Chapter 16

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Pic of Jake^^^ played by Lucas Till

"Hey!" I said out loud as we passed my old street. Blake looked my way before continuing three more blocks and turning down the street.

"You live close to my old house!" I said, voicing my observations.

"Yeah," he said shyly, not really elaborating. I was wondering why he wouldn't mention he lived close before but I didn't want to sound nosy so I kept quiet.

It had been a nice car ride. Blake and I talked lightly about anything and everything, while also staying far away from the topic of my family. I learned that Blake was an only child with two very busy parents. His dad is the owner of Kerwinn Construction and Industries (which I already knew) and his mom is an accountant for them.

What I didn't know was that his dad was the actual football fan. Blake grew up everything football and was born into it.

"I love the sport, I do, but it's not what I want to do in life." he explained.

"What do you want to do, then," I asked him, curious.

"I like architecture a lot." He said, almost embarrassed.

"No shame in it." I had said.

"Tell my dad that. He thinks I'm dedicated to sports."

"But architecture is better. You could even partner with your dad. If you develop your own business your dad could recommend you to a lot of clients." I commented.

"That's what I was thinking, actually." Blake had said, smiling at me.

"How about you? What do you want to do?" He'd asked.

I thought about it and debated my answer.

"I haven't really thought about it much but I really like kids. Maybe I'll do something pediatric." I said.

"That sounds just like you." Blake chuckled.

Now that we were pulling up to the house he called home and I hadn't failed to notice he had grown extremely quiet.

"You okay?" I asked, looking at the intimidating house in front of us. It was beautiful. Clearly meaning to be modern, it was a large two-story house with a three car garage. The outside was white with gray stone and lots of glass could be seen.

"Yeah, I've just never really brought any girls home." he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not even for parties?" I asked, surprised. The way Tara had hung onto him and other girls looked at him I would've thought otherwise.

"No. My parents said I could go to parties, just not host them." He said, getting out of the car.

I followed his lead as he walked up the walkway and up to the door. Just before we reached it, the door swung wide open and a woman who looked to be in her fifties stood there smiling at us.

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