Kota's Secret

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"As you all know since we've been on the Ashley Waters assignment, and since the recent addition to our family," Steel eyes met mine alleviating one of my fears immediately. I had no idea how he knew of my unspoken worry or how he managed to apply the salve to my wound unwittingly, but I was grateful for it. I straightened my spine and forced myself to pay attention. "Our schedules have been thrown off a bit. So I wanted to touch bases with all of you to make sure that everything is alright. Mr. Lee, we will start with you."

I turned my head and looked at Kota as he adjusted his glasses on his face. I caught his eye, and he flashed a small smile at me which I couldn't help, but return.

"Jessica is doing well. There are no problems at school, and she is very happy. Although, she does wish to see Sang a bit more." His cheeks turned red, and I was certain mine were red as well. I liked Jessica, and I wouldn't mind spending more time with her, but the thought of it reminded me that my relationship with Kota wasn't normal. If I had my way, it never would be. "Mom...is doing well." The hesitation in his voice made me frown. Was something wrong with Kota's mom? I found myself growing increasingly alarmed at the possibility. I liked Erica, and the thought of her suffering made me shift slightly alarmed. "There are no more problems at work."

Kota stopped speaking as if he were done and I knew that couldn't be right. "What else, Kota?" The question slipped out before I could stop myself. His eyes widened in surprise, but then he looked away from me as if he didn't want me to see the truth in his eyes. It was then that anxiety truly began to churn in my gut.

"Do you have anything you wish to add, Mr. Lee?"

"Not at this time."

There was a pause before I heard Mr. Blackbourne move on. "Mr. Griffin, you may proceed."

I didn't hear anything Nathan said. All I could think was that I had done something wrong. I spoke out of turn and had probably embarrassed Kota. Maybe nothing was going on, and I had made it seem like it was. Maybe he was upset with me. I glanced his way once more but found myself unable to make eye contact again. I sighed softly.

"Miss Sorenson?"

I blinked at the sound of my name. My vision came into focus to see Mr. Blackbourne staring at me intently. I had no idea what he wanted when I glanced around and saw all the others staring at me I realized that it was my turn. I had practically missed the entire meeting. I felt my cheeks start to heat up.

"I'm...fine." I knew that wasn't going to cut it, but I didn't know what to say as they were always with me. They knew what was going on in my life, sometimes better than I did. I floundered for a few seconds before I realized I did have something to tell them. "I haven't had a nightmare in a week. I dream instead."

"Is that right, Pookie?" My attention was drawn to Dr. Green who looked at me delightedly. "Have you done anything differently? Has talking to North worked? Has—"

Mr. Blackbourne cleared his throat pointedly, and it was evident in that simple gesture that it was a mixture of exasperation and irritation. I bit my lip trying to hold back my giggle, but it slipped out anyway drawing Dr. Green's eyes back to me.

"Now, Pookie. You know what happens when you giggle."

I flushed red knowing exactly what he meant. The truth was I wasn't exactly opposed to the idea, but there was no way I'd ever say that out loud. I smothered my giggles, and Dr. Green exaggeratedly pouted which almost caused me to giggle again, but I managed to hold it back.

I directed my attention back to Mr. Blackbourne so was studying me intently. "What is it that you dream of instead Miss Sorenson?"

I briefly thought of the dream I had a few nights prior.


"North Star?"

North raised his head and turned and looked at me as I approached him. He was working on one of his cars. His chest was bare, and he was covered in grease and grime. It didn't bother me, though. In fact, I thought he looked beautiful in his element. I wouldn't have minded watching as the muscles moved in his back as he worked forever. It was a fascinating sight.

"Sang Baby, what are you wearing?" I looked down at myself shocked to find myself in a pair of dark cut off jean shorts. My top was a white lacy sheer tank, and the bra beneath it was pink and equally lacy. I immediately raised my arms and covered my chest hoping he wouldn't look, and wondering what in the world I had on, but I could feel his dark intent gaze heavily upon me. When I found the courage to raise my head he was right in front of me. My eyes darted once more to the ground, and I felt his fingers on my chin lifting my head so that I met his eyes. At his look, my core quivered.

"Let me see you." He whispered gently, and I lowered my arms to my side. I wasn't sure why I was brave enough to do it, but the look in his eyes—


"Miss Sorenson?"

I snapped back to attention.

"Mr. Blackbourne?" I automatically said and then noticed that all eyes were on me. My cheeks grew warm, and I raised my hands to cover them.

"I think we can all effectively guess what Cupcake has been dreaming about." I expected them to laugh at Luke's quip, but they all continued to stare at me as if they wanted details that I would rather die than give.

"So, moving on," Mr. Blackbourne said slowly drawing attention back to him, "Does anyone need to talk to me privately before we conclude?"

I bit my lip and glanced at Gabriel who nodded his head. I took a deep breath and raised my hand tentatively. I noted that Victor raised his hand as well as Gabriel.

"Alright, Miss Sorenson you'll be first followed by Mr. Morgan and then Mr. Coleman."

"One of the others can—" Before I could finish my sentence, I stopped noting that Mr. Blackbourne wasn't going to wait another second to find out what was on my mind. I nodded my head and allowed Nathan to help me to my feet. I murmured a 'thank you' noting that he looked worried. I gave him a small smile to let him know that I was alright, but I was pretty sure he didn't believe me. I didn't even believe me. My palms began to sweat indicating my level of nervousness.

I moved over to Mr. Blackbourne's side, and he led me back to the bedroom to have the conversation that I had previously put off. Mr. Blackbourne softly closed the door behind us, and suddenly the silence was deafening. I wanted to open my mouth, but every time I tried, I thought about how I'd have to do this all over again with Dr. Green.

My heart began to pound rapidly. I couldn't do this twice. I just wanted to get it in one shot and hope everything went over well. Summoning my courage, I decided to enact my plan.

"Mr. Blackbourne, can Dr. Green join us?"

Something flickered in his eyes that I didn't understand, but I didn't get the chance to question it.

"If that is what you wish." He inclined his head to me and disappeared out the door. I moved to sink onto the bed and wonder how I managed to get into these situations.


Sean Green glanced up when he noted Owen's quick return. He frowned at this and when Owen beckoned him to follow he began to worry. Was something wrong with Sang? She had requested the opportunity to speak with Owen privately and while he found it odd that Sang was going to talk freely without someone pulling her teeth the fact that Owen came back out so quickly frightened him.

Unthinkingly, he moved quickly down the hall unaware of the uproar that his actions might cause behind him.

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