Chapter 16: The Third Bell

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I sat up, and looked around. At first I seen no one, until I noticed red eyes. I only had a glimpse of the red glowing eyes, but I knew who it was. "Oh, no," I said silently.

Charm inched closer to me, I sat there looked at where Fire was silently walking. I looked to see if everyone was all still asleep, and noticed Scorpion wasn't in her little ball shape by a bush. I looked in confusion, and then realized, that Fire was walking towards Muddy, and his sons. 'No!,' I thought.

I bolted up, and ran towards Muddy. I felt Charm's hand try to grab me to stop me, but failed. I ran to Muddy, and watched Fire as he slowly walked towards Muddy. I could slightly that Fire was smiling. "Muddy!" I yelled to wake him, "Get up! Get up now!"

I kept running, yelling to wake everyone up. I noticed Muddy slowly lift his head, and then seen that Fire was right behind Muddy. "No!" I yelled.

I formed into my horse, and had my wings out. I ran as fast as I could, but realized Muddy still was trying to realize what was going to happen. I growled with frustration, and fear. All of a sudden, my eyes glow the golden tint. I lowered my head to the ground, and then threw my head up in the air. I seemed to know this attack form, when no one taught me. I formed a light that looked like a blade. I watched as it moved quickly towards Muddy, his sons, and Fire. I focused on Fire, and watched this light blade miss Muddy, and hit Fire. I heard Fire hit something, and hit pretty hard. In shock, and confusion, I told Muddy to get with the others. "What the hell is going on, Dash?" Muddy asked as he stood beside me.

"I don't know, but I sure as hell am not dealing with this bull crap again. Let's get out of here before things become worse for all of us." I said as I watched to make sure Fire didn't come charging at us, and formed into my human form.

I turned my head to see if everyone was there with Muddy, and someone grabbed my arm and threw me back. I hit the ground, and rolled a few times. Once I stopped, I heard someone chuckle and laugh. "Well, that was a pretty good hit, I literally felt the power in that move. How did you learn that, huh? I know Charm didn't teach you how to use powerful spells like that." He said.

I looked to see Fire, he looked like he just was in a fire and was torn to pieces by dogs. He knelt on my back, and grabbed the back of my neck. I tried to get him off of me, and seemed to have failed. Out of breath, I looked at Fire in the corner of my eye. He leaned close to my face, which pressed his weight even more into my spine and neck. I winced in the pain, and gave him an angered look. "What's wrong, Dash? Uncomfortable?" Fire asked with a sarcastic tone, "I'm curious, Dash, and I want you to be very clear with me. How did you come back? How did you become so powerful?"

I looked at him, and gave him the same aggravated look. I said nothing to him, and clenched my jaw to where even if I wanted to I would not speak. Fire sighed, and looked at me with disappointment. "You know," Fire said, "We can do this two ways. The painless way or the most painful way possible. Choose Dash."

I gritted my teeth together, and continued to look back at Fire. He chuckled, and shook his head. He looked at me, and then he ended up placing something really hot on my left shoulder. I tried to move away from what he was pushing into my shoulder, but it seemed to have made things worse. I gritted my teeth to where my jaw hurt, and I tried not to yell in pain. I looked at him, and seem he was smiling. "Stop! Stop it now Fire!" Charm yelled, "Get off of him! Fire, now! Muddy, attack."

Fire stopped applying pressure to turn towards Muddy, who was already in the air to attack Fire. Fire reached up, and caught Muddy by the neck. Fire clasped his grip on Muddy, and I could hear Muddy barely breathing, and was trying to get Fire to release. "St- stop." I said in pain, "Stop! Hurt me, but not the others. Fire let him go; you want to harm me not them. I'm the one you want. Put Muddy down! Now"

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