A Way To Deny Arguments

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Ever since that morning, me and Black have been closer.

We've been hanging out late at night, also we go to see White together when we can.

But most of the time, we go eat lunch
With Leo..

I'm not saying that's a bad thing. But sometimes its awkward.

"So are you two going out or what?"
Leo tilted his head across from us.

I didn't answer because I was too busy cooling my face off, for it was too hot from his words. I glanced over at Black, who smiled and chuckled.

"Maybe, but you'll never know!" He replied playfully.
I laughed along with him, but I was also sad about that fact.
Another thing that confuses me, is whenever we hang out at night and watch movies at his room, is that he won't make a move on me like he did that one night. He was so passionate.
Not to mention, a little rough..

So why stop?
I don't know.

When we were done with lunch, we went out, having me and Leonardo walk separate paths. me and Black were on the same sidewalk of course, considering we live in the same building. I walked along side him and whistled a tune I once heard from him.

He turned over to me, concerned.

"Where did you hear that?"


"Where did you hear that tune?"

"You of course!" I chuckled and playfully punched him I'm the arm. He gave out a nervous chuckled in response.

"Where did you think I heard it from?" I said

"Oh, it just sound familiar. Its not important."

I chuckled and kept walking along side him.

"Hey, Black...would you ever consider in having a relationship?"

"With you? Yes, if course."

"why don't we then?"

"Why what?"

"Let's date."

It was appropriate to say in this situation. If we are this close then we should be dating...right?
We stopped walking as the words esacped my mouth and he glanced over at me.

"I don't want to rush anything."

I tilted my head down.

"Black. I've known you for 7 years..."

"Yea bu-"

"Are you really making excuses?!"

I didn't mean to raise my voice..but then I just let it out..

"Why are you waiting?! After all these years, do you think I expected excuses from you?! Its not fair! I'm done waiting for you Black! I've waited too lo-"

I was interrupted by soft lips crashing into mine. my eyes widened, and I mumbled my finishing sentence as we were together.
I gasped for air as he leaned back, breaking the kiss.
He slightly chuckled and looked back at me, slicking his hair back, smirking at me.

"y/n, Do you want to spend the night tonight?"

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