Chapter 14: New Member

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We walked for many hours, and barely stopped. I made sure we didn't stop for long at one place. I constantly looked around for any signs of any one following us. I made sure everyone was staying together, and I made sure everyone was doing okay. Charm, and Hoofe stayed close behind my tail, Buck and his family were close behind Charm and Hoofe, and Muddy and his sons were behind Buck. I was making sure we weren't going in circles, and I made sure we were walking in the shade so no one got overheated from the hot summer day.

After many hours of walking and hiking up and down hills, the sun started to set. I wanted to keep walking, but I looked back to see how everyone was doing. I finally stopped walking and waited for the others to stop behind me. I sighed for there was no sign of the mountains yet, and I knew everyone was exhausted from how much we walked. "Dash," Charm said, walking beside me, "What are we doing?"

I looked at the setting sun before me, then dropped my head. I sighed, then looked at Charm. "Well," I said as I formed into my human, "I guess we are going to take a break, so you guys can get enough rest for tomorrow."

When I said what I had to say, I hear everyone sigh in relief, and seen everyone's body posture changed to a relief state. I sighed a little bit, and looked away as everyone was finding a good enough place to lay down. I walked to a tree, looking at the ground. I looked up and seen a person standing there that I didn't see who it was. I jumped back and got my sword out of its sheath. I almost fell to the ground when I bolted back, but I heard someone come behind me. The person behind me touched my shoulder. I swung around, and was about to attack whoever was behind me, but I froze to see that it was Muddy and Buck in their human form. Muddy had his hands up like he was doing something he wasn't supposed to. I sighed anxiously, and shut my eyes to try to get myself to relax. "Is something wrong Dash?" Buck asked, "You look a little um, flushed; like you've seen a ghost or something."

Before I responded to Buck, I looked behind me where the person was standing, then looked back at Muddy and Buck. I put my sword back in its sheath, and finally spoke. "Sorry guys, I didn't mean to scare you or anything. I, uh, I just had little sleep last night, so I thought I seen something that wasn't really there." I said trying to stop shaking, "I'm alright. By the way, Buck. Like the look; you look cool."

Buck looked to see what he looked like. He was wearing blue jeans, black sneakers; he had a grey t-shirt on, and he had an earing in his right ear. His skin tone was a tan, a little bit darker than Muddy's; his eyes were green, and his hair was short and bark drown. "Huh," Buck said, "Didn't realize I could form into a human. I didn't seem to realize either that I was in this form. Chram didn't even teach me how to form or anything, she seems to be busy with Hoofe and Speed. Which I'm okay with; I seem to be learning it all on my own anyways."

I kind of chuckled to what Buck said, and heard a voice behind me that spoke my name in a low whispering voice. I fought my instinct to look behind me, and spoke. "Yeah," I said rubbing the back of my neck, "After Charm gave me my life back, I've had powers. She taught me a little bit but most of it I've been learning on my own. I learned how to fight, use my powers, how to form, and how to fly. I'm of course still learning, but I think I'll learn along the way."

"Yeah," Muddy said, "Charm had to teach me mostly everything, except fighting; but I think I'll manage for now. I'm still kind of annoyed that she's spending more time with everybody else, because she still needs to help me on my flying skills."

"Oh, it's easy. I can teach you and Muddy as I teach myself of course." I said nudging Muddy, "If you guys want, as we walk more tomorrow I can help you guys learn flight. Charm's busy as it is with my brother and sister. I'll help you guys out, and we can help eachother out on different techniques to use while fighting or whatever."

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