Chapter 7

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Pic of Blake^^^ played by Nick Jonas


Maddie's POV

The bell rang, and I jolted awake, looking around me.

It was now lunch, and I just slept through Math. Great. Slowly, I got up and dragged myself out the door. The teacher gave me a disapproving look that I ignored.

After Johnny asked me about Dad, We fell asleep in the MR. I woke up around 1 a.m. and put Johnny to bed. But when I tried to do the same, I couldn't. So there I stayed, laying in my bed until my alarm went off at 6:20.

I was extremely tired but grateful that it was Kylee's turn to drive us all to school.

She looked at me funny but I shook my head, not wanting the boys to hear our conversation.

Later, I mouthed to her.

Now it was time for lunch and my stomach growled in anticipation. Yes, I know it seems like I eat all the time but I'm not lazy, I promise!

I love to work out and would play Tennis for the school if I could, but I don't have time. I have Johnny. But I love the little bugger and sometimes on weekends we go to the park and play together on the courts with the Knights.

I reached my locker and all but threw my books, wanting nothing more to do with learning today.

Just as I was about to close the door, I was shoved, causing me to fall, taking my faithful coffee cup down with me. The cap broke and the hot liquid spilled all over me.

Great. Just great. First math and now this...

"Looks like the nerd can't keep her balance." an irritatingly familiar voice said. Oh, heck no.

Immediately all my walls shot up and I glared up at the person who spoke.

Of course, it was none other than Blake and his friends. Only this time, they were accompanied by Tara and her queen sluts. It was known around the school that Tara and Blake were on again off again, and went practically everywhere together. I was actually surprised she didn't show up at my house yesterday. It was a complete cliche relationship. Blake was the Varsity quarterback for the football team and Tara the head cheer captain.

They were practically forced together Freshman year.

I glared at Blake, who was the one that spoke. I knew that he wouldn't change, and was so glad that I hadn't trusted him at my house.

"What do you want?" I asked, more than irritated.

"Oh, look! She speaks!" Tara observed in her high annoying voice with mock shock, as if she had just watched a seal bounce a ball on its head.

"Well Tara, if everyone wasn't as stupid as you are, they would already know that," I replied calmly.

A hush fell throughout the hall, everyone shocked at my statement. No one ever talked back to the popular people. Well, I wasn't in the mood. And when I get irritated, I get VERY irritated.

Even the queen sluts and Blake's group stood there silent. Tara had her mouth open in shock.

Then she turned to Blake, glaring at him,

"Are you just going to let her talk to me like that?" She demanded, wrapping a perfectly manicured hand around his arm.

Blake looked between Tara and I but remained silent. Finally, Tara let out a huge huff and walked away, her two mini-me's right behind her.

I was actually surprised that she just left. Tara has gotten in so many fights, even the principal can't keep track anymore. Which means I would be paying later. Whatever.

The people in the hall soon realized that it was over and there would be no fights to witness. The noise level returned to its fever pitch and everything went back to normal.

"Maddie," Blake started, his friends still surrounding him.

Too angry, I put the best glare I could on my face, shutting him up. Then I just picked up my books and left.


The final bell rang and my shoulders dropped in relief. I had struggled through the whole day to stay awake and I already knew I would be up really late tonight doing my homework.

I was able to talk to Kylee at lunch and she asked if Johnny and I wanted to spend the night so we wouldn't be alone, but I declined. I explained I was just tired and after a nap, I would be good as new.

I nearly sleep-walked to my locker, packing my bag with whatever I threw in, and headed to the door.

Before I reached it, though, I was blocked by someone. Blake's familiar scent made my anger boil and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want, Blake?" I said, looking up.

He was already in his football uniform and looked like he had just been running.

"Listen," he said, running his hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry about earlier-"

"Fine," I said, moving to walk around him.

He moved at the same time as me to stop me from leaving.

"No, really. She shouldn't have done that. Even I knew you didn't do anything." he said, for once a smirk was not on his face.

"Thanks?" I replied, not really sure how to respond when one of your biggest tormentors actually apologizes.

"And um, are we going to work on the project tonight?" he asked, wincing as if expecting me to explode.

"Sure," I said, too tired to call him out for trying to say sorry just so he could get the grade for science.

"You can come to my house after practice," I said.

Finally, he gave a slight grin and moved out of my way.

When I reached my car, I looked back to find him already running back towards the football field.  


Maddie couldn't sleep because she was thinking about what Johnny said. She made the excuse that her dad was still upset over her mom but she never really believed that. And don't worry, you will find out who Mrs. Knight calls soon:)

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