave at dawn."

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