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After living in Neverland for a few weeks or possibly months even you had begun to get how stuff worked on Neverland including how much you and the lost boys would have to train and how serious and strict Pan was especial when it came to you talking to the lost boys. Pan had taken a liking to you since he had seen you and noticed that you had fire and you couldn't deny that you as well liked him with his good looks and devilish ways. After a long day of training and fights against lost boys everyone gathered around the fire for dinner and talked of their days while you sat with to other boys. One was Alex he was the newest to Neverland and was still learning the ropes being about the age of 13-14 he had blond hair with hazel eyes and snow white skin, the other was Daniel he was about the same age group as you or a year older with brown and beautiful grey eyes that you loved to stare at. While you all where chatting you could feel eyes on you from the other side of the fire and noticed Pan staring daggers at Daniel and you. After a few minutes you began to get cold and Daniel noticed and decided to put his arm around you to keep you warm when you just about cuddled into his side you felt a hand pull you up by your arm and shove Daniel off of his seat. "Its like you've forgotten Dan... YOU NEVER TOUCH WHATS MINE!" Even though he wasn't speaking towards you.. you began to coward away by the menacing tone in his voice, after getting yelled at Daniel ran off to his other friends while Pan turned to you "Now you and I need to have a little chat." Pan growled toward you and lightly tugged you over into a part if the forest after walking a little ways from camp Pan stopped walking and turned to you with both anger and sadness "What have I told you about getting to close with the Lost boys" Pan said raising his voice slightly but not yelling at you since he knew you hated being yelled at and never wanted to hurt you "I know Peter but its just not fair that I cant be friends with them with you being so jealous." You said back to him while a tint slowly rose to his cheeks "Im not jealous" he said crossing his arms you giggled at him "Yea sure you aren't Panny.. you know your cute when you blush" you said while hugging his side "Yeah yeah whatever" he replied "So am I forgiven yet" you asked while batting your eyelashes at him he sighed and thought for a second before nodding and showing a smile "Of course but I think I deserve a kiss" he said and you nodded and thought for a second then picked up an acorn "Well there's one kiss" you said then gave him an actual kiss "And there's the other" you smiled smiled each other then walked back to camp.

A/N Sorry if it sorta dragged out and wasn't to good still really rusty but thanks for reading and please if you want to leave a request in the comments you can leave one whenever anywho thank you for reading.


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