21 April, Monday

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Today, in English class, our teacher made us re-read "A Midsummer's Night Dream" by Shakespeare again.

I mean, we have already read the book back in September. But to read it AGAIN?! She had got to be kidding us.

Then she said, "Now, I'm making you do this to prepare you for a little assignment that I'm going to assign you."

JUST GREAT :( ! An assignment?! I've got one too many already!

"You're going to write a little romance novel as the assignment!" she said happily.

At first, I was like, "Excuse me, but MacKenzie Hollister does NOT write!" But then a little lightbulb clicked on in my head. I could write a love story between Brandon and me, with Nikki as the evil girl! I'm such a beautiful genius!

So at home, I gathered a lot of foolscap paper, took out my favorite lucky pens and correction tape and began brainstorming.

To be honest, it wasn't as easy as it seemed. I had to make a story that was 

1. Not too boring,

2. Super romantic,

3. Show Nikki that I have way more potential than her in writing (although this stupid diary if hers is quite addicting), and

4. Make Brandon ultimately fall in love with me!

I began writing when Amanda skipped into my room.

"Hey MacKenzie! What 'cha doing?" she asked.

"I'm writing an essay. Now go away," I answered.

"Ooh! An essay! Um, what's an essay?" she asked.

"An essay is like a story. You know, like "Goldilocks And The Three Bears". Now go away," I answered impatiently, not looking up.

"Sounds like fun! I wanna write too!" she said.

"Yeah, yeah. Write somewhere else, okay? Just don't bug me," I said.

After about two or three hours of intensive writing, I stopped to take a short break, mainly because my fingers were aching really badly!

I walked along to corridor and happened to pass by Amanda's room.

Just then, Amanda burst out from her room and handed me what seemed to be a little book made with paper.

"Hi MacKenzie! It's for you!" she giggled before skipping away.

I decided to take that little book of hers back to my room along with a cup of hot chocolate.

The book was entitled "Princess MacKenzie and Prince Brandon".

Wait. How did she even KNOW about my huge crush on Brandon? Had she been snooping around my stuff? AGAIN?!

Anyway, I decided to read the book first. It went something like this (in ugly and messy handwriting along with ugly pictures):

Once upon a time, there was a pretty princess named MacKenzie living in the Hollister castle. She had a crush on Prince Brandon who lived far away, but they only see each other in school. But Prince Brandon was in love with a ugly witch named Nikki. And MacKenzie couldn't stop her.

One day, at school, when Prince Brandon was talking to Witch Nikki, Princess MacKenzie was standing afar, watching them. Then, in a flurry of pink fairy dust, emerged Amanda, Princess MacKenzie's fairy godmother!

"Why are you so sad, Princess MacKenzie?" she asked.

"Oh, Amanda, my crush is talking to Nikki the Witch, and he never notices me," Princess MacKenzie said.

"I shall help you!" Fairy Godmother Amanda said.

She waved her wand and aimed it at Prince Brandon. Then, he walked up to Princess MacKenzie and said, "I love you. Will you marry me?"

Princess MacKenzie was overjoyed.

"Yes!" she said.

And Princess MacKenzie and Prince Brandon lived happily ever after.

I have to admit, the brat had done a pretty good job on the story. That's when I decided to use her story as my story for my assignment. When I asked her if I could, she said it was okay because that means she was going to be famous.

Anyway, I gotta go for my manicure treatment. Toodles! 

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