Chapter 21

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Pic of the football field^^^

Maddie's POV:

This game was crazy. Not like omigosh someone is crowd surfing, but omigosh rivalry fans were getting in fights. True story.

By the end of the first quarter, the scores were neck-in-neck. 27-22 with the Pirates in the lead. Although some fans were disappointed, the rest made up for it. The cheering had reached a fever pitch. Cheerleaders were screaming and cheering their voices raw and the band members were barely pausing to catch their breath.

The excitement levels were high on both sides and I was completely swept up by it. Now it was nearing the end of the second quarter, with only two minutes to go. We were finally advancing the opponents end and the cheers were growing as we did. Every tackle was bringing us closer to the lead. It seemed to go agonizingly slow, with our players quickly getting slammed into the ground.

Then a miracle happened. One of the players on the other team grabbed one of our player's face masks in anger and flung him to the ground. A gasp ran through the crowd and the whistle was blown. The player clearly did the action on purpose and seemed to only now realize what this meant. He was taken off the field and we were given 15 yards. Fifteen.

As our player was helped off the field, I suddenly noticed that I knew  this player. It was Colton.

The boys realized that this was going to be toward their advantage and that this would only happen once. They could not waste this.

The players set back up and waited for the call. I took this chance to glance at the clock. There were only 45 seconds left!

The whistle was blown and the center snapped the ball to Blake. He quickly looked around him and noticed that no one was open. Taking a risk, he made a run for the end zone, only 10 yards away. It's not that simple, though, players were coming at him from all directions.

He dodged as many as he could but time was running and there were only ten seconds left. As if making a split second decision, Blake made a fake run and doubled back, causing two of the players to crash into each other, desperately, he ran away from the third man and dashed towards the line.

The man took a final leap towards Blake and grabbed at his waist. They both fell to the ground but at the last second Blake extended his arm with the ball and they slammed to the ground.

Time paused and then the whistle blew. Blake made  it. We were in the lead 28-27!

The crowd went crazy.

The only thing that made it better was the fact that there was five seconds left and enough time to make the extra point. Renewed with excitement, the boys quickly took up their positions and prepared to fight.

The whistle blew and the ball was kicked. It sailed perfectly in between both posts. 29-27

Half time.


The boys jumped around and sprinted towards the locker rooms, renewed with the will to win this game.

Our side of the crowd was loud and energetic, lead by the cheerleaders and assisted by our marching band. Kylee and I excitedly made our way toward the Knights, practically jumping out of our socks.

"I can't believe it!!" I screamed. Little bubbles of excitement still haven't stopped popping in my stomach.

"We are so getting that trophy," Kylee yelled, pumping her fist in the air.

When we finally made it to Johnny and the others, the marching bands were just starting to perform.

"Maddie!" Johnny called excitedly, jumping in his seat.

"We're actually winning!" He cried out, earning cheers from the spectators behind him.

"I know!!" I exclaimed.

"Can I sit with you the second half?" he asked giving me a puppy dog look.

"Me too!" Luke chorused, not wanting to be left out.

Kylee and I shared a look and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't see why not," I said.

"But you have to stay by me because it's easy to get lost," I warned.

I swear I've never seen a little boy shake his head so hard.

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