Losing My Way

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It was dark as I walked. I'd figured walking home with a light jacket in the middle of  a lovely Maine winter would be warm. (And safe, for that matter. Nothing bad ever tends to happen in Maine.) *Only an Idiot like myself could have pulled something like this off!* I thought. I could be seriously hair brained at times. I lived 3 miles from  my  part-time job at Spencers.

My name is Arrow Jakal.

I looked at the ground, silently thanking God for the trees above the sidewalk, some lit brightly by large metal street lamps. I would be covered in snow, if it wasn't for the surrounding nature. I took out my poor, dainty and thoroughly abused ipod and plugged it in, but kept it rather quiet for some reason.

*It's just paranoia* I reassured myself. I've always been known for thinking people were watching me.

*Crunch* I stopped dead in my tracks. 

"What the hell?" I asked myself angrily, turning around for a fleetingly terrific second. Nothing was there, of course. The noise had obviously been my imagination working against me. Again.

 I continued walking, irritated at myself for stopping. It's not like it was warm. Plus there was nothing there! I wish paranoia wasn't such an effect terror inducer. (Fate really hates me sometimes.)

I glanced in a nearby store window. My hair fell out around my shoulders, black and gothic, bangs shielding my left eye from view. I wished it was brown... brown is more natural. But then again brown wouldn’t match my green eyes as well. I stood pretty short, a solid 5'2, with an average body. But I prefer to remain boyfriendless, and mostly friendless as well... I've made countless enemies over the years. I don't open up to people easily due to the fact my life has always been such a mess.

*dum-dum-da-dum* I was really scared; in my mind anyway. My thoughts were racing, but I kept a steady pace. Home was only 1 short mile away.

Something bobbed to the ground from behind me, sounding like plastic against granite.

*Oh God no!!!* I mentally screamed at myself to remain calm, although my heart was racing twice as fast as it normally did..

I spun around, expecting the worst but hoping for the best. There was something, small and a creamy color, in the middle of the road, about 10 feet back. Glancing from side to side, hyperventilating,  I walked over to the item and bent down. It was an animal skull, and the back part of it was covered in blood, as if it had been freshly killed.

*Awww, poor thing. It's not even hunting season.* Poachers.... ugh. Jackasses who couldn't find anything better to do than murder innocent creatures for their own personal benefit. I shivered in my jacket, for the wind had began blowing really hard, howling fearlessly. I glanced at my watch, reading 11:48.

*Ah man, Mom’s gonna kill me. So much for dinner... or breakfast...*

You see, my mom and I, we don't really get along all that well. Ever since they found me after I... escaped... things have continuously gotten worse between us. She doesn't feed me if I pass what she calls the 'Out of Bounds' line. If I return home too late, or bring a rare friend home for work or something, or even if I simple forgot to take out the garbage, she would punish me by taking away meals. Lunch, dinner, whatever was closest. If she was in a bad mood, (Cough like usual), then she'd take away my cell phone, or ipod, or other technology I'd been "rewarded" with over the years. Things had recently hit an all time low, because my dad had demanded a divorce.

There was no telling if my mom would be sober or not when I returned home.

I stood back up from the black asphalt, and turned to walk back to my house. I was REALLY cold, having stood in one place for about 20 seconds.

To my utter shock, (And internal terror) I careened into a boy about my age. (I'm 18)

The boy was blonde, with violet eyes, that captured my attention immediately. They had depths appearing deeper than the ocean, and stood out quite bluntly. Purple wasn’t a natural eye color. That feature made me back up a step, gasping in shock. 

He also had freckles, and was a whole head taller than me. ( To be honest, he was one hot piece of boy.) 

The look on his face was pure evil.

"Lovely night, no?" he asked, smirking down at me. I stared up at him, feeling my eyes bulge.

 I stepped backwards again, terrified beyond sound. He was staring at me impishly, and smirked when I tripped and fell backward over the skull. Stupid poachers! Thanks for all the help!

He picked me up by an arm, weightlessly, and slung me over his shoulder. I began screaming wildly; telling someone; anyone to help me. My arm began to throb with the amount of pressure he'd used. I thrashed, flailing to remove myself from his grip.

 But no-one came, for it was almost midnight. The whole town was asleep.

"Will you shut up?" He said, in a tone so casual it made me all the more scared. I continued screaming, I mean SOMEONE had to wake up eventually!

Bill, one of my neighbors and an almost-valued friend, came running out of his house.

"Arrow?" he called. I shrieked in response, and he started running for me.

"Good job, you bitch! Someone found us! My god I told you to shut up! Ugh, now you're forcing me to take drastic measures... Humans make the job so easy sometimes... Haha delicate little girl... Nighty night." I felt a piercing pain in the skin behind my ankle, and everything slowly began to turn black. I was well aware to being so cold, my body felt numb. My head throbbed violently, and nightmares of possible futures clouded my vision.

*Maybe where I’m going they’ll have edible food....* was my last processed thought before passing into complete unconsciousness.


So, this is the first chapter. It's really short, but aren't most intros? ^-^

I really hope you enjoy it, and message me about what you think. :D

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