Taken To Neverland

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After weeks of dreaming of a mysterious island named Neverland. You where beginning to wonder if the island was a real place, and if it was everything you thought it was from your dreams. Standing by your window like you did every night you looked up to the stars seeing that two stuck out the most.

After minutes of just watching the stars twinkle in the dark night sky you sighed and whispered the words that could take you to Neverland. "I believe" you whispered and unlocked your window and pushing it open. After a few seconds nothing happened and you began to lose hope, until you felt the wind pick up and a dark figure flying towards you.

You went with the shadow knowing where it would take you and that your dreams would finally come true. After minutes of flying over your hometown you watched as the ground got farther and the two stars you had been admiring got closer. As the light from the stars got brighter you began to pass out and once the islands of Neverland came into view you fainted.

After who knows how long you awoke on the sandy beach of Neverland a small smile slowly making its way onto your face. You quickly shot up from the ground and looked around it did not exactly look the same way it did in the dream but that was fine. Slowly you made your way through the thick forest of Neverland breathing in the scent of the trees and dirt. With a sigh you smiled and looked around and listened to see if anyone was around you.

After minutes of walking you slowly came to a empty camp with different tents scattered around the place around a put out camp fire not knowing where to go or what to do you sat on a log infront of the burnt pieces of wood and watched the sun slowly rise from one side of Neverland until you began to hear noises coming from a tree house beside you. Standing up you walked to the tree house and where about to knock on the door when it flew open and boy about your age with forest green eyes and light brown pulled you into the tree house.

"Who are you and how did you get here!?" The boy asked both sounding angry and confused at the same time."I'm (Y/N) and the shadow brought me! I didnt mean to trespass!" You said back a little scared but trying not to show it "How did you know I was here?" You asked the mysterious boy and he smirked down at you. "I know everything that goes on. On MY island." He said and you looked at him confused 'But I thought Neverland doesn't have any rules' you thought to yourself.

"Who are you" you asked the boy still confused on who he was "Im Peter Pan, and you don't belong here" he said and waved his hand over your face and suddenly you felt drowsy "Just go to sleep (Y/N)" Peter said and caught you when you fell into a deep sleep. After hours of sleep you awoke in a wooden cage scared, confused and kinda angry.

"HELLO! HEY CAN SOMEONE LET ME OUT!" You yelled to some of the boys who walked past you known as the lost boys who paid no attention to you amd just continued on walking. "Im not letting you out until you promise to leave Neverland" said a voice from behind you and you turned to see the boy who calls himself Peter Pan. "What... Why I just got here and I haven't done anything wrong?" You said and Pan rolled his eyes.

"Your a girl and girls dont belong on Neverland"he said as you raised an eyebrow at him "And why is that" you asked getting closer to the bars. "They'll slow the lost boys down they wont pay attention to the work at hand." This time you rolled your eyes at him "Thats so dumb" you said and he shrugged "You have your beliefs and I have mine." He said and walked off. "HEY COME BACK! NO LET ME OUT!" you yelled after him but he never turned back.

(A/N longer than I thought it would be so this gonna be a two parter. And sorry if its not so good.)

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