19 April, Saturday

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I have been trying to convince my parents to let me transfer. But NOOOOOO! It's NOT working!

I put on such a performance that could get me an award for Best Meltdown When Trying To Transfer In Real Life. 

I screamed, begged and cried.

But it didn't even make my parents look up.

Is this HOW parents are supposed to act?!

My dad was still looking at the stocks market page.

My mom was applying her hundredth layer of lip stick.

And they were sitting there on the sofa, calmly IGNORING me!!

"Mom, Dad, PLEASE! You HAVE to leave me transfer!" I yelled.

"MacKenzie, dear, don't overreact," Mom said, "Just last month you were saying how much you love your school and everyone treats you nicely."

"She's obviously making this up, Miranda," Dad said.

"No, I'm NOT! You HAVE to listen to me!" I shouted.

"MacKenzie, this is NOT the time to make noise and try to transfer," Dad said, "Your P.E. test is coming up, isn't it? I know you don't like P.E. and all, but you still have to go through it."

"No, it ISN'T about the P.E. test thing! Okay, yes, I absolutely HATE P.E., but I'm not transferring because of it! I'm transferring because-"

"MacKenzie, dear," Mom said slowly, admiring her lips in the small compact mirror she was holding, "Just hang in there until the end of this month, after your test. If things don't improve by then, then we'll let you transfer."

"But what am I supposed to do until then?!" I yelled.

"Just hang in there and you'll be fine," Dad answered sternly, "Now go back to your room. I don't wish to hear about this again."

I stormed into my room and slammed the door shut.

So my parents are just going to calmly IGNORE me UNTIL the P.E. test is OVER, which would be 28 April?!

Seriously! They are such IDIOTS!

I swear! Nikki has my life turned upside down right now! And once I transfer, I'll be living a good life with probably a handsome royal prince as a boyfriend. So, Nikki, don't hate me because I'm beautiful!

A/N: Miranda is the name that I made up for MacKenzie's mom. I don't think that that is the actual name. :)

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