Waking Up {2}

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“Ugh, my head.” I groaned, clutching at my hair. I sat up. The first thing I noticed was that I had been changed into a silky pink nightgown, my other clothes no-where to be found.

“Ew! Who the eff changed me?!” I yelled angrily, looking around for an answer I wouldn’t receive. The room I was in had been lit with a small desk lamp, but it was approaching noon and the room was completely bright. I blinked against the unwanted sunlight, still half asleep. Then my eyes flew open with realization.

"Oh my gosh!" I screamed. “Somebody get me out of here! I don’t deserve this shit! I’m effing starving!"

I looked around, and thought about the last time remembered being awake.

“Where the hell am I?” I mumbled. I stretched, and leapt out of the large bed. The floor was slick, and I span around on it for a moment, struggling to hold my balance on the glassy material. There was one paned door, and two wooden doors. One, to my extreme dismay, was locked. The other was a grand bathroom, which I immediately made use of. It had a massive framed mirror on one wall, an impressive object on its own. There were three sinks, each with chrome faucets and handle bars. It was completely stocked with towels and face clothes, and there was a whirlpool bath with an exceedingly large shower head. I felt my jaw drop just looking at it. I returned to the bedroom, looking now towards the glass door, complete with a balcony.

A lake stretching in a large oval took up quite an eyeful of what I supposed was the “back yard” of this place. It was an astounding shade of crystal blue. I opened the door, walking on onto the balcony and sitting down. There were only three rubber posts to keep someone from falling off, and I didn’t want to take any chances. I let out a sigh into the silence, and it deadened. My eyes scanned the view, wondering if something was wrong.

Just then, a pale figure swept by my view, straight down. I screamed out in horror, throwing myself back against the glass door in sheer terror. However, the person landed in the lake with an ecstatic yell. I couldn’t tell what this person looked like, only that he was male and had a pretty deep voice.

Suddenly, the door collapsed from behind me and I fell backwards onto the floor, staring at the ceiling.

“You’re awake?"

I looked over, completely paralyzed by fear at whom I was seeing. It was the blonde boy who had taken me from the street. I was instantly caught by his peculiar eyes, a deep shade of violet. He towered over me, and his blonde hair hung in his face. He sighed, annoyed, and pulled me to my feet.

"Did you know you could have killed me?!" I yelled, outraged by his appearance. “You already effing took me from the STREET! For all you know I could’ve had a gun and killed you! You’re so... stupid!” I finished.

"Now now," he smirked, “Let’s not go around pissing off your kidnapper. It wouldn’t be your most intelligent idea. I have a very low tolerance. For stupidity.” His tone made me want to cry. He sounded so controlling, so dominant of me. It brought back some locked in memories of my past. I haven’t cried in years... Stupidface spun arrogantly, and walked out of the room, locking the door behind him. My fear was replaced by anger, and I punched the floor as hard as I could.

Having my luck, my knuckles split open. Angry tears started to leak down my face, and I clenched my fist in pain, weeping pathetically. A noise outside my door made me shrink against the wall with a gasp.

"Uhm. Why is your human crying!?" asked an agitated voice I couldn’t identify. My eyebrows furrowed at his choice of words.

"I didn't do anything!"

"Then why is she crying? OH THAT'S RIGHT," he answered himself sarcastically. “You just effing took her off the street. She probably had a great effing home, and a family who loved her. Good job, shithead, you probably ruined her life.”

"Go talk to her; I need some time to think. By the way; I didn't have a choice. It was the gene, and you know it!"

"Me? You want ME to talk to her?"

"You heard me." There was a sense of dominance in his tone, and I sniffled pitifully.

I continued crying as I heard the door open a creak. Then I heard someone slip, and crash to the hard glass floor. I giggled a little. This monster, my kidnapper’s right hand man, had been pushed into the room. Tears of anger and fear continued to leak down my face. What the hell was I doing here?

In Love With A Vampire? Not To Mention He Kidnapped Me.Where stories live. Discover now