Hooks Daughter

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After many years of traveling to different lands and dimensions your father Captain Hook was finally allowing you to wonder around a new land you where about to vist. The islands name is Neverland. Apparently its a land for those who fell lost and unloved, where you never have to grow up.

Walking off the ship you stepped foot onto stable land having to adjust to the difference you stopped walking as your father walked to your side. "(Y/N) Before I let you go you must promise to be back on the ship by sundown and dont touch anything that seems, or looks poisonous." You nodded and rolled your eyes at his protectiveness.

"Ill be back soon dad you can trust me." You said and began to walk towards the forest in front of you "See ya later dad!" You yelled once you where out of his line of vision. The forest of Neverland where thick and could be crowded in some parts with either little light coming through the trees or nothing but light or darkness.

After awhile you stopped walking and layed down in a sunny part of the forest to relax. Not even a minute after you closed your eyes you heard a twig snap from somewhere around you which caused you to shot up from the ground and onto your feet. "Who's there!" You yelled into the forest but got no reply back.

You heard another twig snap from behind you and you twisted around as fast as you could to see who was there. When you looked you saw a boy with forest green eyes and light brown hair. "Who are you" you asked the boy who smirked over at you "I was just about to ask you the same. But first why are you on MY island?" The strange boy asked you putting a big emphasis on the word my.

You looked at him confused "Your island?" He nodded and gave you a 'duh' look "Yes my island so I'm gonna ask again love. Who are you and why are you on my island." The boy asked again."My name is(Y/N) Jones, and im on your island because my father is leaving packages for someone here." You said in a annoyed voice "No your turn to answer me boy. Who are you?" You asked in a loud voice to the still unknown boy.

His smirk grew bigger as you showed how annoyed he was making "You've got fire. I like fire." He said with a slight chuckle while you rolled your eyes at him "Im Peter. Peter Pan." He said and actually smiled at you and you sighed "There was that so hard to say?" You asked and he laughed again "I like you when don't get many girls like you on Neverland." You smiled at him and looked down at your hands.

"So you live here?" You asked Pan after talking to him for a few minutes and he nodded "For a long time yes and you've been living on your fathers ship since you where born?" You nodded and looked at the trees blowing in the wind. "Yea I've never really stayed on land for a long time the Jolly Rogers alwayd been by home." You said and felt his eyes on you. So you looked at him "Is there something wrong" you asked him and he shook his head no.

"Your very beautiful you know" he said and you blushed looking away and looking towards the beautiful sunset infront of you. "Uh oh" you whispered and shot up "Peter I gotta go." You said and his smile faltered "What why we where just getting to know each other?" He asked sounding both mad and let down. "Im sorry but my father wants me back to the Jolly Roger like right now." You said and he smiled as if an idea came to his mind "I can fly you too him" he said and and you shook your head "No that okay" he smirked and pulled in to his embrace and floated off the ground.

"PETER! OH MY GOSH PUT ME DOWN NOW!" You yelled at him and he just laughed "Calm down (Y/N) Im taking you to your father he is probably worried about you anyways." You sighed and nodded as he flew you towards your fathers ship. Once you where finally on land you saw your dad waiting on the ship not having seen you yet "Thanks Peter for the lift" you said with a light laugh and he nodded with a smile "Your welcome." He said and quickly kissed you. You where slightly taken aback but looked at him both happy and confused "What was that for?" You asked and he shrugged "I don't know just something to let you know I'll see you soon I guess." He said and then disappeared into thin air.

With a huge smile on your face you walked toward the Jolly Roger with a slight bounce to your step. Once your father saw you he raced off the ship and hugged you "I thought you got lost in there " and you shook your head with a smile "No I didn't get lost but I did meet someone. His names Peter Pan and he's absolutely amazing." Your father shook his head a look of hatred clouded his eyes.

"I dont want you seeing him ever again (Y/N)" he said and you frowned "Why not dad? Hes a really nice boy." And he shook his head at you. "He may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon."

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