Out Tonight

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Advisory - the following lyrics contain explicit language:


'What's the time? Well it's gotta be close to midnight. My body's talking to me It says, Time for danger'

      "Come on Pan please.." I asked Peter again for what felt like the hundredth time. "No one can leave the island you know that (Y/N) Not even me." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand pulling him up from his seat. "Oh come on don't be such a bore. Break a few rules." He rolled his eyes as I walked him over to the beach. "Come on it'll be fun." I said with a small smile.

'It says, I wanna commit a crime, wanna be the cause of a fight. I wanna put on a tight skirt and flirt with a stranger' 

        "Why don't you just go play with the lost boys?" Peter asked pulling me back by my arm so I stopped walking. "That's all I do Peter. I'm bored, aren't you bored?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck. Peter shook his head causing me to roll my eyes. "Yeah I don't believe that." I mumbled taking my arms off of him and grabbed his hand continuing to walk.

'I've had a knack from way back at breaking the rules once I learn the games. Get up! Life's too quick, I know someplace sick, where this chick'll dance in the flames'

        "We don't have to go anywhere special.." I muttered sitting on a log  in front of the dark, murky seaside. Peter sat beside me shaking his head. "Where do you wanna go?" He asked quietly causing me to jump out of my seat.

 "Really?" I asked my voice raising with excitement. He nodded as I grabbed his hand pulling him from his seat and into a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I practically yelled wrapping my arms around his waist.

'We don't need any money I always get in for free, You can get in too, if you get in with me. Let's go out tonight, I have to go out tonight.'

          "How exactly do you plan on doing anything here?" Peter asked me with his arm around my waist as we walked the streets of  an old village I used to live in. "What do you mean?" I asked looking through the crowds of people at shops. 

 "We don't have any money." Peter stated causing me to chuckle. "Out of all people I would think money would be the least you would worry about." I said taking his arm off of me and walked to the biggest crowd, Pan following.

"Shh.." I motioned with my hand to be quiet as I stuck my hand into a woman's bag. Quickly I fished out her coin purse and grabbed Pan's hand dragging him away from the group.

'You wanna play? Let's run away, we won't be back before it's New Year's Day. Take me out tonight, shhh.'

             "Before you found me I used to live here. I was kind of the village crook.. but it was okay I always had a few tricks up my sleeve." I said with a smile going through the ladies coin purse.

"Well what should we do first?" Peter asked walking on a ledge that separated a veggie garden from the dirt road. "There is this old trinket shop I used to go too.. wanna go there?" I asked as Peter jumped beside me off of the ledge. "Sure. That actually sounds a little fun."

'When I get a wink from the doorman, do you know how lucky you'll be? That you're on line with the feline of Avenue B. Let's go out tonight I have to go out tonight.'

        "I think this is the only place I wouldn't steal from.." I told Peter picking up an old straw doll with a blue jacket. "Why not?" He asked looking at a creaky, ancient looking spinning wheel. "Everything here seems to special to steal."

      "You know when you got me I didn't think I could miss this place." I muttered more to myself than Peter. Taking the doll from my hand I looked and frowned at Peter, "I guess I wanted to leave cause I was homesick." I said as he ran a hand through my hair.

        "Your glad I took you to Neverland, right?" Peter asked as I looked at the other objects, "Of course I mean no more stealing, I actually got a family, a  home and I don't have to go to bed hungry anymore." I said with a smile "But its still nice to see my old town."

'You wanna prowl, be my night owl? Well take my hand we're gonna howl, out tonight. In the evening I've got to roam. Can't sleep in the city of the lost and unloved. Feels too damn much like home, when the babies cry.'

         Leaving the little trinket shop was a little difficult as all I wanted to do for the rest of the night was look at the little toys. But Peter finally dragged me away and towards the library. "You wanna get some books?" I asked jokingly as he picked up some old medieval looking story.

       "Yes actually. I like to read. Plus the Lost Boys want new stories.." I nodded looking through the different shelves. "What about this one. Its an adventure book. With sword fights, and daring adventures." I smiled handing him the book. "They'd like that."

'So let's find a bar, so dark we forget who we are. Where all the scars from the nevers and maybes die. Let's go out tonight, I have to go out tonight.'

        We bought a few books before leaving to grab a drink something called butter beer. When I was little I always heard people talk about how great it was. I could never afford so now I could. "What is it?" Peter asked staring at the cup. "Well its butter beer.. a drink. Like water but with flavor."

          "Its weird." He said before taking another sip. "But I like it." I smiled up at him as he has some of the drink on his face. I giggled and looked down "Uh Peter you got a little something.. Like around here." I said pointing at my face. His face quickly turned red as he wiped his face off.

'You're sweet, wanna hit the street? Wanna wail at the moon like a cat in heat? Just take me out tonight. Please take me out tonight.'

        "We should do that more often." Peter said as we got back to Neverland I nodded lacing my hand with his. "It was very fun, I'm glad you actually enjoyed it." I said smiling up at him. "I did just you and I its nice." He said smiling down at me while leaning in connecting our lips.

'Don't forsake me, out tonight. I'll let you make me out tonight. Tonight, tonight, tonight'

(A/N I changed some lines so that it this stories setting.. I feel this was cringer than I think it was.. but I hope that this was a good request and that the one to request it enjoyed it? Haha sorry I really didn't know how to write this.. but the songs good, soooo yeah, Thank you so much for reading and please vote if you liked it and request are still open as Always. Thanks For Reading.) 

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